In the last half-century, we have witnessed the birth and development of a new era: the information age. Information Technology (IT), the primary vehicle of the information age, has transformed the modern workplace and is pervasive in the development of new knowledge and wealth. IT has also dramatically influenced our capacity to educate. Yet, the application of IT in education has been disorganized and uneven. Pockets of innovation in localized environments are thriving, but the promise of open access, greatly enhanced teaching and learning, and large-scale use has not been realized. IT-Based Educational Materials: Workshop Report with Recommendations identifies critical components that sup...
To enhance the nation's economic productivity and improve the quality of life worldwide, engineering education in the United States must anticipate and adapt to the dramatic changes of engineering practice. The Engineer of 2020 urges the engineering profession to recognize what engineers can build for the future through a wide range of leadership roles in industry, government, and academia-not just through technical jobs. Engineering schools should attract the best and brightest students and be open to new teaching and training approaches. With the appropriate education and training, the engineer of the future will be called upon to become a leader not only in business but also in nonprofit ...
This directory provides an extensive listing of household information collected for over 2,265 famous or notorious individuals who were alive during the 1930 United States Census. Figures from the entertainment industry constitute the bulk of the material, but the work also includes census data for hundreds of scientists, athletes, politicians, criminals, cult figures, and religious leaders. Entries includes the household members' birth and/or professional names, occupations, residential address, and an estimate of the homes' value or monthly rental fee. Each entry also offers a brief guide to finding the household's original census data through the National Archives microfilm. Several appendices provide overall population data from the 1930 Census, a complete list of the 32 questions originally included in the census questionnaire, and contact information for current National Archives and Records Administration locations.
In the past few years a number of scientists have claimed that there is credible scientific evidence for the existence of God. Is this true? Are scientists close to solving the greatest of all mysteries? Physicist Victor J. Stenger delves into these questions from a skeptical point of view in this lucid presentation of the key scientific facts. Stenger critically reviews the attempts of many contemporary theologians and some scientists to resurrect failed natural theologies in new guises. Whether these involve updated arguments from design, anthropic coincidences, or modern forms of deism, Stenger clearly shows that nothing in modern physics, biology, or cosmology requires supernatural explanation and that those who claim evidence for intelligent design in the universe have made a number of fundamental scientific errors.--From publisher description.