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Buku berjudul “Hukum Kontrak” ini mengetengahkan berbagai materi terkait Ruang lingkup hukum kontrak, Asas-asas hukum kontrak, Kontrak notaril dan kontrak bawah tangan, Tahapan Penyusunan kontrak, Sistematika kontrak, Keabsahan suatu kontrak, Anatomi Perjanjian Jual Beli, Mengulas Perjanjian Kredit, Pilihan hukum dan Penyelesaian hukum kontrak, Kesepakatan dalam E-Commerce, dan Berakhirnya kontrak.
Buku teks utama ini menyajikan berbagai ragam alternatif penelitian sosial sebagai upaya mengeksplorasi dan memahami realitas sosial yang terus berkembang, untuk kemudian dapat dituangkan dan dikomunikasikan serta dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah. Referensi utama ini disusun dengan mengedepankan kesesuaian penerapan metode dengan objek studi, menghadirkan pedoman praktis dan contoh konkret penerapan berbagai metode dalam lapangan penelitian sosial. Mengkaji dan memahami realitas sosial yang terus-menerus berkembang di tengah masyarakat postmodern yang mengalami revolusi informasi, maka dalam Edisi Ketiga ini ditambahkan pula kajian baru tentang Netnografi—pilihan metode untuk studi tent...
Plea bargaining system sebagai sebuah sistem, melekat 2 (dua) karakteristik sistem peradilan, yaitu sistem peradilan pidana (criminal justice system) dan proses peradilan pidana (criminal justice process). Criminal justice process adalah setiap tahap dari suatu putusan yang menghadapkan seorang tersangka ke dalam proses yang membawanya kepada penentuan pidana baginya. Sedangkan criminal justice system adalah interkoneksi antara keputusan dari setiap instansi yang terlibat dalam proses peradilan pidana.
Dalam buku ini, penulis, Dr. Vidya Prahassacitta, SH. MH menyajikan analisa dan pembahasan yang lengkap serta mendalam dari tiga hal. Pertama, pembahasan mengenai hak asasi manusia dan kebebasan berekspresi. Buku ini membahas pertentangan pemikiran barat dan pemikiran Indonesia. Pemikiran barat tidak menempatkan perbuatan menyebarluaskan berita bohong sebagai batasan kebebasan berekpsresi, hal ini berbeda dengan pemikiran Indonesia yang menerima berita bohong sebagai batasan terhadap kebebasan berekpresi. Kedua, pembahasan mengenai kriminalisasi. Buku ini membahas secara lengkap mengenai landasan dan batasan kriminalisasi terhadap penyebarluasan berita bohong. Penulis mengkritisi ketentuan dan penerapan tindak pidana penyebaran berita bohong di Indonesia. Ketiga, pembahasan mengenai ruang publik. dalam buku ini dibahas mengenai kehadiran internet sebagai ruang publik yang memberikan ruang baru untuk menyampaikan ekspresi dan pendapatnya. Penulis membahas mengenai keterbatasan kriminalisasi penyebaran berita bohong di ruang publik.
We are proudly presenting the proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences 2019 (ICSS 2019). It has focus on the relation of governance and sustainable development. The issue of governance, politics, policy and sustainable development is important today. Not only globally, but also Indonesia nationally to the local level. There are several important issues relating to this, both institutionally and the relationships between individuals and groups in supporting the agenda of sustainable development. More than 100 manuscripts were presented at this conference with more than 50 of them selected to be published in proceedings. We hope by this conference, discussions on the importance of sustainable development will increasingly become an important concern together. Brings better response from the government and social relations for development.
This publication contains an analytical framework for a six-step approach to developing effective anti-corruption strategies, taking into account country-specific conditions of governance. It includes case studies from Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and South Korea which illustrate the impact of different patterns of corruption and governance on anti-corruption effectiveness.
This superb study offers insights into the methods and techniques that enable the implementation of a Collaborative Engineering concept on product design. It does so by integrating capabilities for intelligent information support and group decision-making, utilizing a common enterprise network model and knowledge interface through shared ontologies. The book is also a collection of the latest applied methods and technology from selected experts in this area.
Corones' Restrictive Trade Practices Law is now completely updated in a new edition, Competition Law in Australia. This new edition reflects the recent dramatic changes in the trade practices legislation. Due to the impact of the Hilmer Report, & hence changes to the teaching syllabus, the book required a change in its focus & breadth. This second edition focuses not just on Part IV (Restrictive Trade Practices) of the Trade Practices Act, but also deals with: * Part IIIA (Access to Services) * Part XIA (the Competition Code) * Part XIB (Anti-competitive Conduct in the Telecommunications Industry), & * Part XIC (Telecommunications Access Regime). The book's important introductory chapter rem...
Big data is marked by staggering growth in the collection and analysis of digital trace information regarding human and natural activity, bound up in and enabled by the rise of persistent connectivity, networked communication, smart machines, and the internet of things. In addition to their impact on technology and society, these developments have particular significance for the media industry and for journalism as a practice and a profession. These data-centric phenomena are, by some accounts, poised to greatly influence, if not transform, some of the most fundamental aspects of news and its production and distribution by humans and machines. What such changes actually mean for news, democr...
This edition provides an authoritative and detailed account of contract law. It is essential reading for any student of contract law, and a valuable source of reference for practitioners and academics.