A history of The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) from their origins in the 1870s up to the mid-1960s. Long out-of-print, now in a second edition. This title was originally published using the pen name "Timothy White."
Amberley's new series of Eyewitness Accounts bring history, warfare, disaster, travel and exploration to life, written by the people who could say, 'I was there!'
Are humans just complex biochemical machines, mere physical parts of a causally closed materialist universe? Are we approaching the so-called "Singularity" when human consciousness can (and will) be downloaded into computers? Or is there more to the human person--something that might be known as soul or spirit? As this book makes clear, the answers to these questions have profound implications to topics such as heroism, creativity, ecology, and the possibility of reason and science. In exploring this important topic, Dickerson engages the ideas of some well-known twentieth- and twenty-first-century espousers of physicalism, including philosopher Daniel Dennett (Consciousness Explained), biol...
This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence. It is free to read on the Oxford Academic platform and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations. Medicine in an Age of Revolution is the first major attempt since the 1970s to challenge the idea that the essential engine of medical (and scientific) change in seventeenth-century Britain was puritanism. While Peter Elmer seeks to reaffirm the crucial role of the period of the civil wars and their aftermath in providing the most congenial context for a re-evaluation of traditional attitudes to medicine, he rejects the idea that such initiatives were the special pr...
Up to 1988, the December issue contains a cumulative list of decisions reported for the year, by act, docket numbers arranged in consecutive order, and cumulative subject-index, by act.