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The Consolidation of Democracy in East-Central Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 416

The Consolidation of Democracy in East-Central Europe

Edited by two of the world's leading analysts of post-communist politics, this book brings together distinguished specialists on the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. The authors analyse the patterns of post-communist democratization in these countries, paying particular attention to the process of party formation, electoral politics, the growth of civil society, and the impact of economic reform on the emergence of interest groups. Karen Dawisha and Bruce Parrott provide theoretical and comparative chapters on post-communist political development across the region. This book will provide students and scholars with detailed analysis by leading authorities, plus the latest research data on recent political and economic developments in each country.

The American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1725

The American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-02-27
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This bibliography, first published in 1957, provides citations to North American academic literature on Europe, Central Europe, the Balkans, the Baltic States and the former Soviet Union. Organised by discipline, it covers the arts, humanities, social sciences, life sciences and technology.

Political Opposition in Theory and Central European Practice
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 200

Political Opposition in Theory and Central European Practice

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2010
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  • Publisher: Peter Lang

This book offers interpretations of different forms of political opposition in political theory and also in the contemporary development of politics and government in Central Europe. The problem is analyzed through a comparative approach. The first part of the book targets the question of definitions and typologies of political opposition, above all, in democratic, but partly also in non-democratic regimes. The second part deals with the question of models of political opposition in Central Europe after the fall of communism in the late twentieth century and in the present.

Revolution and Change in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 516

Revolution and Change in Central and Eastern Europe

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1997-01-15
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  • Publisher: M.E. Sharpe

A comprehensive analysis of the progress and problems of post-communist development attending to aspects of transition in the region as a whole and to specific issues in Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech and Slovak Republics, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, and Yugoslavia. Goldman (political science, Northeastern U.) diagrams the commonalities of development and the diversity of the various countries' rejection of communism, setting forth the difficulties in moving from communist monolithic authoritarianism to pluralistic democracy, coping with threats to progress and stability, and the international implications of these transitions. Paper edition (758-5), $32.95. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Regional Policy in China
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 321

Regional Policy in China

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-12-12
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  • Publisher: V&R Unipress

Currently, much is said about the directions of development of modern China. However, we still do not know what will determine the expected superpower position of the Middle Kingdom. The book is an attempt to answer questions about China's main development challenges from a regional perspective. China aspires to become the country with the largest economy and development potential. This intention may turn out to be in vain if such significant disparities and development imbalances in the regional system are still present in China. The key to understanding the transformation of contemporary China is to recognize the internal determinants of the functioning of both the state and the economy from a regional perspective. A better understanding of the ways of managing regional development disparities may contribute to a more accurate assessment of the dynamics and directions of China's socio-economic development.

The American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies for 1994
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 740

The American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies for 1994

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1997-05-31
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  • Publisher: M.E. Sharpe

This text provides a source of citations to North American scholarships relating specifically to the area of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. It indexes fields of scholarship such as the humanities, arts, technology and life sciences and all kinds of scholarship such as PhDs.

COVID-19, Public Management, and Survival of East European Democracies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 183

COVID-19, Public Management, and Survival of East European Democracies

COVID-19, Public Management, and Survival of East European Democracies centers initially on the development of democracy in fourteen states of Eastern Europe, with an emphasis on the distinction between the seven Baltic and East Central European states in the north and the seven Balkan states in the south. Examination of key events of the political history of the two regions reveals that a participant political culture as the anchor of democracy was more developed in the north than in the south. Important measures of democracy as well as election results during the 2020-22 period of the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrate and reinforce the same distinctions between the two regions. Further, this detailed study of public administration problems such as corruption, accountability, trust, and the number of deaths from COVID-19 also disclose that such problems characterized both regions but were more pronounced in the southern states. In addition, the rise of populism and authoritarianism injected severe challenges in the midst of administrative preoccupation with the many harmful effects of the virus.

W poszukiwaniu nowego kanonu
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 452

W poszukiwaniu nowego kanonu

Konflikty i wojny lat dziewięćdziesiątych XX wieku całkowicie zmieniły krajobraz polityczny i kulturalny Półwyspu Bałkańskiego. Terytorium dawnej Jugosławii rozpadło się na państwa narodowe oraz enklawy narodowościowe o wciąż niejasnym statusie politycznym. Przełom XX i XXI wieku był okresem intensywnego budowania ich nowej tożsamości kulturalnej i politycznej, której podstawą jest gruntownie przebudowany kanon tradycji kulturowej. Przebieg tych procesów w przestrzeni kultury wysokiej i popularnej, ich związek z nową sytuacją polityczną, w tym – z perspektywą integracji europejskiej, obrazują teksty zebrane w tej książce.

Wybrane polityki publiczne Unii Europejskiej
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 324

Wybrane polityki publiczne Unii Europejskiej

Ciągle wiemy o Unii Europejskiej za mało. Mimo że stale dowiadujemy się o niej czegoś nowego, to polityki unijne pozostają na pewno tym zagadnieniem, o którym trudno byłoby powiedzieć, że przyciąga uwagę szerokiej opinii publicznej. Tymczasem to właśnie od nich zależy, jak będzie wyglądało nasze ''tutaj'' − i bynajmniej nie tylko ''teraz''. Przedmiotowe, wspólne opracowanie obejmuje najważniejsze polityki Unii Europejskiej: − budżetową − regionalną − innowacyjną oraz koncepcję inteligentnej specjalizacji − Wspólną Politykę Rolną − energetyczną − Wspólną Politykę Zagraniczną i Bezpieczeństwa − ochrony środowiska oraz konsumentów. W niniejszej analizie nie tylko wzięto pod uwagę aktualny stan dyskusji wokół wymienionych polityk publicznych Unii Europejskiej, lecz także spróbowano wskazać – z odwołaniem się do szeroko wykorzystanego materiału statystycznego oraz bibliograficznego opartego na dokumentach źródłowych − gdzie występują zagrożenia, ale też gdzie istnieją szanse na zdynamizowanie tych polityk dla dobra naszego kraju.

Giovanni Sartori
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 125

Giovanni Sartori

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-08-01
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  • Publisher: ECPR Press

Giovanni Sartori (1924-2017) was a founder and icon of contemporary political science. A number of his books and articles have become part of the theoretical and conceptual basis of the field, and of social science in general. This volume brings together selected essays that examine Sartori as a scholar, university professor and intellectual. It is unique in covering all three aspects of Sartori's academic work: comparative politics, social science methodology and political theory. General overviews of Sartori's contribution to political science are complemented by chapters that focus on specific areas of his interest; and Sartori's theoretical and methodological contributions are examined alongside his extensive public appearances, which remain little known outside Italy.