Christofferson argues that French anti-totalitarianism was the culmination of direct-democratic critiques of communism & revisions of the revolutionary project after 1956. He offers an alternative interpretation for the denunciation of communism & Marxism by the French intellectual left in the late 1970s.
This book argues that the introduction of popular sovereignty as the basis for government in France facilitated a dramatic transformation in international law in the eighteenth century.
This new edition of the most authoritative, comprehensive history of the French Revolution of 1789 draws on a generation of extensive research and scholarly debate to reappraise the most famous of all revolutions. Updates for this second edition include a generous chronology of events, plus an extended bibliographical essay providing an examination of the historiography of the Revolution. Opening with the accession of Louis XVI in 1774, the book traces the history of France through revolution, terror, and counter-revolution, to the triumph of Napoleon in 1802, and analyses the impact of events both in France itself and the rest of Europe. William Doyle shows how a movement which began with optimism and general enthusiasm soon became a tragedy, not only for the ruling orders, but for the millions of ordinary people all over Europe whose lives were disrupted by religious upheaval, and civil and international war. It was they who paid the price for the destruction of the old political order and the struggle to establish a new one, based on the ideals of liberty and revolution, in the face of widespread indifference and hostility.
Originally published as a collection in 2006, the essays in this volume discuss the reasons for the end of the slave trade and the institution of slavery itself. They examine the rise of the abolitionist movement in different countries and how the move towards abolition was swifter in some areas than others. Attention is also paid to the economic consequences of abolition, popular attitudes to abolition and the role of the Church. The volume also has an introduction by the editor commenting on the contribution each essay makes.
De la Belle Époque à la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Charles Maurras et l'Action française constituent un pôle important de la vie politique et culturelle de la France. Le système doctrinal que propose le «nationalisme intégral», ses thèmes récurrents sont connus : l'hostilité à la Révolution, l'antirépublicanisme,l'antiparlementarisme,l'antilibéralisme, l'antisémitisme, l'anti-individualisme... Afin de mieux évaluer le degré d'imprégnation de la société française par le maurrassisme, les contributions réunies ici approfondissent l'examen d'aspects déjà abordés du mouvement d'extrême droite; elles en interrogent d'autres, peu ou mal connus, par des approches sociocultu...
This book offers a ground-breaking approach to royalism and popular politics in Europe and the Americas during the Age of Revolutions. It shows how royalist and counterrevolutionary movements did not propose a mere return to the past, but rather introduced an innovative way of addressing the demands and expectations of various social groups. Ordinary people were involved in the war and adapted the traditional imaginary of the monarchy to craft new models of political participation. This edited collection brings together scholars from France, Spain, Norway, and Mexico, to provide a transatlantic comparative perspective. It is a must-read for scholars and students looking to discover the lesser-known side of the Age of Revolutions, and the motivations of those who fought in the name of the king.
Originally published by the University Press of New England under the title Confronting the Nation: Jewish and Western Nationalism, copyright Ã1993 by Trustees of Brandeis University.
What causes war? How can military conflicts best be prevented? In this book, Stephen Van Evera frames five conditions that increase the risk of interstate war: false optimism about the likely outcome of a war, a first-strike advantage, fluctuation in the relative power of states, circumstances that allow nations to parlay one conquest into another, and circumstances that make conquest easy. According to Van Evera, all but one of these conditions-false optimism-rarely occur today, but policymakers often erroneously believe in their existence. He argues that these misperceptions are responsible for many modern wars, and explores both World Wars, the Korean War, and the 1967 Mideast War as test cases. Finally, he assesses the possibility of nuclear war by applying all five hypotheses to its potential onset. Van Evera's book demonstrates that ideas from the Realist paradigm can offer strong explanations for international conflict and valuable prescriptions for its control.