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Popular Agency and Politicisation in Nineteenth-Century Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 294

Popular Agency and Politicisation in Nineteenth-Century Europe

This book provides an entry point to the most cutting-edge lines of research on popular political mobilisation in Europe. It brings together leading scholars from Germany, France, Britain, the Netherlands and Spain. The chapters explore the connected dimensions of popular participation within different countries and across borders, covering the topics of iconoclasm, popular acclamations, street politics, associations, petitions and electoral agitation. Focusing on the role of disenfranchised citizens and women, this collection broadens the themes of traditional political historical research that has identified political participation with the right to vote and struggles for political inclusion, and brings a wide array of formal and informal political practices to the centre of nineteenth-century European life. A must-read for scholars, undergraduates, and graduate students wishing to explore multiple dimensions of the history of political engagement and politicisation.

Corruption, Empire and Colonialism in the Modern Era
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 363

Corruption, Empire and Colonialism in the Modern Era

Answering the calls made to overcome methodological nationalism, this volume is the first examination of the links between corruption and imperial rule in the modern world. It does so through a set of original studies that examine the multi-layered nature of corruption in four different empires (Great Britain, Spain, the Netherlands and France) and their possessions in Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America and Africa. It offers a key read for scholars interested in the fields of corruption, colonialism/empire and global history. The chapters ‘Introduction: Corruption, Empire and Colonialism in the Modern Era: Towards a Global Perspective’, ‘“Corrupt and rapacious”: Colonial Spanish-American past through the eyes of early nineteenth century contemporaries. A contribution from the history of emotions’, and ‘Colonial Normativity? Corruption in the Dutch-Indonesian Relationship in the Nineteenth and Early-Twentieth Centuries’ are Open Access under a CC BY 4.0 license at link.springer.com.

Southern Europe in the Age of Revolutions
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 704

Southern Europe in the Age of Revolutions

An examination of revolutions in the Iberian and Italian peninsulas, Sicily and Greece in the 1820s that reveals a popular constitutional culture in the South After the turbulent years of the Napoleonic Wars and the Congress of Vienna’s attempt to guarantee peace and stability across Europe, a new revolutionary movement emerged in the southern peripheries of the continent. In this groundbreaking study, Maurizio Isabella examines the historical moment in the 1820s when a series of simultaneous uprisings took the quest for constitutional government to Portugal, Spain, the Italian peninsula, Sicily and Greece. Isabella places these events in a broader global revolutionary context and, decente...

Royalism, War and Popular Politics in the Age of Revolutions, 1780s-1870s
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 262

Royalism, War and Popular Politics in the Age of Revolutions, 1780s-1870s

This book offers a ground-breaking approach to royalism and popular politics in Europe and the Americas during the Age of Revolutions. It shows how royalist and counterrevolutionary movements did not propose a mere return to the past, but rather introduced an innovative way of addressing the demands and expectations of various social groups. Ordinary people were involved in the war and adapted the traditional imaginary of the monarchy to craft new models of political participation. This edited collection brings together scholars from France, Spain, Norway, and Mexico, to provide a transatlantic comparative perspective. It is a must-read for scholars and students looking to discover the lesser-known side of the Age of Revolutions, and the motivations of those who fought in the name of the king.

Monarchy and Liberalism in Spain
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 244

Monarchy and Liberalism in Spain

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-11-29
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Bringing together the work of top specialists and emerging scholars in the field, this volume is the first book-length study of the rapport between liberalism and the Spanish monarchy over the long nineteenth century in any language. It is at once a general overview and a set of original contributions to knowledge. The essays discuss monarchy’s rapport with the pre-liberal, liberal and post-liberal nation-state, from the eve of the French Revolution, when the monarchy regulated a ‘natural’ order, to the unstable reign of Isabel II, fraught by revolutions that ended in her exile, to the brief republican monarchy of Amadeo I, the much-maligned foreign king, to Alfonso XIII’s expulsion ...

Derecho, historia y corrupción con perspectiva de género.
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 288

Derecho, historia y corrupción con perspectiva de género.

  • Categories: Law
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-10-20
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  • Publisher: Dykinson

En los últimos años, numerosos casos de corrupción han ocupado portadas de periódicos y minutos de televisión y de radio. En algunos de ellos, la justicia ha sentado en el banquillo de los acusados a mujeres, algunas de ellas de destacado rango social. A pesar de que la resolución final de los respectivos casos ha sido dispar, hemos visto que el delito de corrupción no es sólo cosa de hombres: las mujeres también participan de estas prácticas con distintos protagonismos. Al menos, en los más mediáticos. El Centro de Estudios e Investigación, Dones i Drets de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona junto con el Grupo de Investigación Política, Institucio...

La Catalunya dels furs carlins (1 de novembre de 1874)
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 382

La Catalunya dels furs carlins (1 de novembre de 1874)

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-09-15
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  • Publisher: ROSA VENTS

La relectura del carlisme no és del tot nova, però la recerca de gran abast realitzada per Lluís Ferran Toledano Gonzàlez durant dècades construeix un relat sòlid i documentat d'aquest corrent, que contribuí sens dubte a forjar la nostra realitat nacional. Historiar la Catalunya carlina és una bona ocasió per desfer mites i estereotips sobre la Catalunya interior, l'anomenada un xic despectivament «Catalunya del tractor». El carlisme català ha estat una de les cultures polítiques més riques de la Catalunya contemporània, expressió del monarquisme i de la contrarevolució a casa nostra, capaç d'inaugurar un dels cicles guerracivilistes més llargs de l'Europa del segle XIX, c...

Amnistia i llibertat!
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 336

Amnistia i llibertat!

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-10-26
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  • Publisher: ROSA VENTS

El 28 d'octubre de 1973 la policia va detenir cent tretze persones a l'església de Santa Maria Mitjancera de Barcelona. Totes elles participaven en una reunió clandestina de l'Assemblea de Catalunya, l'organisme unitari de l'oposició catalana constituït el 7 de novembre de 1971. A partir d'aquest fet, Agustí Colomines i Companys ens parla del canvi cultural i polític de finals dels anys seixanta i principis dels setanta del segle XX, que va propiciar la confluència unitària de diversos grups enfrontats des de la fi de la Guerra Civil. Al crit d' Amnistia i llibertat!, els treballadors de les fàbriques, els estudiants, els veïns dels barris i dels pobles de tot Catalunya van ser els...

El Estado y el arte
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 383

El Estado y el arte

  • Categories: Art

Como si de una exposición museística se tratara, esta obra se compone de tres grandes áreas temáticas que profundizan en las interconexiones entre el mundo de las bellas artes y las instrucciones estatales desde 1833 hasta 1875, realizando un recorrido político-cultural a través de la historia de la construcción del Estado liberal en España durante el siglo XIX. “Las colecciones del Estado”, “La sala de los paisajes” y “La galería de retratos” son los tres grandes escenarios a partir de los que se analiza la formulación de las representaciones, los imaginarios y los símbolos con los que se nutrió el Estado español decimonónico, algunos de los cuales se mantendrán e...

Manuel Cortina Arenzana
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 493

Manuel Cortina Arenzana

Este texto analiza la trayectoria y actividad parlamentarias de Manuel Cortina Arenzana entre 1839 y 1856. Fue un carismático líder progresista, ministro de Gobernación durante la Regencia del general Espartero. Destacado miembro de las élites parlamentarias liberales, apostó por la conciliación y el entendimiento entre las diferentes facciones del liberalismo español, sin renunciar a sus principios progresistas. Su actividad parlamentaria, influida por su sólida formación como jurista, contribuyó sustancialmente a asentar principios básicos del Estado liberal.