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This book focuses on the social voids that were the result of occupation, genocide, mass killings, and population movements in Europe during and after the Second World War. Historians, sociologists, and anthropologists adopt comparative perspectives on those who now lived in ‘cleansed’ borderlands. Its contributors explore local subjectivities of social change through the concept of ‘No Neighbors’ Lands’: How does it feel to wear the dress of your murdered neighbor? How does one get used to friends, colleagues, and neighbors no longer being part of everyday life? How is moral, social, and legal order reinstated after one part of the community participated in the ethnic cleansing of another? How is order restored psychologically in the wake of neighbors watching others being slaughtered by external enemies? This book sheds light on how destroyed European communities, once multi-ethnic and multi-religious, experienced postwar reconstruction, attempted to come to terms with what had happened, and negotiated remembrance. Chapter 7 and 13 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via
The book considers reconciliation from various points of view: biblical foundations of reconciliation, philosophical aspects, Girardian and Bonhoefferian reflections on reconciliation, intellectual and (post)totalitarian history, psychotherapeutic approaches . The authors consider reconciliation also in very concrete (historical) contexts (Hungary, Russia, Slovenia, Islam and Christianity). Despite some disagreements, their common message is clear: human history and present times are covered with blood, suffering (of innocent victims) and negative emotions. Hence the only acceptable way is cultivation of the culture of reconciliation.
This volume offers a broad overview of the conditions, motives, and practices of violence during the most prominent intra‐state conflicts in Europe during the first half of the 20th century. This book seeks to move beyond accounts of civil war violence that focus on microlevel motives or grand cleavages, arguing instead that violence is best examined as a multidimensional phenomenon involving a range of structural, personal, and conjectural factors operating at various levels of societal interaction. Making a case for methodological pluralism, the volume brings together an interdisciplinary team of historians and social scientists to address the aspects of civil war violence from a broad r...
The collapse of the communist states is regarded as the starting point of the new Europe. With this turning point, historical narratives have had to be rewritten in the post-socialist countries. Focusing on the little known case of Slovenia, this issue of zeitgeschichte offers a comprehensive survey of the transformations affecting collective memory and the writing of history in one post-communist country. The essays analyze the ways in which Slovenian society has grappled with traumatic historical events and thus give insight into the ongoing struggle over the interpretation of Slovenia's past. Given the proliferating illiberal tendencies in the political culture of numerous European countries, the strategies of historical revisionism described in this issue are likely to be of considerable interest not only to scholars interested specifically in the case of Slovenia.
This book presents state-of-the-art discussions around the concentration camp Jasenovac. Initially one of the largest camps of the Second World War, Jasenovac became a symbol of supra-national unity during the Yugoslav period and in the 1990s re-emerged as a contested symbol of narrational victimhood. By analyzing some of the most controversial topics related to the Second World War in south-eastern Europe – the Holocaust, the genocide of Serbs and Roma, the issues of political prisoners and state-sponsored crimes, censorship during Communist Yugoslavia, the use of memory in war propaganda, and representation of tragedies in museums and art – the book allows for a greater understanding of the development of intergroup violence in the former Yugoslavia. It will be of interest to scholars and students of history, genocide studies, memory studies, and sociology as well as professionals working in the field of conflict resolution and reconciliation.
During World War II, over half a million men and women under Nazi occupation, who lacked German citizenship, were forcibly conscripted into the German Reichsarbeitsdienst and the Wehrmacht. The Nazis sought to legitimize this conscription by labeling these individuals as "deutsche Volkszugehörige" or "Deutschstämmige," despite it being a clear violation of international law. This collection explores the lives of these non-German conscripts, focusing on individuals from Slovenia, Poland (Silesia), Luxembourg, Belgium, and France. Each chapter adopts an actor-centered approach, examining their daily lives, social dynamics, recruitment, military deployment, and experiences in German uniform u...
Fear is an emotion that is strongly connected with violence and with the darkest periods of history, including terrorism, genocides, and totalitarianism. It is especially important for theology, where it can be considered to have very positive aspects. However, worldwide cultures are too often burdened with unnecessary fear. There are different factors involved in the cultivation of an 'adequate culture' of fear, and one of them is the certainly that mankind does indeed know how to cultivate it. Therefore, awareness and knowledge about the concept of fear is necessary. This book helps to increase and widen that understanding. (Series: Theology East-West / Theologie Ost-West - Vol. 17)
Delo je bibliografski pregled slovenske zgodovinopisne publicistike objavljene v tujih jezikih v obdobju od leta 1918 do vključno leta 1993. Objavljeno je bilo ob priložnosti 18. mednarodnega kongresa zgodovinskih ved, ki je bil leta 1995 v Montrealu. Bibliografija je razdeljena na štiri dele. Prvi, splošni del, se nanaša na objave zgodovinskih virov in zgodovinsko vedo kot tako; drugi del prikazuje objave po zgodovinskih obdobjih; v tretjem delu je bibliografija razvrščena po predmetih oz. temah; četrti del prinaša bibliografijo o Slovencih v sosednjih deželah in v emigraciji. Bibliografija ima na koncu tudi imensko kazalo avtorjev, ki pripomore k večji preglednosti in uporabnosti.
During World War II at least 13.5 million people were employed as forced labourers in Germany and across the territories occupied by the German Reich. Most came from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldavia, the Baltic countries, France, Poland and Italy. Among them were 8.4 million civilians working for private companies and public agencies in industry, administration and agriculture. In addition, there were 4.6 million prisoners of war and 1.7 million concentration camp prisoners who were either subjected to forced labour in concentration or similar camps or were ‘rented out’ or sold by the SS. While there are numerous publications on forced labour in National Socialist Germany during World War II, this publication combines a historical account of events with the biographies and memories of former forced labourers from twenty-seven countries, offering a comparative international perspective.
The eleven essays that comprise this book offer an integrated perspective on Nazi policies of mass murder. Drawing heavily on primary sources from European and American archives, the collection of essays provides novel interpretations of Nazi policies vis-à-vis ethnic, religious, and sexual minorities in the German-occupied territories, specifically Eastern Europe. The essays printed in this volume advance two main theses, drawing a line under the Functionalist-Intentionalist debate regarding the origins of Nazi genocide. In their dealing with the “lesser races,” the Nazis proved more flexible and less single-minded than has been conventionally believed. Faced with what they saw as a te...