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"Examines various conceptions of hayâ, or feelings of shame, modesty and honor in Islam, and the practices associated with this concept in both Muslim majority and minority contexts"--
The notion of adab is at the very heart of the Islamicate cultures. Born in the crucible of the Arabic and Persian civilisations of the Late Antiquity period, nourished by Greek, Syriac and Indian influences, this polysemic notion could cover a variegated range of meanings, ranging from good behaviour, good manners, etiquette, proper knowledge of the rules, to belles-lettres, and finally, literature. This volume addresses the notion of adab through four perspectives, which correspond to the four parts into which it is divided: “Origins”; “Transmissions”; “Metamorphosis” of the “Origins” and finally “Origins” through the lens of modernity.
Exploring the relationship between fiction and nation formation in the Muslim world through 12 unique studies from Azerbaijan, Libya, Iran, Algeria, and Yemen, amongst others, this book shows how fiction reflects and relates the complex entanglements of nation, religion, and modernity in the process of political and cultural identity formation.
Die von Pierre Bourdieus Grundlagenwerk »Die Regeln der Kunst« ausgelöste Debatte um Nutzen und Nachteil fortgeschrittener Literatursoziologie hat sich hierzulande meist auf rein abstrakter Ebene abgespielt. Dieser Band versammelt erstmals in deutscher Sprache Aufsätze, die die Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Feldtheorie für die Literaturwissenschaft praktisch ausloten. Es handelt sich um theoriegeleitete, aber empirisch ausgerichtete Untersuchungen von Autorinnen und Autoren aus Frankreich, England, Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz zu Beispielen der Literatur und des literarischen Lebens vom 17. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Die Beiträge stellen eine Ausweitung der Bourdieuschen Analysen in geografischer, historischer und thematischer Hinsicht dar, wenn nötig eine Kritik und/oder Weiterentwicklung.
Le livre de Salah Natij, La Théorie du Bayān d’al-Jāḥiẓ : d’une herméneutique de la nature à une sémiotique de la culture constitue la première étude d’ensemble entièrement consacrée à la théorie du Bayān (communication, herméneutique, sémiologie) élaborée au milieu du IXe siècle par l’encyclopédiste et polygraphe arabe al-Jāḥiẓ (m. 255 H./ 869). Il s’agit d’un ouvrage qui restitue à la théorie jāḥiẓienne du bayān son originalité en montrant qu’elle ne constitue pas une simple rhétorique langagière ( Balāgha ), ayant l’énoncé verbal (Lafẓ) comme unique objet, mais une perspective herméneutico-sémiologique qui étudie non seulement...
What have different ideas about sex and gender meant for people throughout the history of the Middle East and North Africa? This book traces sex and desire in Muslim cultures through a collection of chapters that span the 9th to 21st centuries. Looking at spaces and periods where sexual norms and the categories underpinning them emerge out of multiple subjectivities, the book shows how people constantly negotiate the formulation of norms, their boundaries and their subversion. It demonstrates that the cultural and political meanings of sexualities in Muslim cultures - as elsewhere – emerge from very specific social and historical contexts. The first part of the book examines how people con...
Ibn Babawayh - also known by his honorific title of al-Shaykh al-Saduk - was an Imami Shiʻi scholar of the early Buwayhid period. He is best known as a major hadith scholar, being the author of Man la yahduruhu al-Faqih , one of the four canonical books of Shi'ite Islam. Despite his importance, al-Saduq has received little scholarly attention. Neither is there any book length study on Shi'i hadith literature, the discipline being overwhelmingly dominated by studies of Sunni hadith . George Warner's book fill this gap. It is a study of al-Saduq - one of the foundational figures of Twelver Shiʻism, a scholar of the hadith, a member of the Buwayhid court and a writer or great skill and ingenuity - and it sheds light on the richness of the later Abbasid religious and intellectual culture."
In his Beautifying the Ugly and Uglifying the Beautiful (Taḥsīn al-qabīḥ wa-taqbīḥ al-ḥasan) the prolific anthologist al-Thaʿālibī (d. 429/1038) offers a thematically arranged selection of Arabic poems and prose anecdotes or sayings with contrary or paradoxical purport, such as praise of miserliness, boredom, sickness, and death, or condemnation of generosity, intelligence, youth, and music. The book is both entertaining and informative, giving insight in premodern Arab and Islamic culture. It contains a new edition of the Arabic text and a complete English translation (the first in any language) with extensive annotation, preceded by an introduction with the necessary background of the genre.