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O temperamento com que se nasce, e que acompanha o indivíduo pela vida, tem muito mais influência na trajetória pessoal e profissional do que supunham os psicólogos até poucos anos atrás. Esta obra mostra o caminho do sucesso por meio da análise de características como visão de mundo, talentos, interesses e motivações. Também são apresentadas minibiografias de 16 ícones da cultura brasileira que alcançaram sucesso absoluto nas áreas que abraçaram.
“I work everyday in these fields, I am ankle-deep in mud, all I smell is pattume, and in a couple of hours il vento will blow dirt and debris in my face. Next month the rains will come; they will soak me through, and I will have to carry those wet sprout sacks up and down these muddy rows. I work ten to twelve hours every day for very little money. My young son is sick and I cannot pay the doctor. My young wife is pregnant and our second baby is on its way. Where will I get the money to feed another mouth? I promised my beautiful wife an easy life in America; all she got was hard work and desperate times. If there is a God up there, why doesn’t he show himself? Why doesn’t he make my son well? Why doesn’t he help me? I need more money! O God, if you are up there, why don’t you wave your hand, and make things better for me?” Not really expecting an answer, the rancere lowered his head and with his shavola slowly returned to working the soil. Then from out of the thick, eerie mist, he thought he heard someone, perhaps a woman, say in a soft and gentle voice: “O rancere mi. Don’t you know? You live su per la costa—not Heaven.”
O uso de fragrâncias tem uma longa história, sempre foram utilizadas para atividades espirituais, prazer sensorial ou expressão de sentimentos. O olfato tem uma conexão direta com o sistema límbico, responsável pela memória e emoção, explicando a propriedade das fragrâncias de evocar emoções. A escolha de um perfume pode refletir a personalidade de uma pessoa e ajudar a expressá-la, além de levar em conta a ocasião de uso. O livro apresenta dois estudos: um sobre o efeito dos odores no estado de espírito das pessoas, ponderando seus diferentes perfis psicológicos e a classificação de notas olfativas de acordo com seus efeitos sensoriais; e outro sobre a correspondência entre uma avaliação sensorial hedônica e descritiva, e as respostas psicofisiológicas de pessoas submetidas a estímulos olfativos. As respostas psicofisiológicas são controladas pelo sistema nervoso autônomo, que é composto pelo sistema nervoso simpático e parassimpático e podem ser medidas e registradas através de várias técnicas, incluindo eletrocardiografia (ECG), que foi utilizada no estudo.
The book Transformed Temperaments is the result of additional research into the subject and further counseling with people in trouble its inspiration came when the author found transformation of temperament in the lives of several Bible character which he expect to find Spirit-filled Christians today
This textbook provides a comprehensive and state-of-the-art overview of the major issues specific to the field of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition. The first part of the book, Gastroenterology and Nutrition, presents in a systematic way the overall scope of issues encountered by children (newborn to teenagers) suffering from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and/or presenting nutritional issues. These chapters are structured in logical sections to facilitate consultation and include major topics ranging from congenital disorders to gastrointestinal problems of the newborn, infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and approach to nutritional prob...
Vols. for 1963- include as pt. 2 of the Jan. issue: Medical subject headings.
This volume surveys recent research on autonomous sensor networks from the perspective of enabling technologies that support medical, environmental and military applications. State of the art, as well as emerging concepts in wireless sensor networks, body area networks and ambient assisted living introduce the reader to the field, while subsequent chapters deal in depth with established and related technologies, which render their implementation possible. These range from smart textiles and printed electronic devices to implanted devices and specialized packaging, including the most relevant technological features. The last four chapters are devoted to customization, implementation difficulties and outlook for these technologies in specific applications.