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International Conference on Energy Management & Renewable Resources has been a premium forum for presenting recent advances in renewable based energy systems, smart applications of power electronic devices in modern grid systems and AI based control over energy management areas. IEMRE2022 has been an excellent platform to collaborate and showcase high-end research giving exposure to interact with the eminent Professors, Technocrats, Scientists, Administrators and Students throughout the world by the latest innovations in the field of Renewable Energy and Energy Management with their applications in worldwide energy sectors. IEMRE 2022 was organized by Department of EEE & EE of Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata, India for three days in online mode with invited lectures by outstanding speakers from all over the world on emerging areas in the field of renewable energy. This book is a collection of select papers from the conference.
The 1st International Conference on Intelligent Computation and Analytics on Sustainable Energy (ICICASEE 2023) was held at Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering & Technology (GKCIET), Malda, West Bengal, India. GKCIET is a premier engineering institute located in Malda, West Bengal, India. Being established in 2010, at present the institute offers B.Tech and Diploma Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and engineering and Food process□ing technology. The conference was aimed to provide a platform for researchers, academicians, indus□try professionals, and students to exchange knowledge and ideas on intelligent computation, analytics, and their applications in sustainable energy systems. The Department of Electrical Engineering of the institute hosted the conference from September 21–23, 2023.
This book presents best selected papers presented at the First Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (GCAIA 2020), organized by the University of Engineering & Management, Jaipur, India, during 8–10 September 2020. The proceeding will be targeting the current research works in the domain of intelligent systems and artificial intelligence.
The Most Authentic Source Of Information On Higher Education In India The Handbook Of Universities, Deemed Universities, Colleges, Private Universities And Prominent Educational & Research Institutions Provides Much Needed Information On Degree And Diploma Awarding Universities And Institutions Of National Importance That Impart General, Technical And Professional Education In India. Although Another Directory Of Similar Nature Is Available In The Market, The Distinct Feature Of The Present Handbook, That Makes It One Of Its Kind, Is That It Also Includes Entries And Details Of The Private Universities Functioning Across The Country.In This Handbook, The Universities Have Been Listed In An A...
The novel,”THE RAZOR AND THE WILD LOTUS: A NOVEL OF LOVE AND LONGING” is the story of a LOVE----- deep,passionate, and dedicated,to be termed’a bond between two souls’.It’s not something of the stock phrases like””I ‘m mad about you”” or””I have fallen for the babe””.The protagonist or the hero,besotted by a bewitching beauty(as he calls his fairy-girl),goes on desperately longing for her and wins an impossible battle in his life.Based on a real- life experience, the story narrates an epic saga of love between two opposite irreconcilables.It’s a ‘ love -in- reality’ between a highly-qualified,higher-caste management boy( Casteism in Indian Perspective) and a...
Le roman, “LE RASOIR ET LE LOTUS SAUVAGE : UN ROMAN D’AMOUR ET DE DÉSIR”, raconte l’histoire d’un AMOUR profond, passionné et dévoué, à tel point qu’on pourrait le qualifier de “lien entre deux âmes”. Ce n’est pas quelque chose des phrases toutes faites comme “Je suis fou de toi” ou “Je suis tombé amoureux de la fille”. Le protagoniste ou le héros, ensorcelé par une beauté envoûtante (comme il appelle sa fée), continue à la désirer désespérément et remporte une bataille impossible dans sa vie. Basé sur une expérience réelle, l’histoire narre une saga épique d’amour entre deux opposés irréconciliables. C’est un “amour dans la réalité...
Der Roman „DER RASIERER UND DER WILDE LOTUS: EIN ROMAN ÜBER LIEBE UND VERLANGEN“ erzählt die Geschichte einer LIEBE, die tief, leidenschaftlich und hingebungsvoll ist und als „eine Verbindung zwischen zwei Seelen“ bezeichnet werden kann. Es handelt sich nicht um die üblichen Floskeln wie „Ich bin verrückt nach dir“ oder „Ich habe mich in das Mädchen verliebt“. Der Protagonist oder Held, der von einer bezaubernden Schönheit (wie er sein Märchenmädchen nennt) verzaubert ist, sehnt sich verzweifelt nach ihr und gewinnt eine unmögliche Schlacht in seinem Leben. Basierend auf einer realen Erfahrung erzählt die Geschichte eine epische Saga der Liebe zwischen zwei gegensä...
Il romanzo, “IL RASOIO E IL LOTO SELVATICO: UN ROMANZO DI AMORE E DESIDERIO”, è la storia di un AMORE profondo, appassionato e devoto, da definire come un “legame tra due anime”. Non è qualcosa delle frasi fatte come “Sono pazzo di te” o “Mi sono innamorato della ragazza”. Il protagonista o l’eroe, stregato da una bellezza incantevole (come chiama la sua fata), continua a desiderarla disperatamente e vince una battaglia impossibile nella sua vita. Basato su un’esperienza di vita reale, la storia narra una saga epica di amore tra due opposti irriducibili. È un “amore nella realtà” tra un ragazzo altamente qualificato, di casta alta, nel settore della gestione (cast...
El libro “EL RASTRILLO Y EL LOTO SALVAJE: UNA NOVELA SOBRE AMOR Y DESEO” narra la historia de un AMOR que es profundo, apasionado y devoto, y que puede describirse como “una conexión entre dos almas”. No se trata de las típicas frases como “Estoy loco por ti” o “Me enamoré de la chica”. El protagonista o héroe, encantado por una belleza deslumbrante (como él llama a su princesa de cuento), la anhela desesperadamente y gana una batalla imposible en su vida. Basada en una experiencia real, la historia cuenta una saga épica de amor entre dos personas opuestas e incompatibles. Es un “amor en la realidad” entre un joven altamente cualificado de una casta alta, que trabaj...