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This book concentrates on the luminescence and structural properties of the new generation of europium and terbium activated phosphors, associated phenomena, and related topics, from basic principles to the most recent discoveries. It summarizes the present state of the art in this rapidly growing field. The authors describe recent developments in the areas of rare earth doped phosphors and of some new materials or well-known materials with improved properties that open up new possibilities. The areas of focus include X-ray phosphors, phosphors for light-emitting devices, emissive displays, and fluorescent lamps. The book comprises theoretical and experimental analysis of various properties of phosphors, research methods and preparation techniques, and some promising applications.
The book presents the proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Trends in Manufacturing Technologies and Equipment (ICMTME 2021), held in September 2021 in Sevastopol, Russia. The conference participants came from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Germany, USA, Bulgaria, Poland, China, Algeria, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Armenia and Vietnam. The aim of the conference was to provide scientists and industrial researchers with the latest developments in manufacturing technologies, materials research, manufacturing equipment and tools, and to build up partnerships for future collaboration. Keywords: Welded Joints, Dry Building Mixtures, Tribological Properties of Sapphir...
Solzhenitsyn's controversial two-volume book, published in Moscow in 2001-02, after his return to Russia, is based on a conservative nationalist ("patriotic") ideology that determined his approach to the role of Jews in Russian history. His Slavophile-influenced view of the Jews was essentially and unalterably a damaging one, which affected his "history" of Jewish-Russian relations. Focuses not on the problematic aspects of Solzhenitsyn's allegedly objective account, but rather on the way his reputation as a Russian prophet has led conservative Russians, including antisemites, to embrace his stereotypical imperial view of Russian history, to which Jews are considered as incapable of contributing positively. This aspect of the contemporary public debate about Jews reveals more about the problems of Russian identity than about the Jews. Solzhenitsyn failed to take into consideration the biases of his (often Jewish) sources. He also stressed the "Jewishness" of radicals who rejected their Jewish roots, including his arch-villains, the Bolsheviks.
Alkaline Earth Metals—Advances in Research and Application: 2013 Edition is a ScholarlyEditions™ book that delivers timely, authoritative, and comprehensive information about Barium. The editors have built Alkaline Earth Metals—Advances in Research and Application: 2013 Edition on the vast information databases of ScholarlyNews.™ You can expect the information about Barium in this book to be deeper than what you can access anywhere else, as well as consistently reliable, authoritative, informed, and relevant. The content of Alkaline Earth Metals—Advances in Research and Application: 2013 Edition has been produced by the world’s leading scientists, engineers, analysts, research institutions, and companies. All of the content is from peer-reviewed sources, and all of it is written, assembled, and edited by the editors at ScholarlyEditions™ and available exclusively from us. You now have a source you can cite with authority, confidence, and credibility. More information is available at
A Krim annektálása, a Malaysia Airlines gépének lelövése után Oroszország és az USA viszonya feszültebb, mint az elmúlt három évtizedben bármikor. Sokan Vlagyimir Putyint teszik felelőssé ezért, és egy új hidegháborús szellemiségű diktatúra születéséről beszélnek. Walter Laqueur, a mai nyugati történetírás doyenje azonban ennél jóval körültekintőbb képet fest a putyinizmusról és annak ideológiájáról. A szerző, aki már sokszor megjósolta, méghozzá meghökkentő pontossággal, hogy mi fog történni a posztszovjet Oroszországban, most a putyinizmusnak nevezett jelenség tartalmának feltárására vállalkozott. Szerinte ez három összetevőből áll: az orosz ember rendíthetetlen hite az ortodox egyházban, Oroszország eruázsiai hatalomként érzett elhivatottsága és az ellenséges külföldtől való félelme. Lényegretörő, provokatív írásában Laqueur azt állítja, hogy aki Oroszországot hidegháborús relikviának tekinti, elsietett következtetésekre jut és veszélyes útra téved. Oroszország képes kihívást intézni a Nyugathoz, és meg is teszi.
pt. 1. List of patentees.--pt. 2. Index to subjects of inventions.
This text deals with the advantages of rare earth activated phosphors for the development of solid state lighting technology and in enhancing the light conversion efficiency of Si solar cells. The book initiates with a short overview of the atomic and semiconductor theory followed by introduction to phosphor, its working mechanism, role of rare earth ions in the lighting and PV devices and host materials being used. Further, it introduces the applications of inorganic phosphor for the development of green energy and technology including advantages of UP/DC conversion phosphor layers in the enhancing the cell response of PV devices. Key Features: Focuses on discussion of phosphors for both solid state lighting and photovoltaics applications Provides introduction for practical applications including synthesis and characterization of phosphor materials Includes broad, in-depth introduction of semiconductors and related theory Enhances the basic understanding of optical properties for rare earth phosphors Covers up-conversion and down-conversion phosphor for energy harvesting applications