This guide to multicasting routing explains the complexities of this growing technology. It provides an overview of the current state of development, analyzes its relevant protocols, and shows how they work together. Real-world examples illustrate key concepts. Specific topics include: PIM-SM and MSDP, Any-Source and Source-Specific delivery models, building dedicated multicast environments, and IGMP and its various versions. A glossary defines key terms and important acronyms. The authors are engineers and technical writers. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
In this book, a leading expert on Cisco routing offers in-depth coverage of four key intra-domain protocols -- RIP, IGRP, OSPF, and EIGRP. Unlike other books on Cisco protocols, Alex Zinin shows you exactly what's happening inside your routers when you use these protocols -- so you can maximize your control over them, and leverage their full power. Cisco IP Routing demystifies even the most complex internals of Cisco IP routing with clear explanations, extensive visuals, and many real-world examples, configurations, and network designs. The heart of the book is its coverage of dynamic routing, starting with theory and then moving to the practical details of effective configuration. Alex Zinin also presents in-depth coverage of controlling routing by altering update flow, redistribution, and policy routing. For all network administrators, other Cisco networking professionals, and anyone preparing for Cisco's top-of-the-line CCIE exam.
Perlman, a bestselling author and senior consulting engineer for Sun Microsystems, provides insight for building more robust, reliable, secure and manageable networks. Coverage also includes routing and addressing strategies, VLANs, multicasting, IPv6, and more.
The Hanbali School of Law and Ibn Taymiyyah provides a valuable account of the development of Hanbalite jurisprudence, placing the theoretical and conceptual parameters of this tradition within the grasp of the interested reader. Studying the vibrant yet controversial interaction between Ibn Taymiyyah and the Hanbali School of law, this book assesses to what extent this relationship was a conflict or reconciliation. The author takes a detailed exploration of the following issues: the strength of contributions made to this School by earlier paragons associated with Ahmad Ibn Hanbal the contextual constructs which shaped the tradition’s development the methodology and literature synonyms within the classical School the manner by which Ibn Taymiyyah engaged with the Hanbali tradition the impact of his thought upon the later expression of the School’s legal doctrines and its theoretical principles the contribution made by this School in general to the synthesis of Islamic law. Giving background material to the Hanbali School of law, this book is a vital reference work for those with interests in Islamic law, the history of the Hanbalite tradition and its principle luminaries.
The second of two volumes, this is Cisco's official, complete self-study resource for the BGP, QoS, IP multicast, security, WANs, and MPLS areas of the new CCIE Routing and Switching 5.0 exam. Designed for experienced networking professionals, it covers every objective in these areas concisely and logically, with extensive teaching features designed to help retention and develop deeper insight.
The comprehensive, hands-on guide for resolving IP routing problems Understand and overcome common routing problems associated with BGP, IGRP, EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS, multicasting, and RIP, such as route installation, route advertisement, route redistribution, route summarization, route flap, and neighbor relationships Solve complex IP routing problems through methodical, easy-to-follow flowcharts and step-by-step scenario instructions for troubleshooting Obtain essential troubleshooting skills from detailed case studies by experienced Cisco TAC team members Examine numerous protocol-specific debugging tricks that speed up problem resolution Gain valuable insight into the minds of CCIE engineers...
An Essential Guide to Understanding and Implementing IP Routing Protocols Cisco’s authoritative single-source guide to IP routing protocols for enterprise and service provider environments Service providers and large enterprises are converging on a common IP infrastructure that supports rapid deployment of high-value services. Demand is soaring for highly skilled IP network engineers who can implement and run these infrastructures. Now, one source combines reliable knowledge about contemporary IP routing protocols and expert hands-on guidance for using them with Cisco IOS, IOS XE, and IOS XR operating systems. After concisely reviewing the basics, three Cisco experts fully explain static r...
To understand the separation of East Pakistan in 1971, it is necessary to put the events of that year in the proper perspective of the unstable relationship between East and West Pakistan from 1947 onwards. Part I of this scholarly study examines the genesis of the federation of East and West Pakistan as a single State, and analyses the crises which marked relations between its two Wings from 15 August 1947 to the fatal decision to resort to army action on 25 March 1971 as the final solution to Bengali Muslim nationalism. Part II analyses the disastrous consequences of the 25 March army action, leading to the second Indo-Pakistan war, and the emergence of the independent state of Bangladesh. Relying on primary sources - personal experience, unpublished material, and conversations and interviews with those directly involved in the 1971 crisis - Zaheer has given a dispassionate and thoroughly-documented account of events on the national and international fronts, culminating in the surrender of the army in East Pakistan on 16 December 1971.
This is the eBook version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the eBook version. Learn practical guidelines for designing and deploying a scalable BGP routing architecture Up-to-date coverage of BGP features like performance tuning, multiprotocol BGP, MPLS VPN, and multicast BGP In-depth coverage of advanced BGP topics to help design a complex BGP routing architecture Practical design tips that have been proven in the field Extensive configuration examples and case studies BGP Design and Implementation focuses on real-world problems and provides not only design solutions, but also the background on why they are appropriate and a pract...