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  • Language: es
  • Pages: 548


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1961
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Cuban Studies 38
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 285

Cuban Studies 38

Cuban Studies 38 examines topics that include: liberalism emanating from Havana in the early 1800s; Jose Martí's theory of psychocoloniality; the relationship between sugar planters, insurgents, and the Spanish military during the revolution; new aesthetics in Cuban cinema, the “recovery” of poet José Angel Buesa, and the meaning of Elián Gonzales in the context of life in Miami.

Artificial Intelligence, Computer and Software Engineering Advances
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 506

Artificial Intelligence, Computer and Software Engineering Advances

This book constitutes the proceedings of the XV Multidisciplinary International Congress on Science and Technology (CIT 2020), held in Quito, Ecuador, on 26–30 October 2020, proudly organized by Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE in collaboration with GDEON. CIT is an international event with a multidisciplinary approach that promotes the dissemination of advances in Science and Technology research through the presentation of keynote conferences. In CIT, theoretical, technical, or application works that are research products are presented to discuss and debate ideas, experiences, and challenges. Presenting high-quality, peer-reviewed papers, the book discusses the following topics: Artificial Intelligence Computational Modeling Data Communications Defense Engineering Innovation, Technology, and Society Managing Technology & Sustained Innovation, and Business Development Modern Vehicle Technology Security and Cryptography Software Engineering

Measuring Regional Authority
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 708

Measuring Regional Authority

This is the first of five ambitious volumes theorizing the structure of governance above and below the central state. This book is written for those interested in the character, causes, and consequences of governance within the state and for social scientists who take measurement seriously. The book sets out a measure of regional authority for 81 countries in North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia, and the Pacific from 1950 to 2010. Subnational authority is exercised by individual regions, and this measure is the first that takes individual regions as the unit of analysis. On the premise that transparency is a fundamental virtue in measurement, the authors chart a new path in laying out ...

WHO Pharmaceuticals Newsletter
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 30

WHO Pharmaceuticals Newsletter

The WHO Pharmaceuticals Newsletter provides you with the latest information on the safety of medicinal products and legal actions taken by regulatory authorities around the world. It also provides signals based on information derived from the WHO global database of individual case safety reports, VigiBase.

Campus de la Diagonal
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 265

Campus de la Diagonal

Aquest llibre presenta una reflexió acadèmica i professional al Campus de la Diagonal amb un ampli ventall d’idees urbanístiques que permeten establir un nou escenari universitari i millorar la relació amb la ciutat..Durant els anys seixanta i setanta del segle passat es varen realitzar diversos projectes d’edificis i recintes universitaris de gran interès (de Carlo, Candilis, Sert). També es varen publicar notables estudis sobre la relació entre la ciutat i la universitat..Feia, però, força anys que aquestes qüestions no semblaven ocupar l’agenda d’arquitectes, urbanistes i responsables universitaris. Per això sembla tan oportú l’esforç de recollir en aquestes poc més de dues-centes planes tot un seguit de riques reflexions i de projectes, tant aquells que responen a encàrrecs concrets de la UB i de la UPC, com aquells que han realitzat un conjunt d’estudiants per recosir i fer ciutat d’una munió d’edificis, sovint de caràcter abstret i poc permeable, tallats per una avinguda de grans dimensions i disposats sense cap visió de conjunt.

Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 716

Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-12-14
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  • Publisher: BRILL

This Book of Abstracts is the main publication of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP). It contains abstracts of the invited papers and contributed presentations of the sessions of EAAP's eleven Commissions: Animal Genetics, Animal Nutrition, Animal Management and Health, Animal Physiology, Cattle Production, Sheep and Goat Production, Pig Production, Horse Production and Livestock Farming Systems, Insects and Precision Livestock Farming.

The Economics of Cuban Sugar
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 337

The Economics of Cuban Sugar

Sugar, the backbone of the Cuban economic life for centuries, continues to dominate the economy of socialist Cuba. After initial attempts at diversification following the Revolution, the Cuban regime rehabilitated the sugar industry in 1965, making the country again vulnerable to swings in world market prices and the dangers of overdependence on a single agricultural product.Perez-L—pez examines the various efforts at economic planning in the years following the Revolution and provides in-depth analysis of aspects particular to the sugar industry: cultivation, mechanization, energy and transportation, refining and the manufacture of sugar derivatives, production costs, and foreign trade.

Genealogía De La Familia Montealegre
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 647

Genealogía De La Familia Montealegre

El presente libro, "Genealoga de la familia MONTEALEGRE" es el Primer Tomo de tres, expone en sus pginas el origen del apellido, el lugar que dio origen al mismo, sus antepasados en Espaa, Francia, Inglaterra, Italia, Alemania y Kiev. Entre esos antepasados, entre los ms importantes, podemos mencionar al rey David, al Profeta Mahoma, a los Duques de Anjou y Aquitania, a los Plantegenet que son el origen de casi todas las monarquas europeas. Expone los antepasados del rey don Fernando III "el Santo" y su esposa Elizabeth Hohenstaufen, y sus descendientes, que a travs de sus hijos don Alfonso X "el Sabio" y el Infante don Manuel, llegaron hasta Amrica. De los descendientes del rey David, por T...