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Religion and Politics in the 21st Century is composed of a number of articles that were presented during the 2012 international conference on “Religion and Politics in the Globalization Era” organized by the Centre for Political Analysis in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. With careful attention given to 21st century religious resurgence and its dynamic interactions with political structures and the public sphere, the present volume captures a wide variety of perspectives on contemporary religion and politics, ranging from theoretical approaches to case studies and from analyzing global facets to exploring local situations. Its thematic richness and its careful exploration of not only present realities, but also of patterns of past interactions and of possible future directions, render this volume a valuable resource for scholars, policy makers and the general public as well.
The volume aims to combine the overall view on the role of the 2019 European Parliament elections in shaping the future European project with relevant case studies.
This book illuminates the interconnections between politics and religion through the lens of artistic production, exploring how art inspired by religion functioned as a form of resistance, directed against both Romanian national communism (1960-1989) and, latterly, consumerist society and its global market. It investigates the critical, tactical and subversive employments of religious motifs and themes in contemporary art pieces that confront the religious ‘affair’ in post-communist Romania. In doing so, it addresses a key gap in previous scholarship, which has paid little attention to the relationship between religious art and political resistance in communist Central and South-East Europe.
The biannual, peer-reviewed Journal of Romanian Studies, jointly developed by The Society for Romanian Studies and ibidem Press, examines critical issues in Romanian studies, linking work in that field to wider theoretical debates and issues of current relevance, and serving as a forum for junior and senior scholars. The journal also presents articles that connect Romania and Moldova comparatively with other states and their ethnic majorities and minorities, and with other groups by investigating the challenges of migration and globalization and the impact of the European Union. Issue No. 6 is a Special Issue on Communication, guest-edited by Raluca Radu and Ioana Coman. It contains contributions by Radu Silaghi-Dumitrescu, Lucian-Vasile Szabo, Alla Rosca, Marius Dragomir, Dumitrița Holdiș, Cristina Lupu, Manuela Preoteasa, Marian Voicu, Antonio Momoc, Onoriu Colăcel, Tibori Szabo Zoltan, Andrei Richter, Paolo Mancini, Anca Șincan, Roland Clark, Dana Domsodi, R. Chris Davis.
Engl., rumän. u. franz. Zsfassung.
The book presents a model of interaction effects between policymakers and the media which can shed light on the former's ability to enhance democratic legitimacy in foreign policy decision-making. It shows that the media enhanced the democratic legitimacy of the EU's foreign policy in relation to its climate policy and its approach towards Russia.
This book presents an original way of articulating a discussion of Mircea Eliade’s journalism, a lesser-known chapter in the literary biography of the celebrated philosopher of religion. As it shows, Eliade’s articles serve as the starting point of interesting comments regarding the movement of ideas in the interwar era, historical and cultural contexts, Romania’s cultural life and its relation to European modernism, the dramatic destiny of Mircea Eliade and his generational colleagues under the pressure of a succession of totalitarian regimes, the post-war Romanian diaspora, and the reception of Eliade in Romania and abroad. It shows how Eliade’s approach to culture is subject to a phenomenological variation, examining it from a range of perspectives.
Ideologiile joacă un rol important în epoca actuală, indiferent dacă se prezintă sub forme consacrate, dacă propun direcții de acțiune noi sau dacă apar ca un cadru ideatic transdoctrinar. Ele influențează traseele sociopolitice pe care indivizii și grupurile le urmează în vederea integrării comunitare și a dobândirii unei anumite identități. Pledând pentru recuperarea conceptului de ideologie ca instrument esențial în analiza teoriei politice, datorită rolului său în explicarea realității politice, Daniel Șandru schițează cadrul teoretic și metodologic al acestuia și îl aplică unor varii exemple, de la liberalism la opera unor autori români precum Petre Andrei sau N. Steinhardt.
Cartea lui VLAD GAFIȚA e o carte de învățătură pentru inimă și minte. Ea este o temerară invitație la lectură și meditație.E o exemplară pledoarie pentru moderație și democrație, pentru acuzarea și condamnarea pe tărâm politic a oricărei forme de extremism, fie el de dreapta sau de stânga. Cartea aceasta, atent și prudent pregătită, îndelung elaborată, bine gândită și temeinic ordonată, cu o inedită teorie și metodologie științifică de lucru, este scrisă cu inima și cu mintea, într-un limbaj curat, academic, plin de vibrațiile sufletului și luminile unei minți inteligente, cultivate, animate de cele mai înalte idealuri umane; ea merită să devină ...