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"Pengantar Dasar Agronomi" adalah panduan komprehensif yang mengintroduksi pembaca pada konsep-konsep dasar dalam ilmu agronomi. Agronomi, sebagai cabang ilmu pertanian yang mempelajari prinsip-prinsip pertumbuhan tanaman dan pengelolaan lahan pertanian, memegang peranan krusial dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan pangan global. Buku ini mengajak pembaca untuk memahami aspek-aspek penting dalam pertanian, mulai dari Pengenalan dan Teori Dasar Agronomi, Sejarah dan Perkembangan Agronomi, Tanah, Tanaman dan Pertumbuhannya, Klimatologi Pertanian, Pemupukan, Pemeliharaan dan Konservasi Tanah, Penanaman dan Budidaya Tanaman, Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman, hingga Tantangan dan Peluang dalam Agronomi Pembahasan dalam buku ini mencakup beragam topik, termasuk jenis-jenis tanaman, sistem penanaman, pengelolaan tanah, pengendalian hama dan penyakit tanaman, serta teknologi pertanian modern. Pembaca akan mendapatkan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang bagaimana mengoptimalkan produksi tanaman dengan memperhatikan berbagai faktor yang memengaruhi kesuksesan pertanian.
This open access book addresses a wide variety of events and technologies concerning the sago palm, ranging from its botanical characteristics, culture and use to social conditions in the places where it is grown, in order to provide a record of research findings and to benefit society. It discusses various subjects, including the sago palm and related species; differentiation of species of starch-producing palm; habitat, morphological, physiological and growth characteristics; culture and management; productivity of carbon dioxide; starch extraction and manufacture; characteristics and utilization of starch; and cultural anthropological and folkloristic aspects. Problems such as food shorta...
Sustainable Livelihoods and Rural Development looks at the role of social institutions and the politics of policy, as well as issues of identity, gender and generation. The relationships between sustainability and livelihoods are examined, and livelihoods analysis situated within a wider political economy of environmental and agrarian change.
Documentation of the 1999 election in Indonesia.
Aquaculture is the science and technology of balanced support from the biological and engi producing aquatic plants and animals. It is not neering sciences. However, commercial aqua new, but has been practiced in certain Eastern culture has become so complex that, in order to cultures for over 2,000 years. However, the role be successful, one must also draw upon the ex of aquaculture in helping to meet the world's pertise of biologists, engineers, chemists, econ food shortages has become more recently ap omists, food technologists, marketing special parent. ists, lawyers, and others. The multidisciplinary The oceans of the world were once consid approach to aquaculture production became ap e...
The Ecological Transition studies the relationships between humans and the physical environment. It also assesses some converging approaches in cultural anthropology, including cultural ecology, economic anthropology, social exchange, and behavioral adaptation. Comprised of ten chapters, this book focuses on ecological transition, which refers to the process by which humans incorporate nature into society. It discusses how to formulate a policy-oriented cultural ecology and looks at the ecological transition as material evolution and as a problem of equilibrium. The succeeding chapters review some of the contributions of cultural ecology, including its successes and failures. Finally, the book examines the concept of adaptive and maladaptive actions in human ecology. This book is useful for anthropologists who are interested in cultural-ecological research and its implications in public policy.
In the second edition of Biometricai Genetics, which appeared in 1971, we set out to give a general account of the subject as it had developed up to that time. Such an account necessarily had to be comprehensive and reasonably detailed. Although it could be, and indeed has been, used by those who were making an acquaintance with this branch of genetics for the first time, it went beyond their needs. We have been encouraged therefore to write an introduction to the genetical analysis of continuous variation aimed primarily at senior undergraduate and postgraduate students, and concentrating on basic considerations, basic principles and basic techniques. This has meant, of course, omitting all...
Calculation of crop evapotranspiration; Selection of crop coeficient; Calculation of field irrigation requirements.
Few would dispute the truth of the statement `People are Different', but there is much controversy over why. This book authoritatively explains the methods used to understand human variation, and extends them far beyond the primary `nature or nurture' question. After chapters on basic statistics, biometrical genetics, matrix algebra and path analysis, there is a state-of-the-art account of how to fit genetic models using the LISREL package. The authors explain not only the assumptions of the twin method, but how to test them. The elementary model is expanded to cover sex limitation, sibling interaction, multivariate and longitudinal data, observer ratings, and twin-family studies. Throughout, the methods are illustrated by applications to diverse areas such as obesity, major depression, alcohol comsumption, delinquency, allergies, and common fears.