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This is an open access book. This Flourishing Humanity conference is hosted annually in September, and provides a number of research results in relation to the leading scholarly topics on social science and humanities. The conference seeks leading themes of a variety of interdisciplinary specialties, which bridges scholars’ discussions to present their papers and converse on the theme of flourishing humanity. This event of flourishing humanity is designed in the focus on life satisfaction, prosperity, wholeness, adaptiveness, authenticity, life measurement, and autonomy. The conference was held in 21 June 2023 in Malang, Indonesia in the form of hybrid, which presents keynote speakers, plenary sessions and invited lecturers in parallel sessions. All participants will have a virtual access to join the conference and all authors will have opportunities to present their work either the virtual or on-site mode.
This is an open access book. This Flourishing Humanity conference is hosted annually in September, and provides a number of research results in relation to the leading scholarly topics on social science and humanities. The conference seeks leading themes of a variety of interdisciplinary specialties, which bridges scholars’ discussions to present their papers and converse on the theme of flourishing humanity. This event of flourishing humanity is designed in the focus on life satisfaction, prosperity, wholeness, adaptiveness, authenticity, life measurement, and autonomy. The conference was held in 22 - 23 September 2022 in Malang, Indonesia in the form of hybrid, which presents keynote speakers, plenary sessions and invited lecturers in parallel sessions. All participants will have a virtual access to join the conference and all authors will have opportunities to present their work either the virtual or on-site mode.
This is an open access book. Online Conference of Education Research International (Batch 1) is an annual international seminar organized by Doctor of Education Study Program, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Bengkulu which aims to explore new direction of interdisciplinary knowledge and technology to the most influential ideas and innovations in education and research. This is an open access book.
Pendidikan kohesi sosial dalam Al-Qur’an adalah konsep yang penting dalam sistem pendidikan dalam rangka mengembangkan saling pemahaman untuk mencapai tujuan yang sama dalam sebuah masyarakat. Konsep utama dalam pendidikan kohesi sosial adalah meneguhkan ajaran mengenai persaudaraan yang universal (universal brotherhood), kesetaraan (equality) dan keadilan sosial (sosial justice) yang dilandasi nilai keimanan kepada Allah. Sementara itu, untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, maka ada beberapa materi yang harus diajarkan yaitu kesalehan sosial, pemahaman bahwa perbedaan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan adalah sunnatullah yang mempunyai nilai positif; serta bersikap tawazun dan tawasuth dalam bermas...
An original and deeply researched work on a key period of Javanese history, by a world expert.
This volume looks at research methods through the lens of peace studies and peace values. Apart from reviewing established methods from peace psychology, it presents some innovative ideas for conducting research in the area of peace psychology. Many of these methods are drawn from the field, from activities used by active peace practitioners. A critical component of this volume is its core argument that peace research should be conducted by peaceful means, and should model peaceful processes. Organized thematically, the volume begins with a review of the established best practices in peace psychology research methodology, including methods for qualitative research, for quantitative research,...
This volume contains 17 articles on various aspects of Islamic thought in the Middle East and in Southeast Asia. The first 9 articles concentrate especially on the Qur n and its exegesis, "Kal m" and Sufism; the second 8 articles deal with Javanese Islam, and with Islam and modernity in Southeast Asia.
Indonesia memiliki latar belakang sejarah yang panjang dan wajib diketahui oleh seluruh elemen masyarakat. Pengetahuan sejarah sangat penting untuk kemajuan sebuah bangsa karena bangsa yang besar adalah bangsa yang menghargai dan tidak melupakan sejarah bangsanya. Tidak lain dengan sejarah lokal yang ada di Kota Serang. Pemahaman tentang sejarah lokal di Kota Serang khususnya generasi milenial masih cendurung kurang optimal. Hal tersebut menjadi tantangan terbesar baik bagi masyarakat, lembaga pendidikan maupun pemerintah daerah untuk terus mengenalkan sejarah Kota Serang agar tercipta masyarakat yang berbudaya dan kaya akan wawasan kebangsaan khususnya kearifan lokal. Ketidaktertarikan masy...
Kehidupan bangsa yang beradab di zaman ini ditandai oleh kemajuan masyarakat dalam berpikir kritis, berinovasi secara kreatif, dan berelasi secara harmonis-dinamis-kolaboratif. Istilah harmonis menggambarkan ekosistem kemajemukan yg tetap terjaga, dinamis menggambarkan sikap dan gerakan utk terus memaknai pengalaman keharmonisan agar tidak beku dan mandeg, kolaboratif menggambarkan sikap keterbukaan untuk bergotong-royong secara sinergis ibterdisipliner dalam membangun peradaban. Dalam membangun kehidupan bangsa yang beradab ini, masyarakat Indonesia perlu memulai dengan menghargai modalitas budaya yang telah dimiliki sendiri, bukan hasil internalisasi nilai-nilai budaya luar yang terkadang ...
Javanese literature is one of the world’s richest and most unusual literary traditions yet it is little known today outside of Java, Indonesia, and a handful of western universities. With its more than a millennium of documented history, its complex interactions over the centuries with literature written in Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, Malay and Dutch, its often symbiotic relationship with the performing arts of puppetry and dance, and its own immense creativity and insight, this vastly understudied literature offers a lens to understanding Java’s fascinating world as well as human ingenuity more broadly. The essays in this volume, Storied Island: New Explorations in Javanese Literature, take a fresh look at questions and themes pertaining to Java’s literature, employing new theoretical and methodological lenses.