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Origin of Original Box Sash Window
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 57

Origin of Original Box Sash Window

To any parts of the world that are influenced by English designs in architecture, Box sash windows are very familiar. Invented during the Georgian times, this style has been used ever since. In author Steve Lydfords Origin of Original Box Sash Window, he will unveil insights and interesting techniques to help anyone restore, this type of window. Invented in Holland in the late 17th century by an engineer, the Box sash windows have become one of the most significant features in buildings of the following centuries. They were most popular during the Victorian times, however their prominence slowly declined. But with their delicate proportions and sophistication, Box sash windows are again making their way to a more enjoyable revival. In Origin of Original Box Sash Window, the author reveals some important information about the box sash window. But generally, this book is a practical easy-to-follow guide on how to restore, install, or fix these windows through detailed instructions that are supplemented with vivid illustrations.

Building ASP.NET Web Pages with Microsoft WebMatrix
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 494

Building ASP.NET Web Pages with Microsoft WebMatrix

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012-01-29
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  • Publisher: Apress

WebMatrix is the latest addition to the hugely popular Microsoft ASP.NET web platform. This exciting new technology aims to simplify the process of developing websites by combining the new and powerful Razor syntax with a fully extensible set of data and HTML helpers for performing common web tasks. The WebMatrix installation includes all the tools the developer requires to quickly create fully-functional, data-driven, dynamic sites using ASP.NET web pages. The lightweight custom development tool works alongside SQL Server Compact Edition and Internet Information Services (IIS) Express to provide a seamless and easy-to-use environment which enables the web developer to concentrate on the rapid development of feature-rich websites, without the need to learn the complex concepts and highly structured programming models which many other frameworks require.

Agile Technical Practices Distilled
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 443

Agile Technical Practices Distilled

Delve deep into the various technical practices, principles, and values of Agile. Key FeaturesDiscover the essence of Agile software development and the key principles of software designExplore the fundamental practices of Agile working, including test-driven development (TDD), refactoring, pair programming, and continuous integrationLearn and apply the four elements of simple designBook Description The number of popular technical practices has grown exponentially in the last few years. Learning the common fundamental software development practices can help you become a better programmer. This book uses the term Agile as a wide umbrella and covers Agile principles and practices, as well as m...

What If?2
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 441

What If?2

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-09-13
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  • Publisher: Hachette UK

WHAT IF... one man decided to answer all the unanswerable questions, using science. The Sunday Times-bestselling author and xkcd creator, Randall Munroe is here to provide the best answers yet to the important questions you probably never thought to ask. The millions of people around the world who read and loved What If? still have questions, and those questions are getting stranger. Planning to ride a fire pole from the moon back to Earth? The hardest part is sticking the landing. Hoping to cool the atmosphere by opening everyone's freezer doors at the same time? Maybe it's time for a brief introduction to thermodynamics. Want to know what would happen if you rode a helicopter blade, built ...

Wat als? 2.0
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 529

Wat als? 2.0

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-09-13
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  • Publisher: Spectrum

De langverwachte opvolger van de wereldwijde bestseller Wat als? 'Er is vrijwel geen vraag zo gek of er schuilt fascinerende wetenschap achter.' Trouw De talloze Wat als?-lezers over de hele wereld hebben nog steeds prangende vragen, en die vragen worden almaar gekker. Gelukkig schiet xkcd-bedenker Randall Munroe ons te hulp met Wat als? 2.0. Ben je van plan om via een brandweerpaal van de maan terug naar aarde te glijden? Het moeilijkste zit ’m in de landing. Wil je global warming tegengaan door overal ter wereld tegelijkertijd alle koelkasten open te zetten? Misschien wordt het dan tijd voor een snelcursus thermodynamica. En ben je benieuwd wat er gebeurt als je aan een helikopterblad ga...

  • Language: zh-CN
  • Pages: 255


《紐約時報》暢銷榜#1作者, 會如何回答讀者奇思妙想的問題? 全世界有數以百萬的人讀過《如果這樣,會怎樣?》, 他們的好奇心又帶來更多的疑問。 謝天謝地,熱心的xkcd網站創建人蘭德爾.門羅堅守崗位, 繼續回答粉絲愈來愈奇怪的問題。 用消防員滑桿從月球滑到地球?最困難的環節在於著陸時要堅持住。 同時打開所有冰箱門來替地球降溫?也許是時候簡介一下熱力學。 人吊掛在直升機的葉片上會怎樣?能建造十億層樓的建築嗎? 以熔岩製作熔岩燈可行嗎?假如在間歇泉噴發時跳上去,又會發生什麼? 在你開始宇...

아주 위험한 과학책
  • Language: ko
  • Pages: 402

아주 위험한 과학책

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-05-15
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  • Publisher: 시공사

밀리언셀러 『위험한 과학책』 『더 위험한 과학책』을 뛰어넘는 최신작 마침내 한국 상륙! “랜들 먼로를 거치면 과학이 확실히 재밌어진다.” - 『타임TIME』 전 세계 과학 덕후들을 사로잡으며, 300만 부 넘게 팔린 랜들 먼로 시리즈가 더 강력해진 모습으로 돌아왔다. 신간 『아주 위험한 과학책』은 출간과 동시에 아마존 베스트셀러에 올랐고, 한국을 포함한 19개국에 판권이 수출되어 세계 곳곳의 독자들과 만나고 있다. 랜들 먼로에게 날아드는 질문들은 점점 위험하고 엉뚱해지고 있지만, 어떠한 질문에도 가장 과학적인 ...

Qué pasaría si... 2
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 371

Qué pasaría si... 2

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-09-01
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  • Publisher: AGUILAR

EL AUTOR BESTSELLER DE THE NEW YORK TIMES, DE ¿QUÉ PASARÍA SI...? Y EL EXPLICADOR DE COSAS, DA RESPUESTA A MÁS PREGUNTAS EXTRAÑAS QUE NUNCA IMAGINASTE HACER. Los millones de lectores en todo el mundo que amaron ¿Qué pasaría si...? todavía tienen preguntas y estas se están volviendo más extrañas. Por fortuna, Randall Munroe, el creador de xkcd, está aquí para ayudar. ¿Planeas hacer un viaje desde la Luna de regreso a la Tierra sobre un mástil de fuego? La parte más difícil es el aterrizaje. ¿Quieres enfriar el ambiente abriendo las puertas de todos los congeladores del mundo al mismo tiempo? Tal vez sea hora de una breve introducción a la termodinámica. ¿Quieres saber qu...

What if? 2 - Was wäre wenn?
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 340

What if? 2 - Was wäre wenn?

Der neue Bestseller von Randall Munroe! Die Erfolgsgeschichte von »What if?« geht weiter Randall Munroe legt nach. In der Fortsetzung seines internationalen Bestsellers »What if?« beantwortet er viele neue verrückte Fragen wissenschaftlich fundiert und umwerfend kreativ: Was wäre, wenn man an einer Feuerwehrstange vom Mond zur Erde rutschen würde? Wie viel Erdmasse müsste man umschichten, um 10 Kilo abzunehmen? Würde eine Schlange schweben, wenn sie einen Luftballon im Ganzen verschluckte? Und was wäre der sicherste Weg, einem Riesen die Mandeln herauszunehmen? Freuen wir uns auf neue absurde hypothetische Fragen und ihre höchst wissenschaftlichen Antworten – wie immer charmant illustriert mit den berühmten Strichzeichnungen des Meisters.

Desenvolvimento web com ASP.NET MVC
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 205

Desenvolvimento web com ASP.NET MVC

Especialmente nos últimos 5 anos, a web tornou-se um ambiente extremamente complexo do ponto de vista técnico. É claro que, em função disso, escrever boas aplicações para esse ambiente tornou-se um desafio interessante. Com o objetivo de criar um ecossistema de desenvolvimento mais saudável e produtivo, surgiram, neste período, diversas tecnologias (além das já previamente existentes, como PHP, por exemplo). A Microsoft fez sua parte e colocou no mercado um framework (respeitando um pattern já antigo - MVC) robusto para a construção de aplicações desta natureza, que privilegia a construção de boa arquitetura, a realização de testes, segurança e utilização de boas prát...