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Among the many technological and legal efforts being made to restore our environment, electrostatic technologies may well hold the solution to the cleaning of air, water and soil. Such technologies include non-thermal plasma processing - electron beam irradiation, electrical discharge, hybrid plasma systems. The book also contains descriptions of the industrial implementation of the technology for NOx and SO2 removal using accelerated electrons. This technique has been implemented in three plants, built in China, Poland and Japan. Water pollution can be controlled and reduced by the use of ozone and UV irradiation. Soil pollution can be reduced by electrical methods and by using electrostatics to spray agricultural pesticides. Further articles cover the future of EHD systems in environmental protection, new aspects of ESD research, and industrial waste recycling technologies.
This volume features the proceedings of the NATO AR Workshop held in Kishinev, the capital of Moldova, a fom1er Soviet Republic in the South Eastern Europe. OUiing 3 working days 26 reports were presented, 8 of them by, or in collaboration with, speakers from Kishinev. The reports arc presented in the order they were given at the Workshop. As the topic was rather wide-ranged, all the sittings were plenmy. The opening communication was made by the Mayor of Kishinev S. Urckian, who was the Chainnan of the Organizing Committee. It was followed by other reports of general orientation. The second half of the first day was devoted to the research results and problems of the Academy of Sciences of ...
Nanotechnology offers great potential to revolutionize conventional food science and the food industry. The use of nanotechnology in the food industry promises improved taste, flavor, color, texture, and consistency of foodstuffs and increased absorption and bioavailability of nutraceuticals. Food Nanotechnology: Principles and Applications examines the current state of nanoscale phenomena and processes, benefits and risks of nanotechnology. This work contains 18 chapters particularly focused on the design, production, and utilization of nanoparticles, with specific applications for the food industry. Through several studies, it has been proven that nanotechnology can offer distinct advantag...
„Lucrarea conține o abordare cu totul aparte a istoriei aviației și cosmonauticii, prezentând cât mai obiectiv toate elementele istorice și maniera în care au evoluat, căutând să se îndepărteze cât mai mult de abordările de tip propagandistic. Din păcate, istoria aviației și cosmonauticii, dat fiind caracterul de vârf al acestor domenii, face (încă) obiectul predilect al serviciilor de propagandă, fiecare stat căutând să minimalizeze meritele celorlalte și totodată, să prezinte în mod exagerat propriile merite... Lucrarea de față a încercat să facă o expunere cât mai cuprinzătoare a tuturor celor care au avut merite în domeniul aviaticii și cosmonauticii, fără a supraevalua ori subevalua în mod nejustificat contribuțiile vreunuia, ci dimpotrivă, încercând să pună toate acestea la justa lor valoare în istoria universală a științei și tehnicii. O evaluare cât mai corectă și precisă a trecutului și a evoluției istorice nu poate decât să pună bazele unei previzionări corecte a viitorului”. Colonel (r) Dr. Ing. RADU Marin Golea Daniela Georgiana