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Advances In Coastal And Ocean Engineering, Vol 4
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 263

Advances In Coastal And Ocean Engineering, Vol 4

This volume consists of five excellent review papers. In the first paper, “A Review of Coastal Wave Modeling: The Physical and Mathematical Problems”, N E Huang presents a summary of the state-of-the-art of wave modeling in deep waters. He points out several shortcomings in existing modeling approaches and expresses the urgent need for developing a statistical theory of surface waves in shallow waters. Huang believes that the statistical theory can be formulated as the soliton turbulence. He also points out other important issues in wave modeling, including the air-sea interaction processes, and the physics of the wave-current and dissipation processes. In the second paper A C Radder foc...

The Juggler of Notre Dame and the Medievalizing of Modernity.
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 282

The Juggler of Notre Dame and the Medievalizing of Modernity.

This ambitious and vivid study in six volumes explores the journey of a single, electrifying story, from its first incarnation in a medieval French poem through its prolific rebirth in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Juggler of Notre Dame tells how an entertainer abandons the world to join a monastery, but is suspected of blasphemy after dancing his devotion before a statue of the Madonna in the crypt; he is saved when the statue, delighted by his skill, miraculously comes to life. Jan Ziolkowski tracks the poem from its medieval roots to its rediscovery in late nineteenth-century Paris, before its translation into English in Britain and the United States. The visual influence of...

Modeling morphodynamic evolution in alluvial estuaries
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 207

Modeling morphodynamic evolution in alluvial estuaries

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2010-12-30
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

The main objective of this research is to investigate the governing processes and characteristics that drive morphodynamic evolution in alluvial estuaries by application of a process-based numerical model (Delft3D). It is of utmost importance to understand estuarine processes so that impact of human interference (like dredging and land reclamation) and long-term changes (like sea level rise) can be evaluated. The research addresses a number of cases ranging from an rectangular basins to real estuaries like the Western Scheldt in the Netherlands or San Pablo Bay in California. The more schematized approach allow to study morphodynamic evolution over several millennia under constant forcing an...

Coastal Bottom Boundary Layers And Sediment Transport
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 340

Coastal Bottom Boundary Layers And Sediment Transport

This book is intended as a useful handbook for professionals and researchers in the areas of Physical Oceanography, Marine Geology, Coastal Geomorphology and Coastal Engineering and as a text for graduate students in these fields. With its emphasis on boundary layer flow and basic sediment transport modelling, it is meant to help fill the gap between general hydrodynamic texts and descriptive texts on marine and coastal sedimentary processes. The book commences with a review of coastal bottom boundary layer flows including the boundary layer interaction between waves and steady currents. The concept of eddy viscosity for these flows is discussed in depth because of its relation to sediment d...

Pablo Escobar - ce que mon père ne m'a jamais raconté
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 195

Pablo Escobar - ce que mon père ne m'a jamais raconté

Une mise en lumière incontournable pour découvrir la face la plus sombre du monde de Pablo Escobar, le plus grand narcotraficant du monde. In frangranti. En flagrant délit. En flag'. Voilà comment on pourrait traduire le titre original dece second livre du fils de Pablo Escobar, Juan Pablo. Après avoir parcouru la moitié du pays et interviewé des personnages de la pègre qui s'étaient toujours refusé à lui répondre, le fils unique du chef du cartel de Medellin partage ici avec le lecteur sa perplexité devant les découvertes de cette enquête. Dans l'idée de redécouvrir son père, Juan Pablo Escobar nous propose des révélations autour de sixaxes majeurs :• La puissance des ...

Sediment Transport and Morphodynamics Modelling for Coasts and Shallow Environments
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 231

Sediment Transport and Morphodynamics Modelling for Coasts and Shallow Environments

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-03-09
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

This reference for engineers, and graduate students covers sediment transport and morphodynamics modelling in nearshore environments. It presents the fundamentals required for understanding the physics and for setting up numerical models. This book covers hydrodynamics of estuarine and coastal environments, properties of seafloor and estuarine composition, and hydroenvironmental interactions; emphasising the inter-relations of small- and large-scale processes, and short- and large-evolution timescales. The focus is, principally, on the application of shallow-water theory, but some surface wave models, and coupling of shallow-water models with surface waves is also discussed to some extent. T...

L'échappatoire de l'âme
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 90

L'échappatoire de l'âme

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-12-26T00:00:00+01:00
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  • Publisher: Iggybook

L'échappatoire de l'âme est un recueil de nouvelles à chute, allant de une à trois pages. Devant ce que l'homme fait de pire, il ne nous reste qu'une seule issue pour fuir : l'échappatoire de notre âme. Et si l'âme était plus forte que tout ? Et si c'était notre meilleure arme pour s'évader et perdurer jusqu'à l'éternité ? Parce que l'Homme est capable du pire, il nous faut un rempart pour se protéger.

El retrato literario. Tempestades y naufragios. Escritura y reelaboración
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 676

El retrato literario. Tempestades y naufragios. Escritura y reelaboración

Estudio del tema del retrato con un enfoque comparativista: los trabajos presentados estudian la formación de los personajes literarios universales, la influencia de la retórica demostrativa, la relación con géneros como la biografía y la autobiografía, la influencia recíproca de la literatura y otras artes (pintura, escultura, cine ). Estudio del tema de la tempestad como crisis para los viajeros; el naufragio es el momento de máxima tensión, en el que la naturaleza vuelca todo el mundo real y simbólico del viaje. Los estudios comparativos presentados en el XII Simposio de la SELGYC han abierto nuevas perspectivas en el estudio de la tradición literaria y ha aclarado muchos de sus significados. Por último, estudio de las reelaboraciones literarias: desde el primer texto hasta la última versión, son muchos los Autores que reescriben sus obras.

Le parc des momies
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 106

Le parc des momies

Nous sommes en 2018. Un parc grandiose de momies, venues des cinq continents, a été créé sur l’île de Man. Pour l’ouverture officielle se côtoient les plus grands de ce monde et des moins grands. Éric Longfield, sa femme, Misty Snow et leur teckel PDG (Prince de Galles) font partie des heureux élus. Au même moment, en Égypte, on sacrifie un homme pour réveiller Ramsès II dont la momie repose au sein du parc... Enjeux politiques, technologie incroyable et momies sont au cœur de l’histoire dans un décor époustouflant, sans oublier un soupçon d’humour. Et vous, prendrez-vous votre billet ? À PROPOS DE L'AUTEUR Bercé par la mythologie durant son enfance, grecque plus pa...

Membership Directory and Certification Registry
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 160

Membership Directory and Certification Registry

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1990
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  • Publisher: Unknown
