Richly illustrated, Oar Feet and Opal Teeth by Charles B. Miller introduces readers to free-living copepods. Copepods are small crustaceans found only in water. Although they play a critical role in maintaining ecological balance in lakes and oceans, most people are unfamiliar with them. In Oar Feet and Opal Teeth, Miller characterizes their shape, oar-like feet for escaping predators, and stone-like teeth. He also discusses copepods' internal anatomy, life cycle variations, and how they capture food and avoid predators. In addition, Oar Feet and Opal Teeth features profiles of several leading copepodologists, providing insight into how scientists study these complex and fascinating animals.
An illustrated guide to the sweeping diversity of crustacean larval forms. Winner of the CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title of the Choice ACRL Crustaceans—familiar to the average person as shrimp, lobsters, crabs, krill, barnacles, and their many relatives—are easily one of the most important and diverse groups of marine life. Poorly understood, they are among the most numerous invertebrates on earth. Most crustaceans start life as eggs and move through a variety of morphological phases prior to maturity. In Atlas of Crustacean Larvae, more than 45 of the world's leading crustacean researchers explain and illustrate the beauty and complexity of the many larval life stages. Revealing shape...
A long overdue collation of all that is known about life in the trenches and the hadal communities therein.
Schram and Koenemann analyze the cladistics character matrices of gross anatomy using data from comparative developmental genetics and molecules sequences. With the help of useful diagrams and images, readers will gain an understanding of the relationships of phyla and their phylogeny.
The second volume of The Natural History of the Crustacea Series, covering how crustaceans live in a wide range of environments, with emphasis on how they exploit food sources.
This is the first issue of ZooKeys devoted to taxonomy of the Crustacea, specifically crustaceans from the Southern Hemisphere, with contributions describing new taxa from Australia, New Caledonia, the Tasman Sea, Fiji, Madagascar and Antarctica. The issue comprises six papers on the Peracarida, and one each on Decapoda and Spinicaudata, describing four new genera, 12 new species, and new diagnoses to a further four genera. The first occurrence of the Eurasian clam shrimp Eoleptestheria ticinensis in Australia, is reported. There are three isopod contributions, two describing new species and new genera of deep-water Serolidae from Australia and the tropical southwestern Pacific, the third describing a new genus and new species of Anthuroidea from Australian coral reefs. One paper revises the amphipod genus Epimeria describing two species, one new, from Antarctic waters of the Ross and Weddell Seas. Two contributions on the Tanaidacea, describe new species from tropical Australia. The remaining paper describes a new species of freshwater crab (Family Potamonautidae) from Madagascar.
This volume, 9C, in two parts, covers the Brachyura. With the publication of the ninth volume in the Treatise on Zoology: The Crustacea, we departed from the sequence one would normally expect. Some crustacean groups, mainly comprising the Decapoda, never had a French version produced, and the organization and production of these “new” chapters began independently from the preparation of the other chapters and volumes. Originally envisioned to encompass volume 9 of the series, it quickly became evident that the depth of material for such a volume must involve the printing of separate fascicles. The new chapters have now been completed, and the production of volume 9 was started while volumes 3 through 8 were (and in part still are) in preparation; with this vol. 9C-I & II this volume 9 is now concluded; vols. 1-5 have also been published and vols. 6-8 are being prepared.
In The Wrong Place: Alien Marine Crustaceans - Distribution, Biology And Impacts provides a unique view into the remarkable story of how shrimps, crabs, and lobsters – and their many relatives – have been distributed around the world by human activity, and the profound implications of this global reorganization of biodiversity for marine conservation biology. Many crustaceans form the base of marine food chains, and are often prominent predators and competitors acting as ecological engineers in marine ecosystems. Commencing in the 1800s global commerce began to move hundreds – perhaps thousands – of species of marine crustaceans across oceans and between continents, both intentionall...
Includes bibliographical references and index.
This book provides a blueprint for an International Legally Binding Instrument (ILBI) for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ). The development of an ILBI could signify a pivotal turning point in the law of the sea by addressing regulatory, governance and institutional gaps and deficiencies in the existing international law framework for BBNJ. This book analyses the essential components an ILBI will require to effectively conserve and sustainably use BBNJ, focusing on marine genetic resources, areabased management tools, environmental impact assessments, capacity-building and marine technology transfer. It investigates potential area...