O novo coronavírus, denominado "SARS-CoV-2", teve sua transmissão identificada em novembro de 2019, na cidade de Wuhan, na China, causando a doença denominada Covid-19 e, em menos de três meses, foi declarada Emergência em Saúde Pública de Importância Internacional pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. Os trabalhadores da saúde foram protagonistas na busca pela identificação das características da nova doença, seus eventuais modos de transmissão, mecanismos de prevenção e na assistência aos doentes, mas também nos números referentes a adoecimento, como vítimas da doença. O direito a um ambiente de trabalho seguro e saudável é constitucionalmente garantido no Brasil. Co...
This is a full-colour illustrative textbook written by highly experienced consultants from two different continents — Asia and Europe — which sets out to compare the two possibly dissimilar scenarios of maxillofacial trauma in relation to the epidemiology and aetiology of the two regions. All cases presented in this atlas are from the authors' personal experience during their day-to-day management of patients.The surgical procedure is explained in a step-by-step manner which allows for better understanding, particularly by students who have not had the opportunity to observe the procedures in clinics and operating theatres. To ensure maximum comprehension of material, the text is written in a clear and concise manner and positioned alongside real-life photographs. Important decision-making points on some topics are highlighted within boxes./a
Environmental sustainability and development is of critical importance. Technological advances in the production of new energy sources are making their way into our lives in more and more depth every day. However, there is an urgent need to address the technological challenges and advancement of the various chemical and bio-processes to maintain the dynamic sustainability of our energy needs. Toward that end, an attempt is being made to look at recent advances, key issues still faced and where possible, offer suggestions on alternative technologies to optimize sustainable processes. Still considered a new area of science, energy sources themselves are still being 'discovered'...meaning, what...
This book examines how business, the social sciences, science and technology will impact the future of ASEAN. Following the ASEAN VISION 2020, it analyses the issues faced by ASEAN countries, which are diverse, while also positioning ASEAN as a competitive entity through partnerships. On the 30th anniversary of ASEAN, all ASEAN leaders agreed to the establishment of the ASEAN VISION 2020, which delineates the formation of a peaceful, stable and dynamically developed region while maintaining a community of caring societies in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia. In keeping with this aspiration, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis...
This volume comprehensively reviews the current literature on temporal bone cancer and the multidisciplinary approaches used to managing these rare tumors. The text will review important medical issues as they specifically relate to temporal bone cancer such as advanced imaging, pathologic classification, skull base surgery, plastic reconstructive surgery, and advances in osseointegrated implants for hearing restoration. Additional chapters are dedicated to the evaluation and management, diagnostic radiology, surgical planning and techniques, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and rehabilitation. An emphasis is placed on the multidisciplinary approach required for the optimal care of these rare tumors. Written by leaders in the field, Temporal Bone Cancer will be an invaluable resource for residents and fellows in Otolaryngology, Neurosurgery and Neurotology, and clinicians with interest in the primary tumors of the temporal bone.
Given our increasing dependency on computing technology in daily business processes, and the growing opportunity to use engineering technologies to engage in illegal, unauthorized, and unethical acts aimed at corporate infrastructure, every organization is at risk. Cyber Forensics: A Field Manual for Collecting, Examining, and Preserving Evidence o
A portable handbook that provides a concise summary of ENT surgery based on Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery 8e. Of practical use in clinics, the ward and the operating room, this evidence -based resource provides easy access to information on clinical presentation, investigation, and the medical / surgical management of common and emergency ENT conditions.