This is an open access book. This Flourishing Humanity conference is hosted annually in September, and provides a number of research results in relation to the leading scholarly topics on social science and humanities. The conference seeks leading themes of a variety of interdisciplinary specialties, which bridges scholars’ discussions to present their papers and converse on the theme of flourishing humanity. This event of flourishing humanity is designed in the focus on life satisfaction, prosperity, wholeness, adaptiveness, authenticity, life measurement, and autonomy. The conference was held in 21 June 2023 in Malang, Indonesia in the form of hybrid, which presents keynote speakers, plenary sessions and invited lecturers in parallel sessions. All participants will have a virtual access to join the conference and all authors will have opportunities to present their work either the virtual or on-site mode.
The proceedings of the Medical and Global Health Research Symposium (MoRes) provides a selection of papers resulting from the conference, either research results or literature review, on advanced medical technology and environmental health in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. Nine major subject areas were presented in the this proceedings volume, comprising halal medicine: challenges and opportunities; infectious and non-infectious diseases; drug discoveries and development; community and occupational health; health policy and health insurance; hospital and nursing management; disaster relief and management; environment health and climate change; and digital and health technology. It is expected that the proceedings will give new insights into knowledge and practice of medicine and global health. Therefore, parties involved in medicine and global health such as academics, practitioners, business leaders, and others will benefit from the contents of the proceedings.
Airin terkenal sebagai wanita baik-baik, dia anak yang sangat berbakti kepada kedua orang tua. Airin tidak pernah sekali pun membantah apa pun yang orang tuanya perintahkan. Termasuk ketika Bapak dan Ibu memintanya untuk menikah dengan seorang pendatang kaya raya di desa mereka, Tuan Sakha Januar Pradipta. Airin tidak masalah kalau Tuan Sakha masih lajang, tapi pria berusia 32 tahun itu telah memiliki 3 istri. Yang artinya, Airin akan jadi yang keempat. Namun, apakah akan sesederhana itu? Tentu saja tidak. Karena Airin menolak menjadi wanita yang tertindas. Sifat yang selama ini mati-matian dia tutupi dari orang-orang perlahan mulai muncul. Airin bukanlah gadis lugu seperti yang selama ini mereka pikirkan. Dia licik dan manipulatif, sayangnya tidak ada yang menyadari itu karena wajah polosnya. Kecuali ... kecuali tentu saja Tuan Sakha yang terhormat. Di hadapan suaminya itu, Airin tidak pernah bisa menutupi apa pun. ***
The field of social, human and administrative sciences offers wide opportunities for interdisciplinary studies. This field also has the potential to shape social life with its in-depth and interdisciplinary studies. In this work, there are 9 studies, each from a different discipline.
This edited volume provides new perspectives on how shame is experienced and transformed within digital worlds and Industry 4.0. The editors and authors discuss how individuals and organisations can constructively transform shame at work, in professional and private contexts, and with regard to socio-cultural lifestyle changes, founded in digitalisation and Industry 4.0. The contributions in this volume enable researchers and practitioners alike to unlock the topic of shame and its specifics in the highly dynamic and rapidly changing times to explore this emotion in depth in connection with remote workplaces, home office, automated realities and smart systems, or digitalised life- and workin...
This is an open access book. Faculty of Social and Political Science, State Islamic University Walisongo Semarang, has been playing significant roles in building global peace and justice by conducting scientific research and creating a space for academic dialogue and discussion. This goal is in line with our vision to be a Research Faculty based on the unity of sciences for humanity and civilization. As part of the efforts to create a space for academic dialogue at a global level, we organize an international conference which aims to develop scientific knowledge, build institutional capacity, and strengthen international networking. The conference is also held to support State Islamic Univer...
We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of the first edition of the Workshop on Multimedia Education, Learning, Assessment and its Implementation in Game and Gamification. This Workshop has brought researchers, developers and practitioners around the world who are leveraging and developing the education, media learning and scientific technology. We strongly believe that this Joint Workshop on Multimedia Education, Learning, Assessment and its Implementation in Game and Gamification provides a good forum for all researcher, developers and practitioners to discuss all scientific and technological aspects that are relevant to Digital Society. We also expect that the future Workshop will be as successful and stimulating, as indicated by the contributions presented in this volume.
As global urbanization continues to accelerate, smart cities emerge as a strategy to address the complexities of modern urban life. These cities invest in human and social capital, communication, infrastructure, and technology to drive sustainable economic growth and ensure a high quality of life. Participatory governance plays a crucial role in managing natural and man-made resources effectively. Driven by a growing global population and a pressing need to address environmental concerns, the concept of a “smart city” has emerged as a potential solution. Sustainable Smart Cities and the Future of Urban Development delves into the exciting intersection of sustainable development and smart...