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Eurasianism has proved to be an unexpectedly diverse and highly self-reflexive concept. By transforming the way we describe the Eurasian landmass, it also resignifies our field of studies and its disciplinary boundaries. In this process, Eurasianism itself is subject to a constant resignification. The present volume builds on this notion while pursuing an innovative approach to Eurasianism. The authors advance the well-established positions that view Eurasianism as a historical intellectual movement or as an ideology of Russian neo-Imperialism, and proceed to unpack an innovative vision of Eurasianism as a process of renegotiating cultural values and identity narratives—in and beyond Russia. This procedural approach provides deeper insight into the operationality of the identity narratives and shifting semantics of Eurasianism in its relation to the Russian World.
This volume contends that young individuals across Europe relate to their country’s history in complex and often ambivalent ways. It pays attention to how both formal education and broader culture communicate ideas about the past, and how young people respond to these ideas. The studies collected in this volume show that such ideas about the past are central to the formation of the group identities of nations, social movements, or religious groups. Young people express received historical narratives in new, potentially subversive, ways. As young people tend to be more mobile and ready to interrogate their own roots than later generations, they selectively privilege certain aspects of their identities and their identification with their family or nation while neglecting others. This collection aims to correct the popular misperception that young people are indifferent towards history and prove instead that historical narratives are constitutive to their individual identities and their sense of belonging to something broader than themselves.
How did Vladimir Putin galvanise the Russian people to back his genocidal war in Ukraine and why are so many of them willing to embrace fascism? This vivid, on-the-ground narrative reveals how Russia’s fascist generation came into being–and the dark future that awaits the country if that hold cannot be broken. Wartime Russia is drowning in fascist symbols. Zealous patriots attack journalists, opposition activists, and anyone suspected of betraying the motherland. Russians are urged to join the cause by hordes of online trolls and sleek videos of angry young men bellowing patriotic slogans. State television terrifies viewers with trumped up tales of anti-Russian conspiracies and genocidal...
A history of three transnational political projects designed to overcome the inequities of imperialism After the dissolution of empires, was the nation-state the only way to unite people politically, culturally, and economically? In Post-Imperial Possibilities, historians Jane Burbank and Frederick Cooper examine three large-scale, transcontinental projects aimed at bringing together peoples of different regions to mitigate imperial legacies of inequality. Eurasia, Eurafrica, and Afroasia—in theory if not in practice—offered alternative routes out of empire. The theory of Eurasianism was developed after the collapse of imperial Russia by exiled intellectuals alienated by both Western imp...
The Eastern International traces how the concept "East" (Vostok) was used by the world's first communist state and its mediators to project, channel, and contest power across Eurasia. It highlights the roles played in this process by Jewish activists, Arab intellectuals, and Central Asian politicians and artists.
Medieval Art, Modern Politics is an innovative volume of twelve essays by international scholars, prefaced by a comprehensive introduction. It examines the political uses and misuses of medieval images, objects, and the built environment from the 16th to the 20th century. In case studies ranging from Russia to the US and from catacombs, mosques, cathedrals, and feudal castles to museums and textbooks, it demonstrates how the artistic and built legacy has been appropriated in post-medieval times to legitimize varied political agendas, whether royalist, imperial, fascist, or colonial. Entities as diverse as the Roman papacy, the Catholic Church, local arts organizations, private owners of medieval fortresses, or organizers of exhibitions and publishers are examined for the multiple ways they co-opt medieval works of art. Medieval Art, Modern Politics enlarges the history of revivalism and of medievalism by giving it a uniquely political twist, demonstrating the unavoidable (but often ignored) intersection of art history, knowledge, and power.
These contributions offer fundamental insights into how literary works address and reconceptualize issues of nationalism, groupism, belonging and denationalization in selected European contexts. Various critical perspectives are employed here to highlight modern social and political processes as registered and, to a certain extent, also fashioned by contemporary literary discourses. ‘Reimagined communities’ emerge from literary redescriptions of existing or imaginary sociopolitical configurations in several European states or regions. All the contributions share a heightened sensitivity to the individual as enmeshed in oppressive geopolitical circumstances. Thereby, literary expressions of how individuality is constrained by social pressures may offer inspiring blueprints for emancipation.
Why aren't ordinary Russians more outraged by Putin's invasion of Ukraine? Inside the Kremlin's own historical propaganda narratives, Russia's invasion of Ukraine makes complete sense. From its World War II cult to anti-Western conspiracy theories, the Kremlin has long used myth and memory to legitimize repression at home and imperialism abroad, its patriotic history resonating with and persuading large swathes of the Russian population. In Memory Makers, Russia analyst Jade McGlynn takes us into the depths of Russian historical propaganda, revealing the chilling web of nationwide narratives and practices perforating everyday life, from after-school patriotic history clubs to tower block World War II murals. The use of history to manifest a particular Russian identity has had grotesque, even gruesome, consequences, but it belongs to a global political pattern – where one's view of history is the ultimate marker of political loyalty, patriotism and national belonging. Memory Makers demonstrates how the extreme Russian experience is a stark warning to other nations tempted to stare too long at the reflection of their own imagined and heroic past.
An original and informative look at the character of Russian leaders throughout history and why they think so differently to the rest of the world. Martin Sixsmith, acknowledged expert on Russia, history and politics argues that it is impossible to understand Vladimir Putin unless he is seen in the wider context of Russian history. All the forces that condition Putin's behaviour, his attitude to the outside world, his desire for political domination and his unrelenting brutality can be traced from Muscovy, Boris Godunov, Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Stalin and right up to the present day. In other words, there is a mindset, the psyche of Russian dictators which has changed little sinc...
Erzählen von einer Kultur im Wandel – die international bekanntesten intellektuellen und literarischen Stimmen der Ukraine. "Was ist das eigentlich, die Ukraine? " Historisch betrachtet war das Gebiet, das heute zur Ukraine gehört, schon für lange Zeit ein Zankapfel der russischen, polnisch-litauischen, habsburgischen und osmanischen Imperien. Diese historisch gewachsene Zerrissenheit spiegelt sich auch in der heutigen ukrainischen Gesellschaft wider, die im Westen des Landes nach Europa drängt, im Osten hingegen auf einer engen Anbindung an Russland beharrt. Ein thematischer Schwerpunkt der ausgewählten Autorinnen und Autoren ist die multikulturelle Vergangenheit der Ukraine. Dabei geht es häufig um die Frage, inwiefern die Ukraine ein europäisches Land ist. Der gemeinsame Bezugspunkt ist das kollektive und historische Gedächtnis der Ukraine und dessen Bedeutung für die Gegenwart. Mit Beiträgen u. a. über: Juri Andruchowytsch, Ljubko Deresch, Andrej Kurkov, Tanja Maljartschuk, Anatoli Rybakow, Serhij Zhadan, Oksana Sabuschko