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A bold re-interpretation of democracy's historical rise in Europe, Ziblatt highlights the surprising role of conservative political parties with sweeping implications for democracy today.
This book offers a comprehensive overview of UK defence exports, as an example of the international trade in defence capabilities. The work explores the subject of defence exports from the UK through various lenses, ranging from ethics, geopolitics, and national resilience to technology transfer, industrial partnering and military cooperation. By unveiling a multi-perspective model of defence exports, the book reveals the arms trade to be possessed of many meanings and understandings. At a moment in world history when the threat of state-on-state conflict has re-emerged, wedded to rapid technological changes in the practice of warfare, it is time to reassess the dynamics of the trade in arms...
The Ethiopian-Eritrean federation, a product of a United Nations resolution, came into existence in 1952 and was abolished ten years later. The primary objective of this book is to examine the rise and the fall of the federation in the nght of present-day realities. This central theme is placed in context by a reconstruction of Eritrean political organizations during the crucial postwar years. The work includes a short account of the war between Eritrean nationalist forces and the Ethiopian government, which led up to the emergence of Eritrea as a sovereign state. Based primarily on archival sources at the Public Record Office in London, Eritrea and Ethiopia argues that no other group in the...
Can twenty-first century global challenges be met through the limited adaptation of existing political institutions and prevailing systemic norms, or is a more fundamental reconstitution of governing authority unavoidable? Are the stresses evident in domestic social compacts capable of undermining the fundamental policy capacity of contemporary governments? This book, inspired by the work of the distinguished scholar Peter J. Katzenstein, examines these important and pressing questions. In a period of complex political transition, the authors combine original research and intensive dialogue to build on Katzenstein’s innovative insights. They highlight his seminal work on variations in dome...
The relationship between government and the businesses that contribute towards the defence and security of the state is a critical one; it often underscores a modern state’s foreign policy and sense of place in the world. Yet, despite its clear importance, this subject is underexplored and rarely analysed in a rigorous manner. As a consequence, government defence industrial policies, if they exist at all, often seem somewhat contrived, ill-considered and contradictory. The Defence Industrial Triptych systematically analyses the components and drivers of the relationships that bind a government to its defence industrial base by examining three major case studies: the UK, US and Germany, who between them account for over three quarters of NATO defence spending. The features of their defence industrial relationships –whether common or unique – provide vital lessons for policy-makers, industrialists and the taxpayer. As defence cuts bite across NATO and as the UK approaches the 2015 Strategic Defence and Security Review, the relationships this Whitehall Paper considers are more important than ever.
Demonstrates that the success of local development strategies depends on the capacity of the government and its partners to accelerate change within the policy and governance aspects of economic and social development.
Uncertain Futures considers how economic actors visualize the future and decide how to act in conditions of radical uncertainty. It starts from the premise that dynamic capitalist economies are characterized by relentless innovation and novelty and hence exhibit an indeterminacy that cannot be reduced to measurable risk. The organizing question then becomes how economic actors form expectations and make decisions despite the uncertainty they face. This edited volume lays the foundations for a new model of economic reasoning by showing how, in conditions of uncertainty, economic actors combine calculation with imaginaries and narratives to form fictional expectations that coordinate action an...
Historia är en vital och spännande disciplin vid de svenska universiteten och högskolorna. Ämnet har under de senaste decennierna kommit att omspänna mycket vida fält. I Möten med historiens mångfald ger nästa generation av svenska historiker läsaren en inblick i sina pågående eller nyss avslutade forskningsarbeten. Författarna skildrar exempelvis hur det svenska postväsendet på 1600-talet samverkade med adelns förtryck av bönderna, hur man sett på åldrande och åldersbegreppet i Sverige under 1900-talet, och hur de konkurrerande ideologierna bakom liberalism, fascism och socialism har utvecklats under det senaste århundradet. Också teoretiskt är inspirationskällorna varierande och visar på historieämnets nära relation till andra kultur- och samhällsvetenskaper.
Theo Augustin Liebe Leserinnen, liebe Leser, mit dem Wettbewerb „REGIONEN AKTIV – Land gestaltet Zukunft“ erprobte das Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz (BMELV) einen neuen Förderansatz mit dem Ziel, die Erfahrungen und Fäh- keiten der Menschen in den ländlichen Regionen zu aktivieren. So können sie ihre Region, auf der Basis ihrer speziellen regionalen Stärken, selbst voranbr- gen statt als passive Fördermittelempfänger dauerhaft auf Hilfe von außen an- wiesen zu sein. In den teilnehmenden Modellregionen sollte ein Prozess in Gang gesetzt werden, der sich in Zukunft selbst trägt und somit zum Vorbild für den gesamten ländlichen Raum und...
Das Schlagwort „Kalter Krieg" prägte wie kein zweites die Zeit nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. In diesem Band verstehen die Autoren den „Kalten Krieg" als Manifestation einer die Moderne prägenden Vorstellung von Ordnung, die sich aus der radikal-binären Logik des Entweder-Oder speiste. Bipolarität und binäres Denken schrieben sich als handlungsleitende Paradigmen in nahezu alle Bereiche der Gesellschaft ein. Sie waren aber niemals total – höchstens in ihrem Anspruch. Die Essays dieses Bandes skizzieren die Handlungsspielräume in der Ordnung des „Kalten Krieges". Sie untersuchen Irritationen, Reibungen, und Widersprüchen im Ordnungssystem. Sie Fragen nach den Paradoxa, nach den G...