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“The Pain Project is ironically full of pleasure: on every page is another generous, original insight into this most intimate human subject.”—NAOMI KLEIN, author of Doppelganger “The Pain Project is a beautiful, humane, thoughtful inquiry into the challenge of living with chronic pain and how Stanley and Paradis navigate its impact on their lives. This is a tough subject but a joyful book; it takes on a daunting topic with heart and humor and determination. It’s wonderful.”—SUSAN ORLEAN, author of The Orchid Thief and The Library Book Ten years after her husband’s catastrophic injury, author Kara Stanley embarks with him on a journey to understand his chronic pain and find pa...
Die Pandemie hat die performativen Künste grundlegend verändert: Theatersäle wurden umgebaut, digitale und hybride Performance-Formate erfunden, Konzerte gestreamt, Quarantäne-Videos produziert und neue Möglichkeiten der Zuschauerpartizipation entwickelt. Der Band geht diesem dramaturgischen, räumlichen und institutionellen Wandel der letzten Jahre nach und fragt nach der postpandemischen Zukunft von Theater und Performance. Die Beiträge aus Theater-, Literatur- und Medienwissenschaft sowie drei abgedruckte Gesprächsrunden mit Theaterschaffenden skizzieren ein umfassendes Bild des Wandels und debattieren dabei auch Fragen von Nachhaltigkeit, gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe und Inklusion. Mit Beiträgen von Stefano Apostolo, Kai van Eikels, Sotera Fornaro, Ole Frahm, Maximilian Haas, Georg Kasch, Doris Kolesch, Mirjam Kreuser, Ramona Mosse, Matthias Pees, Yana Prinsloo, Alexandra Schneider, Holger Schulze, Marion Siefért, Antje Thoms, Doris Uhlich, Sandra Umathum, Daniele Vecchiato, Anna Wagner, Julian Warner, Noa Winter, Julia Wissert, Benjamin Wihstutz und Jana Zöll.
Making It Happen is a comprehensive guide to navigating the modern music industry, that redefines what ‘making it’ means for musicians, and inspires and educates musicians on the different options for generating revenue from their art. This book offers theoretical and practical advice on making music, creating promotional content and embracing traditional and emerging social media platforms into your marketing strategies. Through interviews with music industry experts, readers can expect professional tips and advice, as well as clear instructions on how to build a dream team, make content, share that work and grow an audience to enable long-term business sustainability. In the modern music industry, having multiple revenue streams leads to a stable income. Making It Happen offers unique insights into the innovations and technologies available to contemporary music makers, making it essential reading for independent musicians, music business students, music producers and marketers.
What 'live music' means for one generation or culture does not necessarily mean 'live' for another. This book examines how changes in economy, culture and technology pertaining to post-digital times affect production, performance and reception of live music. Considering established examples of live music, such as music festivals, alongside practices influenced by developments in technology, including live streaming and holograms, the book examines whether new forms stand the test of 'live authenticity' for their audiences. It also speculates how live music might develop in the future, its relationship to recorded music and mediated performance and how business is conducted in the popular music industry.
Après " REGARDE TOI... Je ne veux pas mourir ..." Une réflexion tendre, drôle et émouvante sur la vie , les hommes; l'amour, la maladie ... Un message d'amour poignant d'une mère à ses filles.
Das Standardwerk für Ihre erfolgreiche Social-Media-Praxis Grundlagen, Profiwissen und Best Practices für Unternehmen jeder Größe In der 6. Auflage jetzt auch mit vertiefendem Wissen zu Podcasting, TikTok und Influencer Marketing Wie Sie Ihre Social-Media-Strategie entwickeln und erfolgreich umsetzen – auch im B2B-Geschäft Mit einem umfassenden Ratgeber des bekannten Rechtsexperten Dr. Thomas Schwenke Sie möchten eine Social-Media-Strategie entwickeln, die wirklich zu Ihrem Unternehmen passt? Sie suchen praxistaugliche Antworten auf typische Fragen des Social-Media-Alltags? Dieses erweiterte und vollständig aktualisierte Standardwerk gibt Ihnen das nötige Grundwissen an die Hand. D...
La crisi legata all’esplosione del Covid-19 ha sconvolto il mondo, costringendo milioni di persone ad affrontare una crisi imprevista. Tutto si è fermato, per poi provare a ripartire da zero. La musica è protagonista nel bene e nel male: dalle canzoni dai balconi agli show in streaming, al settore discografico e live annichilito. Artisti, professionisti e ascoltatori in una continua tensione che ha visto la musica come collante emotivo sociale, eppure così bistrattato dalle istituzioni. Tramite il racconto e la riflessione sulle varie tappe della crisi – dal lockdown alla ripartenza estiva, fino al ruolo del collettivo #lamusicachegira – Musica in lockdown affronta il tema della cen...
Elite trainer Mark Lauren has been at the front lines of preparing US Special Operations soldiers for action, getting them lean and strong in record time. Now, he shares the secrets to his simple, yet amazingly effective regimen to get you into the best shape of your life. - Rapid results with minimum time commitment – work out for only 30-minutes a day, four times a week - No gym or equipment required – simple bodyweight resistance exercises you can do anywhere - Build muscle and burn fat – get more effective results than weightlifting and aerobics - Suitable for men, women and all abilities – choose your level from Basic, 1st Class, Master Class and Chief Class - Safe and effective – develop balance, stability and prevent injuries With 125 clear exercises to work every muscle in your body, motivation techniques and nutritional advice, Mark Lauren’s method will get you the body you want simply by using the body you have.
Cosa significa improvvisare? Come mai il nostro rapporto con il tempo è sempre così controverso? Perché, a conti fatti, non possiamo non improvvisare? Rispondere a queste domande è tutt’altro che semplice, ma diventa necessario nel momento in cui, all’indomani di quella che è stata probabilmente la più grande improvvisazione di massa della storia dell’umanità, avvertiamo il bisogno non solo di capire cosa ci è accaduto, ma anche di definire nuovi modelli di azione per il futuro. #Freestyle è un percorso necessariamente eclettico, originale, a tratti spiazzante, incentrato su due grandi approcci culturali, sociali e antropologici, soltanto in apparenza contrapposti: l’improvvisazione come reazione, ovvero la gestione virtuosa della contingenza, e l’improvvisazione come creazione, ossia l’esplorazione di scenari ignoti alla ricerca di nuove opportunità. Da Lucio Anneo Seneca a Marco Van Basten, da Marina Abramović a Keith Jarrett, una raccolta di spunti preziosi per avventurarci alla scoperta di tutto ciò di cui ancora non sappiamo di avere bisogno.