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This Handbook positions economic diplomacy as a multidisciplinary field and presents state of the art research relevant to policy makers and academia around the globe focusing on four themes: the role of economic diplomats, the impact and evaluation of economic diplomacy, politics and trade and emerging markets. It offers academic, business and policy perspectives taking stock of knowledge produced with qualitative and quantitative research on Northern America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Why do states still need diplomats? Despite instantaneous electronic communication and rapid global travel, the importance of ambassadors and embassies has in many ways grown since the middle of the nineteenth century. However, in theories of international relations, diplomats are often neglected in favor of states or leaders, or they are dismissed as old-fashioned. David Lindsey develops a new theory of diplomacy that illuminates why states find ambassadors indispensable to effective intergovernmental interaction. He argues that the primary diplomatic challenge countries face is not simply communication—it is credibility. Diplomats can often communicate credibly with their host countries ...
Peter van Bergeijk brings together 40 leading experts from all continents to analyze state-of-the-art data covering the sharp increase in (smart) sanctions in the last decade. Original chapters provide detailed analyses on the determinants of sanction success and failure, complemented with research on the impact of sanctions.
With extensive international changes taking place in the last three decades, such as the collapse of the bipolar world system, the dismemberment of the Soviet Union, the declining hegemony of the U.S., the lack of global leadership, and the rise of challenging global powers, like any other regional power, Turkey has initiated a comprehensive conceptual and theoretical transformation and a process of restructuring in its foreign policy understanding. Turkey has gone beyond the typical realist understanding and begun to develop a new foreign policy perspective that considers moral values. While some consider this new perspective as a ‘civilizational approach,’ others call it ‘moral reali...
趙文志 現職: 國立中正大學戰略暨國際事務研究所專任副教授 國立政治大學預測市場研究中心研究員 國立成功大學東南亞研究中心特聘研究人員 學歷: 國立政治大學國家發展研究所博士 專長領域: 中國大陸政治經濟、中共外交、國際政治經濟學、東南亞研究、兩岸經貿、亞太地區政經發展研究、台灣政經發展
Un regard inédit sur la diplomatie économique. La diplomatie économique joue depuis longtemps un rôle majeur dans les échanges commerciaux entre pays. Aujourd’hui, cependant, on assiste à des turbulences qui changent profondément la donne en matière d’accompagnement des exportateurs. Bouleversements géopolitiques, technologiques, militaires, sanitaires, culturels et religieux... Jamais notre monde n’a connu de telles ruptures à une si grande échelle, jamais aussi les innovations de toutes sortes n’ont autant pesé sur les flux de produits et services. Faisant suite aux deux conférences de 2022 autour du thème de la diplomatie économique et du positionnement de notre pay...
In a climate of enhanced global competition, attention for economic diplomacy has substantially grown, as much in the West as in other parts of the world. This book conceptualizes economic diplomacy and adds to a better understanding of its central place in the theory and practice of international relations. With original research from a number of thematic and regional perspectives, scholars from diplomatic studies, economics, international relations and political economy make this a unique multidisciplinary contribution to a burgeoning field.
Nilai kebaruan dari tata pergaulan internasional saat ini adalah jaringan komunikasi yang sudah berbentuk digital. Para pembuat kebijakan luar negeri tidak dapat lagi menganggap diri mereka sebagai pemimpin dalam praktik diplomasi karena sudah harus berbagi peran dan praktik dengan lebih banyak aktor daripada sebelumnya. Diplomasi telah berkembang menjadi lebih demokratis karena bukan hanya sekadar pemanfaatan media sosial tetapi pergeseran konseptual dalam praktik diplomatik yang menempatkan dan menekankan pada percakapan dengan penduduk asing. Bisa dikatakan sebagai pergeseran budaya mengingat Kementerian Luar Negeri harus berbagi informasi dan bukan menjaganya. Bisa juga dikatakan sebagai...