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This is the 22nd AFBE Conference, a proud record for an academic conference, and we hope it is also an indication of the value of AFBE to business and management scholars within the region. Sampoerna University organizes the 2018 AFBE Conference with the theme of “Business Innovation, Sustainability, and Disruption Technology: Challenges and Opportunities”. This topic has taken growing attention among not only practitioners but also academics. Nowadays there are numerous new ventures that offer novel products or services that may disrupt established industry. More and more people should be aware of the challenges and opportunities and thus forced to become more agile and competitive in the today's business environment. There is four invited speakers, Ir. Airlangga Hartanto, MBA (Minister of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia), Dr. Chris Perryer (University of Western Australia), Dr. Marthin Nanere (La Trobe University, Australia), and Reza Ashari Nasution, Ph.D .(Institut Teknologi Bandung).
This book explores several challenges facing FinTech in Islamic financial institutions. Firstly, large banks and financial institutions in countries with updated and innovative technological channels will earn the technology arbitrage from FinTech. This ‘size’ puzzle may create a challenge for Islamic financial institutions that are of smaller size and from technologically less-developed countries. Secondly, while access to FinTech is getting broader day by day, usage of FinTech is still limited due to personal and governance-related limitations. Moreover, the level of awareness of the emerging FinTech services (i.e., bitcoin, blockchain, etc.) remains extremely poor even among the resid...
This is the 1st Conference on Islamic Finance and Technology (CIFET), an international conference held by Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidorajo that invites global professionals, academics, independent scholars, and researchers. This conferences supported by Perkumpulan Relawan Jurnal Indonesia, Kresna Nusantara, Ijab, and Bank BNI Syariah. It have to meet and exchange the latest ideas and discuss issues concerning all fields of Islamic Banking and Technology. All full paper submissions will be published in Bahasa Indonesia consider within our objectives (1) To provide a forum for all stakeholders in Islamic banking and technology to discuss the current issues, (2) to Promote the Islami...
Buku ini menghadirkan pemahaman mendalam tentang realitas industri keuangan syariah di Indonesia, dengan fokus pada implementasi akuntansi pembiayaan dalam tiga dimensi kunci: Mudharabah, Musyarakah, dan Murabahah. Dimensi Pengakuan dan Pengukuran Akuntansi Mudharabah Penulis mengurai betapa pentingnya transparansi dalam akad mudharabah, yang menjadi pijakan utama transaksi kerja sama usaha antara pemilik dana dan pengelola dana. Risiko pembiayaan mudharabah, yang sepenuhnya ditanggung oleh bank syariah, menjadi sorotan khusus. Dimensi Pengakuan dan Pengukuran Akuntansi Musyarakah Buku ini membahas seberapa baik pengakuan dan pengukuran transaksi kerjasama dalam bisnis melalui akad musyaraka...
Sebagai makhluk sosial, manusia tidak bisa lepas dari hubungan dengan orang lain dalam kerangka memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Kebutuhan manusia sangat beragam, sehingga terkadang secara pribadi dia tidak mamapu untuk memenuhinya, dan harus berhubungan dengan orang lain. Hubungan anatara satu manusia dengan manusia lain dalam memenuhi kebutuhan lain, harus terdapat aturan yang menjelaskan hak dan kewajiban keduanya berdasarkan kesepakatan. Proses untuk membuat kesepakatan dalam kerangka memenuhi kebutuhan keduanya, lazim disebut dengan proses untuk berakad atau melakukan kontrak. Hubungan ini merupakan fitrah yang sudah ditakdirkan oleh Allah. Islam sebagai agama komprehensif dan universal memberikan aturan yang cukup jelas dalam akad untuk dapat diimplementasikan dalam setiap masa.
This book provides an introduction to the state of the art in financial technology (FinTech) and the current applications of FinTech in digital banking. It is a comprehensive guide to the various technologies, products, processes, and business models integral to the FinTech environment. Covering key definitions and characteristics, models and best practice, as well as presenting relevant case studies related to FinTech and e-Business, this book helps build a theoretical framework for future discussion.
This book examines how money, in the absence of interest (Riba) and money market can become an endogenous variable of an economic system. It further tries to integrate money in capital theory and to make monetary sector part of the real sector aiming at removing the problems that arise from separation of the two.
The original versions titled “Harta Haram Muamalat Kontemporer (HHMK)” by Dr. Erwandi Tarmizi, Lc MA has been printed for up to 15 times (March 2017) that produce over than 60.000 copies. Currently this book became a reference in many Islamic studies like radios and television talk show (Indonesia and Malaysia), academia, government, financial institutions and various business communities. This book is the most comprehensive compilation of Indonesia's contemporary fiqh (Islamic Law) that regularly updated with any new business issues. This book is intended to give solutions to maaliyah problems. It provides explanations about forbidden transaction (haram) which are commonly occurred in f...
Gain deeper insight into the principles and theory of Islamic economics Introduction to Islamic Economics: Theory and Application provides an overview of the organizing principles and fundamentals of an Islamic economy. With deep discussion of the characteristics, rationale, key institutions, objectives, and instruments at work, the book addresses the core economic principles underlying a system based on the foundational teachings of Islam, and examines the implications for economic policies. Social welfare, economic justice, market functionality, efficiency, and equity are explored from an Islamic perspective, and the role and instruments of fiscal and monetary policy in Islamic systems are...