At a public picnic in the South in the 1890s, a young man paid five cents for his first chance to hear the revolutionary Edison talking machine. He eagerly listened as the soundman placed the needle down, only to find that through the tubes he held to his ears came the chilling sounds of a lynching. In this story, with its blend of new technology and old hatreds, genteel picnics and mob violence, Edward Ayers captures the history of the South in the years between Reconstruction and the turn of the century. Ranging from the Georgia coast to the Tennessee mountains, from the power brokers to tenant farmers, Ayers depicts a land of startling contrasts. Ayers takes us from remote Southern towns,...
What does a jar of preserved leopard frogs or the articulated skeleton of a beached sperm whale say about the way we understand nature in North Carolina? Margaret Martin explores this question in the story of the North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sci
"The Toe River winds its way past the peaks of Mount Mitchell, carving the valley that bears its name. Mineral mines go back to the earliest days of Yancey County and encouraged industrialists to come to the region. Mitchell County's Bakersville experienced violent unrest in 1892, with a riot and lynching, but did they actually happen? The section of the Blue Ridge Parkway that runs through Avery County was left incomplete for years because a property dispute with the owner of Grandfather Mountain. take a journey along forgotten rail lines and discover abandoned communities and sites whose histories have shaped this valley's story just as the river has shaped its landscape. North Carolina historian and author Michael C. Hardy explores the hidden historical gems of the region" --
This study explores the science and culture of nineteenth-century British arboretums, or tree collections. The development of arboretums was fostered by a variety of factors, each of which is explored in detail: global trade and exploration, the popularity of collecting, the significance to the British economy and society, developments in Enlightenment science, changes in landscape gardening aesthetics and agricultural and horticultural improvement. Arboretums were idealized as microcosms of nature, miniature encapsulations of the globe and as living museums. This book critically examines different kinds of arboretum in order to understand the changing practical, scientific, aesthetic and pedagogical principles that underpinned their design, display and the way in which they were viewed. It is the first study of its kind and fills a gap in the literature on Victorian science and culture.
Considers. S. 3046, to provide grants for education of low-income children, including migrant farmworkers' and Indians' children. S. 2778, to provide grants assisting education of orphans and handicapped children. S. 2928, to provide assistance programs grants for the eradication of school racial imbalance. S. 3012, to provide grants furthering remedial adult education.