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Organ reproduksi wanita mencakup dua bagian, yaitu struktur eksternal dan struktur internal. Fungsi struktur reproduksi wanita eksternal (genital) adalah untuk melindungi organ genital internal dari organisme luar dan berguna agar sperma dapat masuk ke dalam tubuh. Cara kerja organ reproduksi wanita terbagi berdasarkan fungsi yang dijalankannya. Sistem reproduksi wanita memungkinkan seorang wanita untuk menghasilkan sel telur (ovum), melakukan hubungan seksual, melindung dan memelihara sel telur yang telah dibuahi hingga melahirkan. Saat pubertas, kelenjar hipofisis (di bagian tengah otak) mulai merangsang hormon pada ovarium untuk membuat hormon seks wanita, termasuk estrogen. Sekresi hormon ini menyebabkan seorang gadis berkembang menjadi wanita yang matang secara seksual.
Kesehatan reproduksi adalah suatu keadaan sejahtera fisik, psikis, dan sosial secara utuh bukan hanya terbebas dari penyakit atau kecacatan dalam suatu yang berkaitan dengan system reproduksi, fungsi dan prosesnya (WHO). Tujuan Umum Kesehatan Reproduksi yaitu memberikan pelayanan kesehatan reproduksi yang komprehensif kepada perempuan termasuk kehidupan seksual dan hak-hak reproduksi perempuan sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemandirian perempuan dalam mengatur fungsi dan proses reproduksinya yang pada akhirnya dapat membawa pada peningkatan kualitas kehidupannya.
Buku ini membahas seputar penyulit-penyulit obstetri dan Komplikasi Medis yang sering terjadi selama kehamilan. Bab yang dibahas pada buku ini adalah sebagai berikut: Hipertensi gestasional, Preekslamsia, Plasenta Previa, Emboli Air Ketuban, IUFD, Kelahiran Prematur, Serviks Inkompeten, Kehamilan Postterm, Makrosomia, Kehamilan Kembar, Kehamilan Triplet, Penyakit Trofoblastik Gestasional, Pneumonia pada Ibu hamil, Penyakit Jantung pada Kehamilan, Tuberkulosis pada kehamilan, Trombofilia, Hiperemesis Gravidarum, Artritis Reumatoid pada kehamilan, Apendisitis pada kehamilan, Hepatitis Virus pada kehamilan, Sistitis pada kehamila, Hipotiroidisme, Hipertiroidisme, Epilepsi pada kehamilan, Penyakit Jiwa selama kehamilan, Kanker selama kehamilan, Penyakit Menular Seksual pada Ibu hamil, Malaria pada kehamilan, dan Hemoglobinopati;
Raised in the Delta by her grandmother, Parris McKay has the voice of an angel and the promise of a bright, loving future with the man she adores. But everything Parris believes about her life is rocked to the core when she discovers that Emma, the mother she believed dead, is very much alive. Compelled to discover the roots of this decades-long deception, Parris goes in search of her mother in France, but the meeting only opens old wounds for them both. Hurt and disillusioned, Parris finds solace in two new friends, Leslie and Celeste. Both have difficult relationships with their own mothers, and both, like Parris, are coming to terms with a legacy of long-buried secrets. And as Emma return...
This volume showcases selected conference papers addressing the sustainable future of ASEAN from the perspectives of business and social science disciplines. In addressing the 17 Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs) envisioned by the United Nations in the domains of environment, health and well-being, posing potential means of reducing inequalities globally, the authors target specific issues and challenges confronting the fast-growing region of ASEAN and present suggestions for co-operation and commitment from governments, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and society at large, in line with the ASEAN Vision 2020. Papers are selected from the 3rd International Conference on the Future o...
This book describes lessons learned from the implementation of research based learning at Maastricht University. Well-known for its problem based learning (PBL) educational model, Maastricht University implemented research-based learning (RBL) as a new educational concept in addition to PBL, around 2009. The model has taken the shape of an excellence programme offering third-year bachelor students an opportunity to conduct academic research together with academic staff. The introduction of the research-based learning concept into the programmes of all Maastricht University’s faculties has resulted in a range of RBL models that vary to fit the various disciplines and programmes offered by t...
At nine years old, Amani Al-Khatahtbeh watched from her home in New Jersey as two planes crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. That same year, she heard her first racial slur. Muslim Girl: A Coming of Age is the extraordinary account of Amani's coming of age in a country that too often seeks to marginalize women like her. Her spirited voice and unflinching honesty offer a fresh, deeply necessary counterpoint to current rhetoric about the place of Muslims in American life.
Action Research in the Classroom is an essential guide for any teacher or student-teacher interested in doing research in the classroom. The authors map out an easy-to-follow action research approach that will help teachers improve on their professional practice and evaluate the needs of their pupils and schools for themselves.
The Biology of Hair Growth is based on a conference on The Biology of Hair Growth, sponsored by the British Society for Research on Ageing, held at the Royal College of Surgeons, in London, 7-9 August 1957. The papers presented at this conference, and a few others, have been gathered in this book to serve as a source reference for all those interested in research on hair and hair growth. The application of modern methods in histology, cytology, histochemistry, physiology, electron microscopy, the use of radioactive isotopes, and modern biochemical techniques have given greater insight into the phenomena of growth and differentiation of hair follicles than ever before. The book opens with a c...