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Anxiety, Angst, Anguish in Fin de Siècle Art and Literature
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 417

Anxiety, Angst, Anguish in Fin de Siècle Art and Literature

  • Categories: Art

This volume examines various manifestations of anguish in art, literature, and philosophy. It demonstrates that the experience of anguish manifested itself in a spectacular way in the arts in the late 19th – early 20th centuries. It makes obvious the extraordinary tension between anguish and art. The works discussed here reflect the magnitude of anguish generated by historical events, scientific advancements (especially in psychology), and metaphysical inquiries of the time. Through the invention of new artistic languages, those works also illustrate the fecundity of anguish for artists.

Anxiety in Modern Scandinavian Literature
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 378

Anxiety in Modern Scandinavian Literature

This book explores how states and traits of anxiety are reflected in the style and structure of certain works by three key figures of modern Scandinavian literature: August Strindberg, Inger Christensen, Karl Ove Knausgård. On the basis of particular literary analyses, it develops a literary phenomenology of anxiety as well as a hermeneutical theory of anxiety that considers the ways in which anxiety has been represented in various genres of modern Scandinavian literature from the last three centuries. Whereas the former uncovers the ways in which anxiety is reflected in literary form and style, the latter interprets the relationship between author, text, and reader as well as the effects o...

VIE Festival 13-25 ottobre 2015 - English version
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 225

VIE Festival 13-25 ottobre 2015 - English version

VIE Festival was founded in 2005 with the goal of crossing the contemporary world, of intercepting new identities and subjectivities which stand out in the field of live performance. It takes place yearly every October in Emilia-Romagna Region, and it is organized by Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, National Theatre based in Modena. The project spring from the ten-year lucky experience of Le vie dei festival that, from 1994 to 2004, has hosted some of the most interesting proposals of Italian and international summer festivals. Mixing languages and genres, showing foreign great theatrical experiences without forgetting the important Italian experimental theatre scene, Le vie dei festival pr...

Athenäum Jahrbuch Für Romantik
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 324

Athenäum Jahrbuch Für Romantik

Inhalt: Abhandlungen Manfred Franz: 'Der schwere Schritt in die Wirklichkeit'. Über das Werden eines frühromantischen Realismus Michael Lommel: Peter Schlemihl und die Medien des Schattens Hans Feger: Das Groteske in Bonaventuras Nachtwachen Hermann Patsch: Zwischen den 'Fakzionen'. Friedrich Schlegels Brief an Gottfried Körner vom 2. August 1976 Robert S. Leventhal: Transcendental or Material Oscillation: An Alternative Reading of Friedrich Schlegel's Alternating Principle (Wechselerweis) 1796-1797 Günter Oesterle: Dialog und versteckte Kritik oder 'Ideen-tausch' und 'Palinodie': Wilhelm von Humboldt und Friedrich Schiller Uwe Steiner: Kreuz-Zeichen. Warum Stifters Bergkristall Kleists Das Erdbeben in Chili in eine Ökonomie des Narrativen umschreibt Steffen Dietzsch: Klingemanns Faust (1811) Jochen Hörisch: Der Rest ist beredtes Schweigen. Goethes Gedicht Im ernsten Beinhaus Geistergespräch Friedrich Kittler: Ein Gespräch unter Freunden, Freundinnen und Erbfeinden

Angst i dansk litteratur
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 239

Angst i dansk litteratur

”Jeg har en Angst som aldrig før”, hedder det hos H.C. Andersen. For Tom Kristensen er angsten ”asiatisk i Vælde”, mens Tove Ditlevsen oplever ”Verdenshave af Angst”. I de sidste 200 år har angst været et centralt tema i dansk litteratur – helt frem til bekymringen for teknologiske og klimamæssige forandringer hos en samtidsforfatter som Jonas Eika. Romaner, noveller og digte forvandler oplevelser af angst til litterær form. Litteraturhistorien er dermed et emotionelt arkiv, der opsamler fortolkninger af angst og forandringer i angstens udtryksformer. Ved at undersøge, hvordan angsten er skildret hos forskellige forfattere på tværs af tid, får vi et dybere indblik i angstens rolle i den menneskelige tilværelse. I bogen analyserer 13 forskere repræsentationer af angst i dansk litteratur fra H.C. Andersen og Søren Kierkegaard over blandt andre det moderne gennembruds kvindelige forfattere, Henrik Pontoppidan og Inger Christensen frem til de nyeste tendenser inden for spekulativ fiktion.

VIE Festival 13-25 ottobre 2015
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 244

VIE Festival 13-25 ottobre 2015

VIE Festival nasce nel 2005 con l’obiettivo di attraversare la contemporaneità, di intercettare il delinearsi di nuove identità e soggettività nell’ambito dello spettacolo dal vivo. Si svolge annualmente in ottobre in alcune città dell’Emilia, è organizzato da Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, Teatro Nazionale con sede a Modena, ed ha come principali finanziatori lo stesso ERT, la Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena e la Regione Emilia-Romagna. Il progetto prende vita dopo una felice esperienza decennale con Le vie dei festival, la rassegna che dal 1994 al 2004 ha ospitato a Modena ogni autunno, da ottobre a metà dicembre, alcune delle proposte più interessanti dei Festival ...

Annuaire du spectacle 2003-2004 (éd, 2005)
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 630

Annuaire du spectacle 2003-2004 (éd, 2005)


An International Annotated Bibliography of Strindberg Studies 1870-2005: General studies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 726

An International Annotated Bibliography of Strindberg Studies 1870-2005: General studies

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008
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  • Publisher: MHRA

This copiously annotated bibliography documents and examines the whole range of commentary on Strindberg's works and activity in many fields besides the plays for which he is internationally best known. These include his prose fiction and poetry, his work as an historian and natural historian, and his relationship to the other arts, most notably his painting. It is concerned with both lasting works of literary and dramatic criticism, as well as reviews of his books and plays in the theatre, and some more ephemeral material, all of this in several languages. Organised generically and by subject and individual work, the bibliography enables the reader to trace the changing impact of Strindberg...

Le Nord, latitudes imaginaires
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 500

Le Nord, latitudes imaginaires

"Dans la littérature, le Nord est bien souvent le point déterminant d'une géographie imaginaire à partir duquel se révèlent des aspects nouveaux ou enfouis mais décisifs des êtres et du monde. Il n'est pas de Nord littéraire qui ne soit, en quelque façon, grand. Retrouver le Nord dans ses différentes configurations culturelles, historiques et thématiques sans prétendre, bien entendu, à une analyse exhaustive de ses significations, telle a été l'ambition du XXXIXème Congrès de la Société Française de Littérature Générale et Comparée. Les études comparatistes ici rassemblées permettent d'envisager la notion d'espace septentrional dans la diversité de ses incarnation...

Dictionnaire du romantisme
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 1835

Dictionnaire du romantisme

À l'aube de notre modernité, le romantisme a transformé la littérature, la musique, les Beaux-Arts. Mais, plus généralement, il a bouleversé notre manière de penser, d'aimer, de percevoir la nature ou l'Histoire – en un mot, de vivre. Né en terre germanique, il a brillé d'un éclat formidable dans la France postrévolutionnaire, avant d'essaimer dans l'Europe entière et, au-delà, dans les empires coloniaux et en Amérique, où il a toujours accompagné la naissance des États nationaux. Ce dictionnaire, le premier à en présenter une vision globale, propose en 649 articles de tout connaître des poètes, artistes, penseurs ou hommes politiques qui ont fait le romantisme : Byron, Hugo, Beethoven, Novalis, Chopin, Turner, Delacroix, Pouchkine, Garibaldi... Le lecteur y découvrira également les idées, les motifs, les modes qui dessinent les contours de la culture romantique et permettent d'en saisir les multiples visages à travers le monde. Un ouvrage exceptionnel qui restitue le mouvement romantique dans toute sa complexité.