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The first comprehensive, comparative study of the 'Jewish Councils' in the Netherlands, Belgium and France during Nazi rule. In the postwar period, there was extensive focus on these organisations' controversial role as facilitators of the Holocaust. They were seen as instruments of Nazi oppression, aiding the process of isolating and deporting the Jews they were ostensibly representing. As a result, they have chiefly been remembered as forms of collaboration. Using a wide range of sources including personal testimonies, diaries, administrative documents and trial records, Laurien Vastenhout demonstrates that the nature of the Nazi regime, and its outlook on these bodies, was far more complex. She sets the conduct of the Councils' leaders in their prewar and wartime social and situational contexts and provides a thorough understanding of their personal contacts with the Germans and clandestine organisations. Between Community and Collaboration reveals what German intentions with these organisations were during the course of the occupation, and allows for a deeper understanding of the different ways in which the Holocaust unfolded in each of these countries.
This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. This book explores how the socially disputed period of the Cold War is remembered in today’s history classroom. Applying a diverse set of methodological strategies, the authors map the dividing lines in and between memory cultures across the globe, paying special attention to the impact the crisis-driven age of our present has on images of the past. Authors analysing educational media point to ambivalence, vagueness and contradictions in textbook narratives understood to be echoes of societal and academic controversies. Others focus on teachers and the history classroom, showing how unresolved political issues create tensions in history education. They render visible how teachers struggle to handle these challenges by pretending that what they do is ‘just history’. The contributions to this book unveil how teachers, backgrounding the political inherent in all memory practices, often nourish the illusion that the history in which they are engaged is all about addressing the past with a reflexive and disciplined approach.
Contains biographies of Senators, members of Congress, and the Judiciary within the years 2017-2018. Also includes committee assignments, maps of Congressional districts, a directory of officials of executive agencies, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, web addresses, and other information. This essential reference resource contains: Comprehensive List of Member names with full color photos Each member biographical data information Member office locations, phone and fax numbers Member email addresses, where available Member offices by zip code deliveries assigned by the main Post Office Information about Impeachment Proceedings Statistical Information for votes cast for senators, representatives, resident commissioner, and delegates in 2012, 2014, and 2016 And more Related products: Government Forms and Directories resources collection can be found here:
This book explores the Holocaust as a social process. Although the mass murder of European Jews was essentially the result of political-ideological decisions made by the Nazi state leadership, the events of the Holocaust were also part of a social dynamic. All European societies experienced developments that led to the social exclusion, persecution and murder of the continent’s Jews. This volume therefore questions Raul Hilberg ́s category of the ‘bystander’. In societies where the political order expects citizens to endorse the exclusion of particular groups in the population, there cannot be any completely uninvolved bystanders. Instead, this book examines the multifarious forms of social action and behaviour connected with the Holocaust. It focuses on institutions and persons, helpers, co-perpetrators, facilitators and spectators, beneficiaries and profiteers, as well as Jewish victims and Jewish organisations trying to cope with the dynamics of exclusion and persecution.
Features bibliographical, biographical and contact information for living authors worldwide who have at least one English publication. Entries include name, pseudonyms, addresses, citizenship, birth date, specialization, career information and a bibliography.
Trotz Globalisierung spiegeln Schulbucherzählungen aus verschiedenen Ländern 100 Jahre nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg immer noch die Vielfalt nationaler Deutungsmuster. Die Beiträge, die entweder kulturwissenschaftlich oder geschichtsdidaktisch ansetzen, zeigen nationale Unterschiede in den Erinnerungstraditionen auf. Die ersten beiden Kapitel stellen durch exemplarische De-Konstruktionen ein methodisches Instrumentarium vor, mit dem Perspektivität sichtbar gemacht und Fremdverstehen gefördert werden kann. Die abschließenden beiden Kapitel bieten konkrete Vorschläge zu Unterrichtseinheiten an, die dazu auffordern, eher ungewohnte Perspektiven auf das Thema »Krieg« einzunehmen.
Gesundheitspolitik in der Demokratie: Das Bundesministerium für Gesundheitswesen in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren. Im Herbst 1961 – zwölf Jahre nach Entstehung der Bundesrepublik – wurde das Bundesministerium für Gesundheitswesen (BMGes) gegründet. Lutz Kreller und Franziska Kuschel untersuchen erstmals auf breiter Quellenbasis die Geschichte dieses "verspäteten" bundesdeutschen Gesundheitsressorts von den Anfängen bis Mitte der 1970er Jahre. Sie analysieren die Biografien leitender Beamtinnen und Beamten des BMGes und deren im Kaiserreich, in der Weimarer Republik und während des "Dritten Reiches" geprägtes Selbstverständnis. Zudem zeigen Kreller und Kuschel den maßgeblichen Ei...
Die Agrarpolitik war eines der dynamischsten Politikfelder der ersten drei Jahrzehnte nach 1945, als der Wandel Bayerns vom Agrar- zum Industrie- und Dienstleistungsstaat zum Abschluss kam. Mit dem Beginn der europäischen Integration auf dem Agrarsektor veränderten sich die Ausgangsbedingungen für die Agrarpolitik ab Anfang der 1960er Jahre nachhaltig. Während die Komplexität des Politikfelds zunahm und Zuständigkeiten verlagert wurden, eröffneten sich gerade für die Länder neue Wirkungsfelder. Der Autor nimmt das Staatsministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten mit seiner Verwaltung als politischen Akteur in den Blick. Auf einer breiten Quellengrundlage werden Kräfteverhältnisse, Leitvorstellungen, Netzwerke und Handlungsspielräume des Ministeriums in der Landespolitik, aber auch auf Bundes- und europäischer Ebene analysiert.