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Recent reports indicate that the prevalence of sarcoidosis is rising and mortality in chronic sarcoidosis patients is increasing. With myriad clinical manifestations, and multi-system involvement, there is a need for all clinicians to have a working knowledge of the condition. This Monograph provides a comprehensive overview of the most recent advances in sarcoidosis. Opening with chapters on history, epidemiology and pathobiology, it goes on to provide in-depth coverage of: specific organ manifestations and general diagnostic pathways; traditional as well as innovative treatment strategies; and, importantly, patient quality-of-life assessment. This book will be useful to clinicians around the world.
Technology has made it possible to apply a new management philosophy. Leaders can let go and still be in control. They can involve key people without losing momentum. Companies can consistently measure organizational capability over time, and accurately benchmark 'soft' management areas, and a virtual CEO office really does work. Founded on three key insights (the operating arena; managing by pull and push; and the web-based dialogue centre), Beyond Control offers a revolutionary model for shifting the management focus from structured control to guided interaction. Using this approach companies can build a participative operating system that creates space for managers to excel, and avoids the unpleasant surprises that can lead to corporate scandals.
Too many companies are managed not by leaders, but by mere role players and faceless bureaucrats. What does it take to be a real leader—one who is confident in who they are and what they stand for and who truly inspires people to achieve extraordinary results? In this lively and practical book, Goffee and Jones draw from extensive research to reveal how to hone and deploy one’s unique leadership assets while managing the inherent tensions at the heart of successful leadership. Why Should Anyone Be Led By You? will forever change how we view, develop and practice the art of leadership, wherever we live and work.
Contrary to the conventional wisdom held by many, not only the dominance of the U.S. in the post-Cold War era is much exaggerated, but also its days as a hyper-power are ending. Instead, the world is slowly but steadily evolving towards what Dr. Baofu originally calls the dawn of 'the post-post-Cold War era' in 'the world of titans' for a tremendous remaking of world order, to be governed by different types of empires crossing regional borders. This has important implications for understanding the logic of empire-building, be it in the past, present, or future, to the extent that the current theoretical debate on international relations among different paradigms is as much misleading as obsolete. The current debate also obscures something more tremendous in the long run, in relation to the emergence of what Dr. Baofu proposes as 'the union of the unions' in the farther future that humans have never known, both here on earth and later in deep space.
In more than a metaphorical sense, the womb has proven to be an important site of political struggle in and about Africa. By examining the political significance—and complex ramifications—of reproductive controversies in twentieth-century Kenya, this book explores why and how control of female initiation, abortion, childbirth, and premarital pregnancy have been crucial to the exercise of colonial and postcolonial power. This innovative book enriches the study of gender, reproduction, sexuality, and African history by revealing how reproductive controversies challenged long-standing social hierarchies and contributed to the construction of new ones that continue to influence the fraught politics of abortion, birth control, female genital cutting, and HIV/AIDS in Africa.
Topic Editor Dr. Patrick Tang holds patents related to anticancer therapy and diabetic prevention. All other Topic Editors declare no competing interests with regards to the Research Topic.
NETosis, a form of cell death that manifests by the release of decondensed chromatin to the extracellular space, provides valuable insights into mechanisms and consequences of cellular demise. Because extracellular chromatin can immobilize microbes, the extended nucleohistone network was called a neutrophil extracellular trap (NET), and the process of chromatin release was proposed to serve an innate immune defense function. Extracellular chromatin NETs were initially observed in studies of neutrophils and are most prominent in these types of granulocytes. Subsequent studies showed that other granulocytes and, in a limited way, other cells of the innate immune response may also release nucle...
Parental care includes a wide variety of traits that enhance offspring development and survival. It is taxonomically widespread and is central to the maintenance of biodiversity through its close association with other phenomena such as sexual selection, life-history evolution, sex allocation, sociality, cooperation and conflict, growth and development, genetic architecture, and phenotypic plasticity. This novel book provides a fresh perspective on the study of the evolution of parental care based on contributions from some of the top researchers in the field. It provides evidence that the dynamic nature of family interactions, and particularly the potential for co-evolution among family members, has contributed to the great diversity of forms of parental care and life-histories across as well as within taxa. The Evolution of Parental Care aims to stimulate students and researchers alike to pursue exciting new directions in this fascinating and important area of behavioural and evolutionary biology. It will be of relevance and use to those working in the fields of animal behaviour, ecology, evolution, and genetics, as well as related disciplines such as psychology and sociology.