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Knjiga obravnava vlogo polkmetij v gospodarski, okoljski in prostorski preobrazbi obmestij. Geografski, sociološki in ekonomski vidiki polkmetij so bili že raziskani in so povzeti v prvem delu knjige. Sledi predstavitev raziskave slovenskih obmestnih kmetij, s katero avtorica ugotavlja, kakšen je vpliv bližine trga delovnih mest na mobilnost kmečke delovne sile, ali se socialno-ekonomske značilnosti obmestnih kmetijskih gospodarstev odražajo v značilnostih gospodarjenja in posledično v prostoru ter kakšna je vloga polkmetij pri krepitvi večnamenske vloge kmetijstva.Rezultati so pokazali, da je kmetijstvo na večini kmetij le stranska dejavnost, stopnja urbanizacije območja, kjer je določena kmetija, pa pri tem, nekoliko presenetljivo, nima statistično pomembne vloge. S podrobno analizo vzorčnih obmestnih kmetij je bilo ugotovljeno, da so polkmetije glede na površino obdelovalnih zemljišč manjše od čistih, struktura njihovega gospodarjenja je prostorsko bolj razdrobljena in prispeva k večji pokrajinski pestrosti. V zadnjem delu knjige so predstavljeni tudi rezultati vrednotenja večnamenske vloge kmetijstva po posameznih socialno-ekonomskih tipih kmetij.
Monografija, deseta po vrsti, v 34 znanstvenih in strokovnih prispevkih predstavlja presek trenutnega stanja uporabe geografskih informacijskih sistemov (GIS) v Sloveniji. GIS-i nudijo odlično priložnost za interdisciplinarno sodelovanje. Tako se znanje posamezne vede bogati z dognanji sorodnih ved, kar omogoča nadaljnji razvoj posameznih strok ter sinergijske učinke v iskanju rešitev za porajajoče se probleme. V desetih knjigah Geografski informacijski sistemi v Sloveniji je bilo skupaj objavljenih 294 prispevkov na skoraj tritisoč straneh.
Kljub naravnogeografski in družbenogeografski raznolikosti se evropski sredozemski prostor sooča s skupnimi razvojnimi problemi. Skladnejši in bolj uravnotežen regionalni razvoj otežujejo geografska, gospodarska in politična razdrobljenost območja. Obstoječa orodja, s katerimi sredozemske države in regije rešujejo razvojne izzive, ne omogočajo spremljanja vzorcev na ravni celotne makroregije, ki jo je Evropska unija opredelila s Programom Mediteran, programom teritorialnega sodelovanja v evropskem Sredozemlju. V knjigi so osvetljeni glavni razvojni izzivi in dejavniki, ki vplivajo na doseganje teritorialne kohezije in konkurenčnosti sredozemskih regij. Poleg poglavitnih naravnogeografskih in družbenogeografskih značilnosti so v njej povzeti nekateri rezultati transnacionalnega projekta OTREMED (Orodje za strateško prostorsko načrtovanje v Sredozemlju). V njegovem okviru je bila oblikovana metodologija za enoten pristop k prostorskemu in regionalnemu načrtovanju v sredozemski makroregiji - orodje za enotno spremljanje razvojnih izzivov območja. Orodje temelji na izbranih razvojnih dejavnikih in kazalnikih, ki so podrobneje predstavljeni za sredozemsko Slovenijo.
The themes of longing, weakness and temptation are relevant to every human and are interwoven with all fundamental ideals and values of the created, rational being. Temptation is all the more dramatic, the broader the perspective of recognition, the power of human longing and the sense of the difference between good and evil. This book is a summary of a study which compares and contrasts Slovenian and European literary works created under the influence of biblical source texts (Adam and Eve, Joseph from Egypt, Samson and Dalilah, etc.) and the works of other known and unknown origins (Homer’s Iliad, Goethe’s Faust, various versions of the myth of the Fair Vida, etc.). The ascribing of a ...
The Caucasus region of Eurasia, wedged in between the Black and Caspian Seas, encompasses the modern territories of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, as well as the troubled republic of Chechnya in southern Russia. A site of invasion, conquest, and resistance since the onset of historical record, it has earned a reputation for fearsome violence and isolated mountain redoubts closed to outsiders. Over extended efforts to control the Caucasus area, Russians have long mythologized stories of their countrymen taken captive by bands of mountain brigands.In The Captive and the Gift, the anthropologist Bruce Grant explores the long relationship between Russia and the Caucasus and the means by which...
In recent years, Alternative Food Networks (AFNs) have been a key issue both in the scientific community and in public debates. This is due to their profound implications for rural development, local sustainability, and bio-economics. This edited collection discusses what the main determinants of the participation of operators – both consumers and producers – in AFNs are, what the conditions for their sustainability are, what their social and environmental effects are, and how they are distributed geographically. Further discussions include the effect of AFNs in structuring the food chain and how AFNs can be successfully scaled up. The authors explicitly take an interdisciplinary approach to analyse AFNs from different perspectives, using as an example the Italian region of Piedmont, a particularly interesting case study due to the diffusion of AFNs in the area, as well as due to the fact that it was in this region that the ‘Slow Food’ movement originated.
The first comprehensive exploration of women's multifaceted experiences of forced and consensual ravishment in medieval England.
European cities are on the rise, and are taking advantage of the opportunities of the European integration and globalization processes. But they also face economic changes, social inequalities, poverty and a new set of constraints. Taking examples through the European Union, European Cities explores the impact of the transformation of the nation states on cities and the change of local societies and local governments. It argues that new modes of urban governance are emerging, and that cities are becoming collective actors within European governance. European Cities shows why and how the bulk of European cities still appear to be original forms of compromise, aggregation, representation of di...
This book brings together several systems-level approaches to the consideration of the interaction of livelihood choices, natural resource management and participatory action research on sustainable development. By focusing on these approaches to community change, the volume hopes to encourage readers to consider how they might adopt methods such as Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA), Community Capitals Framework (CCF) and Participatory Action Research (PAR) in their own research, practice and teaching. Thus, this volume will engage readers in reflection about the importance of systems-level approaches that address poverty from the perspective of the poor, natural resource management that maintains the resource for future generations, and the engagement of local people in designing and implementing, and thus owning, strategies that address equity as well as economic security and the environment. This book was originally published as a special issue of Community Development.