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2017 Nisan ayı itibarıyla düzenlenen referandum ve Haziran 2018 seçimleri neticesinde Türk kamuoyunun kahir ekseriyetinin onayını alan cumhurbaşkanlığı hükûmet sistemi, Türkiye'nin, şekillenmekte olan yeni dünya düzenine bir cevabı ve değişen küresel siyasete anlamlı bir adaptasyon çabası olarak okunmalıdır. Yüz yılda olması gereken hadiselerin, on yılda gerçekleştiği, dünyanın daha hızlı döndüğü ve dondurulmuş ihtilafların, bir bir savaşa dönüştüğü bir dönemden geçmekteyiz. Buna ilaveten pandemi ve depremler başta olmak üzere doğal afetlerin, iklim krizi ve küresel ısınmayla katlanarak yaygınlaştığı, ulusal güvenliğin, gıda g...
Elinizdeki bu ansiklopedi, yazar ve hakemleri ile birlikte, Türkiye’nin çeşitli üniversitelerinde görev yapmakta olan 70’e yakın akademisyenin katkıları ile oluşturulmuş büyük bir çalışmanın ürünüdür. Çalışma, belli periyotlarla yapılacak güncellemelerle, alanın terminolojik ve kavramsal açıdan gelişimi ve izlenebilirliğini sağlamayı hedeflemektedir. Öte yandan bu kadar çok akademisyenin işbirliği, alana ilişkin terimlerin ve akımların farklı bakış açıları ile ayrıntılı olarak ele alınmasını sağlamıştır. Bu özellikleriyle Ansiklopedi, temel bir başvuru kaynağı niteliği taşımaktadır. Çalışma, “Kamu Yönetimi Bilim Dalı’na ait güncel kavram ve akımları kapsamlı olarak ele alması açısından, bu bilim dalı ile ilgilenen her seviyedeki okurlar, uygulayıcılar ve teorisyenler için de yararlı olacak bir kaynaktır.
The politics-administration dichotomy is much mentioned and often criticized in the Public Administration literature. The Politics-Administration Dichotomy: Toward a Constitutional Perspective, Second Edition offers a book-length treatment of this classical notion. While public administration academics typically reject it as an outdated and even dangerous idea, it re-emerges implicitly in their analyses. This book tells the story of how this has happened and suggests a way to get out of the quandary. It analyzes the dichotomy position in terms of content, purpose, and relevance. What’s in the Second Edition Extensive study of the politics-administration dichotomy as a classic idea in Publi...
Since the publication of the previous edition, the best-selling Handbook of Public Administration enters its third edition with substantially revised, updated, and expanded coverage of public administration history, theory, and practice. Edited by preeminent authorities in the field, this work is unparalleled in its thorough coverage and comprehensive references. This handbook examines the major areas in public administration including public budgeting and financial management, human resourcemanagement, decision making, public law and regulation, and political economy. Providing a strong platform for further research and advancement in the field, this book is a necessity for anyone involved in public administration, policy, and management. This edition includes entirely new chapters on information technology and conduct of inquiry. In each area of public administration, there are two bibliographic treatises written from different perspectives. The first examines the developments in the field. The second analyzes theories, concepts, or ideas in the field’s literature.
This volume presents a compelling package for anyone interested in public sector reform. It effectively combines a wide range of well-researched reviews of national experiences with state-of-the-art thematic chapters in key reform areas such as IT governance, public sector leadership and accountability. The result is a robust, insightful and sometimes sobering series of accounts of the promises and pitfalls of efforts to reform the institutions and practices of public governance around the world. A must-read. Paul t Hart, Australian National University This major Handbook provides a state-of-the-art study of the recent history and future development of international public management reform....
Politics in New Zealand is an excellent introduction to the study of New Zealand politics, by a well-known and respected political scientist, that has been reprinted and revised repeatedly since 1994. This updated edition was designed to incorporate the major changes that have occurred to the New Zealand political system between 1997 and 2003, including the continuing adjustment to MMP and the return of Labour to power in 1999. The updating was orchestrated to retain the book's original virtues - there is still one voice throughout, hence the book remains lucid and very accessible to the target audience of undergraduates.
This text on representive bureaucracy covers topics such as: bureaucracy as a representative institution; bureaucratic power and the dilemma of administrative responsibility; and representative bureaucracy and the potential for reconciling bureaucracy and democracy.
The conventional model for explaining the uniqueness of American democracy is its division between executive, legislative, and judicial functions. It was the great contribution of Frank J. Goodnow to codify a less obvious, but no less profound element: the distinction between politics and policies, principles and operations. He showed how the United States went beyond a nation based on government by gentlemen and then one based on the spoils system brought about by the Jacksonian revolt against the Eastern Establishment, into a government that separated political officials from civil administrators. Goodnow contends that the civil service reformers persuasively argued that the separation of ...