Winner of the 2022 HESIG Best Book Award! The American public is losing trust in its higher education institutions. Americans are increasingly divided about the purposes of a college education, with opinions split along partisan lines. The country’s higher education leaders have responded with a litany of conferences, op-eds, and commissions aimed at regaining the public trust. While these efforts are necessary and important, they are more likely to be successful if supplemented with a view from abroad. The independent American university abroad is the oldest and most successful expression of U.S. higher education outside the United States. First established by Protestant missionaries in t...
The leading source of information on the Episcopal Church With origins dating back to 1830, The Episcopal Church Annual – aka “The Red Book” – is an indispensable reference tool, trusted year-after-year by churches, diocesan offices, libraries, and many others. You will find the following between the covers of the 2023 edition of “The Red Book”, and more: A comprehensive directory of provinces, dioceses, and churches, including contact information and listings of active clergy The canonical structure and organization of the Episcopal Church, including complete directories for the Office of The General Convention, The House of Bishops, The House of Deputies, standing committees and commissions, and more Listings and contact information for seminaries; Episcopal schools; centers for camps, conferences, and retreats; Episcopal Church Women; and more Up-to-date church-wide statistical data and chronological tables A classified buyer’s guide of vendors and organizations offering valued services to the church
"My desire is that this book may help readers to know more fully the God of biblical revelation and, as a result, to proclaim God as the God of life". Who is God? Where is God? How are we to speak of God? Gutierrez looks at these classic questions through a review of the Bible, and his answers challenge all Christians to a deepening of faith.
Networks of Outrage and Hope is an exploration of the newforms of social movements and protests that are erupting in theworld today, from the Arab uprisings to the indignadas movement inSpain, from the Occupy Wall Street movement to the social protestsin Turkey, Brazil and elsewhere. While these and similar socialmovements differ in many important ways, there is one thing theyshare in common: they are all interwoven inextricably with thecreation of autonomous communication networks supported by theInternet and wireless communication. In this new edition of his timely and important book, ManuelCastells examines the social, cultural and political roots of thesenew social movements, studies their innovative forms ofself-organization, assesses the precise role of technology in thedynamics of the movements, suggests the reasons for the supportthey have found in large segments of society, and probes theircapacity to induce political change by influencing people’sminds. Two new chapters bring the analysis up-to-date and draw outthe implications of these social movements and protests forunderstanding the new forms of social change and politicaldemocracy in the global network society.
This comprehensive history of the church in Latin America, with its emphasis on theology, will help historians and theologians to better understand the formation and continuity of the Latin American tradition.
Inter-ethnic conflict and genocide have demonstrated the dangers of failing to protect people targeted by fellow citizens. When minority groups in one country are targeted for killings or ethnic cleansing based on their group identity, whose responsibility is it to protect them? In particular, are they owed any protective responsibility by their kin state? How can cross-border kinship ties strengthen greater pan-national identity across borders without challenging territorially defined national security? As shown by the Russia-Georgia conflict over South Ossetia, unilateral intervention by a kin state can lead to conflict within and between states. The protection of national minorities should not be used as an excuse to violate state sovereignty and generate inter-state conflict. This book suggests that an answer to the kin state dilemma might come from the formula "neither intervention nor indifference" that recognizes the special bonds but proscribes armed intervention based on the ties of kinship.--Publisher's description.
Staff developers, lecturers and researchers in both higher and further education institutions will welcome this comprehensive yet critical guide to achieving effective student involvement in assessment.
Bible storybook that teaches young children that Jesus came to give his friends life after death.
Robert E. Picirilli, in Grace, Faith, Free Will, renews the discussion of issues that have divided Calvinism and Arminianism since the Reformation, Jacobus Arminius, a Dutch theologian of the 16th century, contested the dominant theological ideas advanced by the well-known Protestant reformer John Calvin and his disciples. Historically, Arminius has been frequently misunderstood and often interpreted by friend and foe alike. Even today, one who calls himself "Arminian" does so with considerable risk, as the name means different things to different people and comes in various flavors. Many automatically think of Arminians as liberal, differing little from Universalists, at least holding to sa...