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NSCA's Essentials of Sport Science provides the most contemporary and comprehensive overview of the field of sport science and the role of the sport scientist. It is a primary preparation resource for the Certified Performance and Sport Scientist (CPSS) certification exam.
The popularity of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which consists primarily of repeated bursts of high-intensity exercise, continues to soar because its effectiveness and efficiency have been proven in use by both elite athletes and general fitness enthusiasts. Surprisingly, few resources have attempted to explain both the science behind the HIIT movement and its sport-specific application to athlete training. That’s why Science and Application of High-Intensity Interval Training is a must-have resource for sport coaches, strength and conditioning professionals, personal trainers, and exercise physiologists, as well as for researchers and sport scientists who study high-intensity i...
This book is designed as a comprehensive educational resource not only for basketball medical caregivers and scientists but for all basketball personnel. Written by a multidisciplinary team of leading experts in their fields, it provides information and guidance on injury prevention, injury management, and rehabilitation for physicians, physical therapists, athletic trainers, rehabilitation specialists, conditioning trainers, and coaches. All commonly encountered injuries and a variety of situations and scenarios specific to basketball are covered with the aid of more than 200 color photos and illustrations. Basketball Sports Medicine and Science is published in collaboration with ESSKA and will represent a superb, comprehensive educational resource. It is further hoped that the book will serve as a link between the different disciplines and modalities involved in basketball care, creating a common language and improving communication within the team staff and environment.
High-Performance Training for Sports changes the landscape of athletic conditioning and sports performance. This groundbreaking work presents the latest and most effective philosophies, protocols and programmes for developing today’s athletes. High-Performance Training for Sports features contributions from global leaders in athletic performance training, coaching and rehabilitation. Experts share the cutting-edge knowledge and techniques they’ve used with Olympians as well as top athletes and teams from the NBA, NFL, MLB, English Premier League, Tour de France and International Rugby. Combining the latest science and research with proven training protocols, High-Performance Training for...
High-Performance Training for Sports changed the landscape of athletic conditioning and sports performance when first published in 2014. Now the second edition builds on that groundbreaking work with the latest and most effective philosophies, protocols, and programs for developing today’s athletes. High-Performance Training for Sports, Second Edition, features contributions from global leaders in athletic performance training, coaching, and rehabilitation. This all-star team shares the cutting-edge knowledge and techniques they’ve used with Olympians, elite athletes, and teams from professional sport leagues around the world. In addition to fostering athletes’ speed, agility, jumping ...
Un plan de alto rendimiento con un enfoque multifactorial, basado en el conocimiento y la experiencia de Lorena Torres en la élite deportiva, que te permitirá alcanzar tu máximo potencial. Los deportistas de élite poseen unas cualidades excepcionales que los diferencian del resto de la población. Estos atletas dedican su vida a intentar alcanzar la mejor versión posible de sí mismos para obtener el éxito, una gloria que parece reservada a muy pocos. ¿Cuál es el secreto para conseguir esos niveles de excelencia? ¿Es cuestión de talento o de esfuerzo? Rendir al máximo nivel no es algo exclusivo de los deportistas de élite, y tratar de ser la mejor versión de uno mismo tampoco. E...
Präzision ist ein Schlüsselbegriff in Technik, Kunst und Wissenschaft, der in enger Verbindung mit Verfahren der Messung und Feinmechanik steht, aber auch die Schärfe sprachlicher Begriffsbildung oder die Synchronisation tänzerischer Bewegungen beschreiben kann. Die Wissenschaftsgeschichte zeigt, dass der Bedarf nach größtmöglicher Präzision auch die Widersprüche von Messung und Modell, Versuch und Vorhersage in sich aufgenommen hat – abweichende Messergebnisse wurden so zum eigentlichen Beleg für die Genauigkeit einer Methode und den Bedarf ihrer weiteren Raffinierung. Der interdisziplinäre Blick auf verschiedene Felder zeigt, wie der damit verbundene Anspruch in ihnen produktiv gemacht und reflektiert worden ist. Fallstudien zu Beispielen aus mehreren Jahrhunderten gehen dieser Frage nach, ergänzt um Auszüge aus grundlegenden historisch-theoretischen Beiträgen.
The popularity of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which consists primarily of repeated bursts of high-intensity exercise, continues to soar because its effectiveness and efficiency have been proven in use by both elite athletes and general fitness enthusiasts. Surprisingly, few resources have attempted to explain both the science behind the HIIT movement and its sport-specific application to athlete training. That’s why Science and Application of High-Intensity Interval Training is a must-have resource for sport coaches, strength and conditioning professionals, personal trainers, and exercise physiologists, as well as for researchers and sport scientists who study high-intensity interval training.
We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sports, Health, and Physical Education (ISMINA 2021) with the theme “Transformation on Sports, Health and Physical Education Facing the Global Pandemic”. This conference has brought researchers, educators and practitioners around the world. The 5th ISMINA 2021 Proceedings contains 75 articles. Consisting of 35 sports-themed articles, 25 health-themed articles, and 15 physical education-themed articles. The 5th ISMINA 2021 collaborates with ICSSPE, APPORI and several leading Indonesian universities in the fields of physical education, sports, and health education. The 5th ISMINA 2021 aims to gather all knowledge and transformation to face the global pandemic in the fields of physical education, health, and sports. Finally, we would like to express our gratitude and appreciation for all committee and the reviewers who helped us maintain the high quality of manuscripts included in the proceedings published by EUDL. Also, we are thankful to all the authors who submitted papers, because of which the conference became a story of success.
NSCA’s Essentials of Tactical Strength and Conditioning is the ideal preparatory guide for those seeking TSAC-F certification. The book is also a great reference for fitness trainers who work with tactical populations such as military, law enforcement, and fire and rescue personnel.