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Video Game Translation and Cognitive Semantics
  • Language: en

Video Game Translation and Cognitive Semantics

This book focuses on video game translation from the perspective of cognitive semantics. It presents how the translators' knowledge of cognitive semantics can affect translation. The work is interdisciplinary and aspires to complete gaps in the research on video games. It analyzes almost 3000 standard pages of texts found in eight different games.

Form, Meaning and Function in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 230

Form, Meaning and Function in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

The book is a collection of 10 papers on theoretical and applied linguistics, and is divided into two sections. Part I, devoted to Theoretical Linguistics, addresses a range of issues pertaining to phonology, morphophonology, morphology, cognitive semantics, syntax and lexicology, and consists of six chapters. Part II, Applied Linguistics, comprises four chapters, which investigate the intricacies of language acquisition, psycholinguistics and pragmatics, discourse analysis, and translation studies. The languages analysed include Polish, English, French, Spanish, Russian, Middle English, Middle French, Anglo-Norman and Bangor Welsh. Some of the phenomena analysed in the volume are the properties of Bangor Welsh diphthongs in the light of the Lateral Theory of Phonology, Polish palatalization within Element Theory, lexical convergence in Psalters, bilingual acquisition, impoliteness in talk-show political discourse, and translation and localisation of video games, among others.

Dyskursy gier wideo
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 519

Dyskursy gier wideo

Niniejsza książka ma formułować propozycję metodologicznego otwarcia groznawstwa, silnie akcentując rolę dyskursu i narracji już w dwóch tekstach otwierających: Dyskursywne gry i dyskursy gier Geralda Voorheesa oraz Poza mitem i metaforą. Przypadek narracji w mediach cyfrowych Marie-Laure Ryan. Podkreślenie roli narracji i dyskursu umożliwiło również umocowanie pozostałych rozdziałów książki w dwu wzajemnie się dopełniających paradygmatach: teorii i filozofii (w części zatytułowanej „Teorie”) oraz praktyce hermeneutycznej (w części zatytułowanej „Praktyki”), dostarczających wspólnie narzędzi do krytycznej wiwisekcji uobecniających się w grach postaw...

The Translation of Realia and Irrealia in Game Localization
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 244

The Translation of Realia and Irrealia in Game Localization

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-09-19
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This book explores the impact of a video game’s degree of realism or fictionality on its linguistic dimensions, investigating the challenges and strategies for translating realia and irrealia, the interface of the real world and the game world where culture-specificity manifests itself. The volume outlines the key elements in the translation of video games, such as textual non-linearity, multitextuality, and playability, and introduces the theoretical framework used to determine a game’s respective degree of realism or fictionality. Pettini applies an interdisciplinary approach drawing on video game research and Descriptive Translation Studies to the linguistic and translational analysis...

Crowdsourcing and Online Collaborative Translations
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 322

Crowdsourcing and Online Collaborative Translations

Crowdsourcing and online collaborative translations have emerged in the last decade to the forefront of Translation Studies as one of the most dynamic and unpredictable phenomena that has attracted a growing number of researchers. The popularity of this set of varied translational processes holds the potential to reframe existing translation theories, redefine a number of tenets in the discipline, advance research in the so-called “technological turn” and impact public perceptions on translation. This book provides an interdisciplinary analysis of these phenomena from a descriptive and critical perspective, delving into industry approaches and fostering inter and intra disciplinary conne...

Achieving Consilience
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 245

Achieving Consilience

At Master’s level, students in Translation Studies may choose to complete their course by compiling a dissertation by commentary. Such projects involve detailed discussions of the strategies and procedures that students opt for when translating a source text of their choice (be it literary, audiovisual, or technical). However, the vast majority of these dissertations by commentary usually remain stored in university libraries. Achieving Consilience: Translation Theories and Practice brings to the fore the theoretical and practical potential of these dissertations by commentary. It demonstrates how theories in Translation Studies can be fruitfully, consciously and systematically applied dur...

Eye Tracking and Multidisciplinary Studies on Translation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 303

Eye Tracking and Multidisciplinary Studies on Translation

Through cohesive yet wide-ranging contributions focused on the rapidly growing area of eye tracking in Translation Studies, this volume provides readers with an insightful cross-section of the state of the art in this multidisciplinary field. Showcasing the great potential and challenges of this still nascent paradigm, it offers novel, practical methods and approaches to conduct ambitious, experimental studies. Through a variety of methodologically-oriented chapters and case studies, categorised into three key areas – ‘Method’, ‘Process’ and ‘Product’ –, the book presents some of the most up-to-date eye-tracking methods and results in Translation Studies, including experiment design, statistical and analytical approaches, the translation process, audience and reader response, and audiovisual translation. The reproducible research protocols, re-iterative approaches and ambitious triangulations of data included in this volume seek to inspire new research using eye tracking in Translation Studies by providing the necessary methodological support and ideas for new avenues of inquiry.

Angewandte Linguistik – Neue Herausforderungen und Konzepte
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 453

Angewandte Linguistik – Neue Herausforderungen und Konzepte

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-01-18
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  • Publisher: V&R unipress

In 24 theoretischen und praxisbezogenen Beiträgen nähern sich Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus Deutschland, Österreich und Polen den aktuellen Problemen aus dem weit verstandenen Gebiet der angewandten Linguistik an. Die Beiträge stammen aus den folgenden thematischen Gebieten: Pragma- und Soziolinguistikstudien, kontrastive Studien, Interkulturalität, Spracherwerbs- und Sprachlehrforschung, Fachsprachen, Übersetzen und Dolmetschen sowie Lingustic Landscapes. Der vorliegende Band greift damit die vielseitigen Forschungsinteressen von Prof. Dr. habil. Izabela Prokop auf, die im Jahr 2021 ihr 70. Lebensjahr vollendet. The present book is a collection of 24 theoretical and emp...

Qualität bei der Lokalisierung von Videospielen
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 116

Qualität bei der Lokalisierung von Videospielen

Beim Übersetzen von Videospielen besteht die Aufgabe darin, das Spielerlebnis des Originals in einer anderen Sprache zu vermitteln. Ob eine Lokalisierung das schafft, ist schwierig zu messen. Nathalie Thiede stellt einen Ansatz vor, der genau das leisten soll: Mittels des von Juliane House entwickelten Qualitätsanalysemodells vergleicht sie die lokalisierten deutschen Missionstexte eines Sci-Fi-Strategiespiels mit den englischen Originaltexten. Der Fokus dieser pragmatisch-funktionalen Analyse liegt auf lexikogrammatischen Mitteln, die den Adressaten einbeziehen und Rückschlüsse auf das soziale Verhältnis zwischen den Kommunikationspartnern zulassen – also auf Pronomen, Imperativen und verschiedenen Graden an Formalität. Thiede deckt subtile sprachliche und funktionale Unterschiede auf. Sie beleuchtet zudem die besonderen Herausforderungen der Videospiellokalisierung und unterbreitet Lösungsvorschläge für schwierige Fälle.

Translation Studies
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 455

Translation Studies

A selection of 44 papers out of the 163 presented at the Translation Studies Congress, which was held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Institut für Dolmetscher und Übersetzer Ausbildung in Vienna, shows how translation studies is moving away from purely linguistic analysis into LSP, psychology, cognition, and cultural orientations. The volume is divided into sections reflecting the focal subject areas at the Congress: Translation, history and culture; Interpreting theory and training; Terminology and special languages; Teaching and training in translation. Also included are papers from a special workshop including interdisciplinary research projects from Vienna. Of the articles, 25 are written in English, 16 in German, and 3 in French.