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About Peace and Peacemaking
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 182

About Peace and Peacemaking

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-03
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  • Publisher: Lulu.com

SECOND EDITION This is a compilation of peace articles by famous writers and philosophers specialized in peace building matters and a summary of their respective point of view. Twelve writers, twelve minds, twelve styles but only one obsession: To resolve the dilemma of war, social violence and the preservation of human life. Love, life, humanity, serenity of thought, familiar peace and other meanings around the need of a change in this crazy, violent and self destructive civilization, are some of the topics in these essays. Peace is possible especially through literature as we explain in the book but also through the education of respect to human dignity... Take a tour on our proposal of solutions to this severe illness that is causing the decadence and perhaps death of our blue planet Earth. Read and think on your own point of view and rethink this book upon your vision. That is our dream. We cannot wait, we want to read your own creative opinion. - MARIA CRISTINA AZCONA

Open Letters to the World Leaders
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 279

Open Letters to the World Leaders

This book, made up of letters from each author to World Leaders, has reached the point of being real. We, WWPO and ICP, and our members are saying something here. Now, approaching the flight of this book, we are ready to get our message effectively read by the world's top leaders... We hope that you, the reader, will help us get this book into the hands of our world leaders, as Pope Francis, and other religious leaders in each country and in each cultural group, such as the President of the United States of America or at least the congressmen of that country: also the Kings of the different countries where there is a monarchy, prime ministers, etc. We could add legislators, ambassadors from ...

Strategies for Peace 2nd Edition
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 232

Strategies for Peace 2nd Edition

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-10-08
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  • Publisher: Lulu.com

The authors invited to join me at this chapter of Strategies for Peace, are Bruce Cook, Ernesto Kahan, Ada Aharoni, Susana Roberts, Sara Zamir, Glenn Martin, Nina Meyerhof, Takis Ioannides, George Sklavounos, Bishnu Pathak, Subhash Chandra, Elias Galati, Marita Ragozza and Domen Kocevar. We need to create a discussion and a continuous dialogue, by inviting brilliant intellectuals from all points of the globe to interchange opinions, read one to the other, and let mutual influence be the media of our union as human beings. We are here, talking like friends, interchanging ideas about developing a possible future for our kids, and we find one to the other so near, so similar in our thoughts, so clear in our ideas, that we cannot stop continuing our dialogue in this sense, and through this tool called Strategies for Peace. To create books, written by persons that come from diverse cultures, is the tool to find a way out of this Babel Tower that leads humanity to an enormous hollow of Death and Disappearance.

Strategies for Peace
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 256

Strategies for Peace

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-06-13
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  • Publisher: Lulu.com

Full Index. I join Maria Cristina Azcona in offering this collection of viewpoints on peace making. She and I joined Ernest Kahan in 2014 to establish the Worldwide Peace Organization in Argentina. Here we identify a startling variety of facets on the crystal which represents peace. Virtually everyone claims to want world peace. Only a few take measures to promote it. Each writer who seeks peace suggests a unique dimension. It's our hope that this volume will encourage students, professors, and peacemakers to consider this comprehensive look at ten strategy perspectives which, if taken seriously in private and public life, might lead to our shared objective - worldwide peace in our time. * Leadership * Language and Leadership * Interspiritual * World Citizenship * Family Relations * Role of Women * Education * Medical Actions * The Arts * Conflict Resolution

Open Letters to the World Leaders
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 272

Open Letters to the World Leaders

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-05-04
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  • Publisher: Unknown

This book, made up of letters from each author to World Leaders, has reached the point of being real. We, WWPO and ICP, and our members are saying something here. Now, approaching the flight of this book, we are ready to get our message effectively read by the world's top leaders... We hope that you, the reader, will help us get this book into the hands of our world leaders, as Pope Fran-cis, and other religious leaders in each country and in each cul-tural group, such as the President of the United States of America or at least the congressmen of that country: also the Kings of the different countries where there is a monarchy, prime ministers, etc. We could add legislators, ambassadors fro...

Peace, Literature, and Art - Volume I
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 396

Peace, Literature, and Art - Volume I

Peace, Literature, and Art is the component of Encyclopedia of Social Sciences and Humanities in the global Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), which is an integrated compendium of twenty one Encyclopedias. Culture is the essence of individual and national identity. What children and people read and watch and the kind of Culture, Literature and Media, they are exposed to, through home, education and society - provide them with basic values, attitudes and norms which affect and motivate them throughout their lives. It is of crucial importance therefore, that those stories we are exposed to, at the socio-cultural and educational levels, which we watch on television, in films and on t...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 482


Peace Studies, Public Policy and Global Security is a component of Encyclopedia of Social Sciences and Humanities in the global Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), which is an integrated compendium of twenty one Encyclopedias. The Theme on Peace Studies, Public Policy and Global Security provides the essential aspects and a myriad of issues of great relevance to our world such as: Processes of Peace and Security; International Security, Peace, Development, and Environment; Security Threats, Challenges, Vulnerability and Risks; Sustainable Food and Water Security; World Economic Order. This 11-volume set contains several chapters, each of size 5000-30000 words, with perspectives, issues on Peace studies, Public Policy and Global security. These volumes are aimed at the following five major target audiences: University and College students Educators, Professional practitioners, Research personnel and Policy analysts, managers, and decision makers and NGOs.

  • Language: es
  • Pages: 279


Este libro, compuesto por cartas de cada autor a los Líderes Mundiales, ha llegado al punto de ser real. Nosotros, WWPO e ICP, y nuestros miembros estamos diciendo algo aquí. Ahora, acercándonos al vuelo de este libro, estamos listos para hacer que los líderes más importantes del mundo lean nuestro mensaje de manera efectiva... Esperamos que usted, el lector, nos ayude a poner este libro en manos de nuestros líderes mundiales, como el Papa Francisco, y otros líderes religiosos en cada país y en cada grupo cultural, como el Presidente de EEUU de América o por lo menos los congresistas de ese país: también los Reyes de los diferentes países donde hay una monarquía, primeros minist...

Strategies for Peace
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 256

Strategies for Peace

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-06-25
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  • Publisher: Lulu.com

Full Index. I join Maria Cristina Azcona in offering this collection of viewpoints on peace making. She and I joined Ernest Kahan in 2014 to establish the Worldwide Peace Organization in Argentina. Here we identify a startling variety of facets on the crystal which represents peace. Virtually everyone claims to want world peace. Only a few take measures to promote it. Each writer who seeks peace suggests a unique dimension. It's our hope that this volume will encourage students, professors, and peacemakers to consider this comprehensive look at ten strategy perspectives which, if taken seriously in private and public life, might lead to our shared objective - worldwide peace in our time. * Leadership * Language and Leadership * Interspiritual * World Citizenship * Family Relations * Role of Women * Education * Medical Actions * The Arts * Conflict Resolution

  • Language: ja
  • Pages: 270

