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English for Professional Accommod.
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 292

English for Professional Accommod.


Another Night, Another Day
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 433

Another Night, Another Day

From the author of the bestselling One Moment, One Morning comes another beautiful, bittersweet novel set in Brighton. Three people, each crying out for help . . . There's Karen, worried about her dying father; Abby, whose son has autism and needs constant care; and Michael, a family man on the verge of bankruptcy. As each sinks under the strain, they're brought together at Moreland's Clinic. Here, behind closed doors, they reveal their deepest secrets, confront and console one another and share plenty of laughs. But how will they cope when a new crisis strikes?

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 244


Explore the rich tapestry of Bengali culture and literature through a lifetime of experiences in this captivating book. From navi. gating foreign languages to bridging cultural divides, the author shares personal journeys that resonate across generations. Tailored for diverse age groups, it provides a window into Bengali history, inviting readers to discover the beauty of linguistic diversity. With a focus on promoting cross-cultural understanding, this narrative celebrates our precious heritage. The author takes pride in Bengali culture while using English as a medium to connect with a global audience. Join the journey and uncover the enduring ties that bind us to our roots.

Deception of Seven Sacred Vows
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 362

Deception of Seven Sacred Vows

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-10-25
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  • Publisher: Author House

I like most of this novel. This novel shows some true to life accounts of how Rita, woman who grew up in India had to cope with being uprooted from India after getting married to live in America with her new husband where she has to deal with a drastic culture change, abusive in-laws, raising her children who were born in the States and eventually raising her children by herself. Early, on her journey she had to deal with this with almost no support from family, which was made worse because of her husbands beatings. Because of this, Rita is torn between the dictates of traditional Indian culture and society, the call of the flesh and desire to have a better life in the US in spite of having ...

Everything Changed After That: 25 Women, 25 Stories
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 139

Everything Changed After That: 25 Women, 25 Stories

And the Wind Blew in a New Direction... A chance meeting on a road trip that invites you to rethink your upcoming wedding. A moment of vulnerability betrayed and made viral on the internet. A shared cab ride that gives you a chance at sweet revenge. Gatecrashing a grand feast and falling headlong into an unexpected new friendship. An opportunity to make quick bucks under the table that is fraught with risk. This anthology of twenty-five winning stories from eShe magazine’s short story contest for women writers will leave you enthralled to the last page. The contest was judged by India’s highest selling female author Preeti Shenoy, eShe’s founder and editor Aekta Kapoor, and author and ...

Evening Street Review Number 21
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 214

Evening Street Review Number 21


Menjemput Mimpi
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 352

Menjemput Mimpi

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: GUEPEDIA

Menjemput Mimpi PENULIS: Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Universitas Palangka Raya Tebal : 264 halaman ISBN : 978-623-7301-40-0 www.guepedia.com Sinopsis: Kegigihan para penulis dalam meraih mimpi-mimpinya. Setumpuk semangat tinggi yang dihiasi deraian air mata, canda, dan tawa mengiringi langkah mereka. Matahari yang bergejolak juga setia menemani kangkah mereka yang kadang bersahabat dan memusuhi mereka. Sang Surya sudah menyongsong dengan gagahnya. Pohon-pohon dan bukit-bukit itu menarik mereka menuju puncaknya. Puncak mimpi mereka. Mimpi yang mereka lukis di kota orang yaitu Palangka Raya tercinta. Mimpi lain yang tak kalah dahsyat adalah bakti pada orang ...

Sekar Mekar di Tamanku
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 299

Sekar Mekar di Tamanku

Buku ini berisi karya warga SDN MOJO III/222 yaitu Kepala Sekolah, Guru Kelas, Guru Bidang Studi, Petugas Perpustakaan, Petugas Keamanan, Penjaga Sekolah, juga tidak ketinggalan karya siswa mulai jenjang kelas I sampai kelas VI.

99% Sukses Menghadapi Ulangan Harian SD/MI Kelas 5
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 466

99% Sukses Menghadapi Ulangan Harian SD/MI Kelas 5

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-08-01
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  • Publisher: Cmedia

Ulangan harian merupakan salah satu proses evaluasi yang bertujuan untuk mengukur pemahaman siswa dalam menerima suatu pelajaran. Kemampuan siswa dapat diketahui dari hasil ulangan harian, selain itu hasil ulangan harian akan mempengaruhi keberhasilan siswa dalam menghadapi ulangan tengah semester dan ulangan akhir semester. Buku 99% Sukses Menghadapi Ulangan Harian ini akan sangat membantu siswa dalam mempelajari materi dan berlatih mengerjakan soal-soal ulangan. Buku 99% Sukses Menghadapi Ulangan Harian SD/MI Kelas 5 berisi semua mata pelajaran SD kelas 5 yang disusun sesuai dengan kurikulum dan diuraikan secara sistematis, lengkap, dan praktis. Buku ini dilengkapi dengan ringkasan materi pada setiap pokok bahasan, ulangan harian per pokok pembahasan, ulangan tengah semester 1 dan 2, serta ulangan akhir semester 1 dan 2. Diharapkan buku dari Penerbit CMedia ini bisa menjadi pendamping siswa untuk menghadapi ulangan harian, ulangan tengah semester, maupun ulangan akhir semester. -CMedia-

Hidup Sehat & Bahagia dengan DIABETES (Kenali, Cegah dan Obati)
  • Language: id

Hidup Sehat & Bahagia dengan DIABETES (Kenali, Cegah dan Obati)

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: GUEPEDIA

Hidup Sehat & Bahagia dengan DIABETES (Kenali, Cegah dan Obati) PENULIS: Kampus Ungu Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm ISBN : 978-623-7953-03-6 Terbit : April 2020 www.guepedia.com Sinopsis: Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya diabetes termasuk juga faktor keturunan. Namun, di sini juga ada kelompok rentan yang sangat beresiko terkena penyakit diabetes tersebut. Misalnya pada usia yang lebih dari 45 tahun, mempunyai penyakit hipertensi, kegemukan atau obesitas, kurang olahraga, makan terlalu berlebihan, bahkan orang yang memiliki stress untuk sehari-harinya. Diabetes juga dapat diakibatkan terlalu banyak mengonsumsi obat-obatan alergi yang mengandung kortikosteroid jangka panjang, memiliki riwayat abourtus berlang-ulang, melahirkan bayi dengan berat badan di atas empat kilogram serta meningkatnya kadar lemak dalam darah yang terlalu tinggi (kolesterol, trigliserid). www.guepedia.com Email : guepedia@gmail.com WA di 081287602508 Happy shopping & reading Enjoy your day, guys