On Becoming an Effective Teacher describes exemplary practices like Teach For America, which highlight the power of person-centered teaching to bring about higher student achievement and emotional intelligence. Lyon situates the classic with the cutting-edge, integrating wisdom with research, anecdote with practical advice, to find truths that reveal paths toward effective teaching. Jeffrey Cornelius-White, Psy.D., LPC, Professor of Counseling, Missouri State University, USA, Author of Learner Centered Instruction: Building Relationships for Student Success This fascinating book reveals through current research and contemporary applications that Carl Rogers’ pioneering and radical approach...
Butler (1894-1979) directed over a hundred theatrical and television films, and such popular TV shows as Wagon Train and Leave it to Beaver. In this oral history, he reflects on his life and work.
For 88 years, Writer's Market has given fiction and nonfiction writers the information they need to sell their work–from completely up-to-date listings to exclusive interviews with successful writers. The 2009 edition provides all this and more with over 3,500 listings for book publishers, magazines and literary agents, in addition to a completely updated freelance rate chart. In addition to the thousands of market listings, you'll find up-to-date information on becoming a successful freelancer covering everything from writing query letters to launching a freelance business, and more.
What happens when bad criticism happens to good people? Annoying the Victorians sets the tradition of critical discourse and literary criticism on its ear, as well as a few other areas. James Kincaid brings his witty, erudite and thoroughly cynical self to the Victorians, and they will never read (or be read) quite the same.
Bu çalışmanın amacı, halkla ilişkiler kültürünü, bu kültürü oluşturan unsurlar kapsamında ele almaktır. Bu bağlamda halkla ilişkilerin toplumsal, ekonomik, kültürel, politik alanlardaki işlevi, algılanma biçimleri, yararlandığı ve aynı zamanda yarattığı değer ve inançlar, kendini ifade biçimi ve varoluş nedeni farklı paradigmalar bağlamında irdelenmektedir. Halkla ilişkilere bir uğraş ya da meslek olarak bakışımız, ideolojik ve söylemsel olarak onu nasıl anlamlandırdığımız, halkla ilişkilere yönelik bilgilerimizi ortaya koyar. Halkla ilişkiler hakkındaki bilgilerimiz ise bu meslek ile ilgili gerçekliği ve bu gerçeklik bağlamındaki uygulamaları oluşturur.