"Ablepharon-Macrostomia Syndrome" is a groundbreaking book that sheds light on a rare genetic disorder affecting a small population worldwide. This informative guide provides a wealth of knowledge on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of Ablepharon-Macrostomia Syndrome. From genetic counseling and testing to healthcare delivery models and patient-centered care, this book covers a broad range of topics related to the syndrome. Furthermore, this book provides insights into the latest research advances and future directions in the field, offering hope and inspiration to those affected by Ablepharon-Macrostomia Syndrome. This is a must-read for healthcare professionals, researchers, families, and individuals impacted by rare genetic disorders.
MANAGEMENT OF GENETIC SYNDROMES THE MOST RECENT UPDATE TO ONE OF THE MOST ESSENTIAL REFERENCES ON MEDICAL GENETICS Cassidy and Allanson’s Management of Genetic Syndromes, Fourth Edition is the latest version of a classic text in medical genetics. With newly covered disorders and cutting-edge, up-to-date information, this resource remains the most crucial reference on the management of genetic syndromes in the field of medical genetics for students, clinicians, caregivers, and researchers. The fourth edition includes current information on the identification of genetic syndromes (including newly developed diagnostic criteria), the genetic basis (including diagnostic testing), and the routin...
As technology has made imaging of the brain noninvasive and inexpensive, nearly every psychologist in every subfield is using pictures of the brain to show biological connections to feelings and behavior. Handbook of Neuroscience for the Behavioral Sciences, Volume I provides psychologists and other behavioral scientists with a solid foundation in the increasingly critical field of neuroscience. Current and accessible, this volume provides the information they need to understand the new biological bases, research tools, and implications of brain and gene research as it relates to psychology.
As technology has made imaging of the brain noninvasive and inexpensive, nearly every psychologist in every subfield is using pictures of the brain to show biological connections to feelings and behavior. Handbook of Neuroscience for the Behavioral Sciences, Volume II provides psychologists and other behavioral scientists with a solid foundation in the increasingly critical field of neuroscience. Current and accessible, this volume provides the information they need to understand the new biological bases, research tools, and implications of brain and gene research as it relates to psychology.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is one of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. This group of conditions can occur in a person whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is the most severe of the disorders. Provide your readers with essential information on F.A.S. This book serves as a historical survey, by providing information on the controversies surrounding its causes. Compelling first-person narratives by people coping with F.A.S. give readers a first-hand experience. Patients, family members, or caregivers explain the condition from their own experience. The symptoms, causes, treatments, and potential cures are explained in detail. Essential to anyone trying to learn about diseases and conditions, the alternative treatments are explored. Student researchers and readers will find this book easily accessible through its careful and conscientious editing and a thorough introduction to each essay.
This book is the first of its kind to describe ocular manifestations of systemic diseases in the pediatric population. Written and edited by experts in areas of pediatric ophthalmology and genetics, this new text covers a multitude of topics in a comprehensive and cataloged fashion. The Eye in Pediatric Systemic Disease is designed as an in-depth and up-to-date reference work that is heavily referenced, thus allowing the reader ready access to the international supporting literature. Everything from ocular manifestations of hematologic disease, child abuse, psychiatric diseases, renal disorders, and vitamin disorders are covered, allowing readers to know what to look for in the eyes of children with a given systemic disorder. The Eye in Pediatric Systemic Disease is written in language that is accessible to ophthalmologists and pediatricians, as well as allied health care professionals.
This is the first volume in an interdisciplinary three-book series covering the full range of biological, clinical, and surgical aspects in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with craniofacial malformations. This volume opens by considering general topics such as developmental biology and disease classification and then examines in depth the biological basis of the various malformations, including craniosynostoses, cleft-lip and palate with complex orofacial clefts, branchio-oculo-facial syndromes, rare syndromes, soft tissue malformations, and dysgnathia. Psychological aspects, including psychological evaluation methods and therapies and quality of life issues, are then ad...
From reviews of previous editions: A remarkable achievement concise but informativeNo geneticist or physician interested in genetic diseases should be without a copy -- American Journal of Medical Genetics Ever since the international Human Genome Project achieved its extraordinary goal of sequencing and mapping the entire human genomewith far-reaching implications for understanding the causes and diagnosis of human genetic disordersprogress in the field has been rapid. In the fourth edition of the bestselling Color Atlas of Genetics, readers will get a full overview of the field today, with an emphasis on the interface between fundamental principles and practical applications in medicine. T...
In this issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics, guest editor Dr. Sherard A. Tatum brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Pediatric Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Top experts cover key topics such as vascular lesions; definitive cleft rhinoplasty; primary cleft palate repair; velopharyngeal insufficiency surgery; microtia; and more. - Contains 15 relevant, practice-oriented topics including facial skeletal trauma; cleft lip/nose repair and revision; soft tissue repair and reconstruction; otoplasty; syndromic craniofacial disorders; ERAS and pain management; and more. - Provides in-depth clinical reviews on pediatric facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, offering actionable insights for clinical practice. - Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.