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Includes telegraph messages (27 pgs., transcribed) between British Commander-in-Chief Grand Fleet and the Commander-in-Chief German High Sea Fleet concerning arrangements for the terms of the World War I naval armistice, Nov. 1918, together with photographs of the German Fleet at the time of surrender. Also includes "The South Carolina Navy in the Revolution" by Simons; and Japanese Lt. Gen. Saito's last message to Japanese officers 12 July 1944.
The volume at hand--a reprint of Volume II of the printed records of Cambridge--is a transcription of the records of Cambridge town meetings and meetings of selectmen from the town's beginnings until 1703.
A guide to more than two hundred of the most famous, infamous, and influential individuals now interred in the iconic Charleston landmark Charleston is a city of stories. As in any city of historical significance, some of its best stories now lie buried with its dead. Ted Ashton Phillips, Jr., was custodian of many of the stories of those Charlestonians interred in Magnolia Cemetery, the picturesque burial ground located along the Cooper River north of downtown. Phillips's fascination with Magnolia began at the age of sixteen, when he worked there as a groundskeeper and assistant gravedigger. He followed his passion into the research represented in this collective biography of more than two ...