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Key Issues in Language Teaching
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 849

Key Issues in Language Teaching

TESOL / ESL Teaching.

Indonesia Today
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 383

Indonesia Today

The turn of the century and the crossroads of reformasi presents a timely juncture for examining Indonesia's political, economic, and social history—both to evaluate current events and to chart the country's future course. Providing an up-to-date overview, this volume explores events, processes, and themes in contemporary Indonesia—including the evolution of political institutions and democracy, economic development and political economy, religious and social movements, political ideology, and the role of the armed forces. By holding a mirror to historical events, the authors add a rich dimension to our understanding of Indonesia and its problems, free from the exigencies of the present and the prejudices of the past.

Transformasi Perpustakaan Dalam Ekosistem Digital
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 402

Transformasi Perpustakaan Dalam Ekosistem Digital

Buku ini secara lebih khusus membahas konsep, organisasi dan perubahan dalam dalam organisasi informasi menuju pada pengelolaan berbasis digital. Dengan hadirnya buku ini diharapkan dapat mendapatkan wawasan serta pengetahuan tentang manajemen informasi perpustakaan dalam membangun aksesibilitas informasi perpustakaan. Buku ini wajib dibaca oleh para guru, dosen, pustakawan, pengelola perpustakaan sekolah, mahasiswa jurusan ilmu perpustakaan, para pustakawan/pengelola perpustakaan, maupun masyarakat dalam mengembangkan akses koleksi perpustakaan berbasis elektronik. Buku persembahan penerbit PrenadaMediaGroup

Trends and Issues in Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Science
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 228

Trends and Issues in Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Science

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-08-07
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Trends and Issues in Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Science contains papers presented at the 5th International Congress on Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Science 2016 (ICIBSoS 2016), held 5-6 November 2016 in Jogjakarta, Indonesia. The 24 papers cover every discipline in all fields of social science, discussing many current trends and issues 21st century society is facing, especially in Southeast Asia. The topics include literature, family culture studies, behavior studies, psychology and human development, religion and values, social issues such as urban poverty and juvenile crisis, driving behavior, well-being of women, career women, career performance, happiness, social adjustment, quality of life among patients, job stress and religious coping etc. The issues are discussed using scientific quantitative or qualitative methods from different academic viewpoints.

Gender at Sea
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 310

Gender at Sea

For centuries seafaring people thought that the presence of women on board would mean bad luck: rough weather, shipwreck, and other disasters were sure to follow. Because of these beliefs and prejudices women were supposedly excluded from the maritime domain. In the field of maritime history too, the ship and the sea have predominantly been perceived as a space for men. This volume of the Yearbook of Women’s History challenges these notions. It asks: to what extent were the sea and the ship ever male-dominated and masculine spaces? How have women been part of seafaring communities, maritime undertakings, and maritime culture? How did gender notions impact life on board and vice versa? From a multidisciplinary perspective, this volume moves from Indonesia to the Faroe Islands, from the Mediterranean to Newfoundland; bringing to light the presence of women and the workings of gender on sailing, whaling, steam, cruise, passenger, pirate, and navy ships. As a whole it demonstrates the diversity and the agency of women at sea from ancient times to the present day.

Resistance on the National Stage
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 405

Resistance on the National Stage

Resistance on the National Stage analyzes the ways in which, between 1985 and 1998, modern theater practitioners in Indonesia contributed to a rising movement of social protest against the long-governing New Order regime of President Suharto. It examines the work of an array of theater groups and networks from Jakarta, Bandung, and Yogyakarta that pioneered new forms of theater-making and new themes that were often presented more directly and critically than previous groups had dared to do. Michael H. Bodden looks at a wide range of case studies to show how theater contributed to and helped build the opposition. He also looks at how specific combinations of social groups created tensions and...

Theatre and Adaptation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 295

Theatre and Adaptation

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-08-28
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  • Publisher: A&C Black

Contemporary theatrical productions as diverse in form as experimental performance, new writing, West End drama, musicals and live art demonstrate a recurring fascination with adapting existing works by other artists, writers, filmmakers and stage practitioners. Featuring seventeen interviews with internationally-renowned theatre and performance artists, Theatre and Adaptation provides an exceptionally rich study of the variety of work developed in recent years. First-hand accounts illuminate a diverse range of approaches to stage adaptation, ranging from playwriting to directing, Javanese puppetry to British children's theatre, and feminist performance to Japanese Noh. The transition of an existing source to the stage is not a smooth one: this collection examines the practices and the complex set of negotiations each work of transition and appropriation involves. Including interviews with Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio, Handspring Puppet Company, Katie Mitchell, Rimini Protokoll, Elevator Repair Service, Simon Stephens, Ong Keng Sen and Toneelgroep Amsterdam, the volume reveals performance's enduring desire to return, rewrite and repeat.

Harga Seorang Wanita
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 256

Harga Seorang Wanita

Novel tentang jual beli perempuan. Karena kemiskinan, Tini, sang tokoh perempuan, dijual oleh suaminya untuk dijadikan penjaja cinta. Setelah lima tahun digadaikan ke seorang germo, suami tak bisa menebus, lalu terjadilah pembunuhan. Tini lalu diselamatkan oleh lelaki pelanggannya. Lantas kenapa Simbok gantung diri setelah melihat pulung gantung?

Membaca Goenawan Mohamad
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 468

Membaca Goenawan Mohamad

Siapakah Goenawan Mohamad? Apakah ia menandai berakhirnya sebuah zaman? Zaman ketika sastra, jurnalisme, idealisme, dan perjuangan kebebasan berkelindan. Masa ketika sastrawan, wartawan, dan aktivis seringkali adalah sosok yang sama—sebagaimana GM, begitu ia biasa dipanggil. Jauh sebelumnya, kita mengenal nama-nama, antara lain, Tirto Adi Suryo di awal 1900-an, atau Mochtar Lubis di tahun 1950-an hingga 1970-an. Tradisi tritunggal wartawan-sastrawan-pejuang itu dilanjutkan GM, penyair sekaligus pemimpin Tempo, majalah berita yang didirikannya tahun 1971. Bayangkan, selama seratus tahun lebih, di sepanjang abad ke-20, kita sebenarnya terbiasa dengan bersatunya kerja wartawan, sastrawan, dan...

Lorong Tanpa Cahaya
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 187

Lorong Tanpa Cahaya

Novel berkisah tentang pergulatan batin seorang anak yang lahir dan tumbuh di kampung pelacuran. Ia saksi dan korban kebiadaban, yang menorehkan trauma. Setiap hari ia dipertontonkan kemesuman, diejek teman-teman sekolah: “Ibumu lonte ….” Memergoki ibunya sedang berzina, ia minggat. Setelah dewasa ia pulang, dan mencintai pelacur. Segalanya berakhir pada sebuah pertarungan demi pertarungan.