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Education Policy Strategies Today and Tomorrow Around the
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 526

Education Policy Strategies Today and Tomorrow Around the "Mare Balticum"

Knowledge and education are key factors for a successful future in modern, globalised times. This applies especially to the resource-poor Baltic Sea region and its small and medium sized enterprises. Without excellent qualified staff and executives they cannot compete on a global scale. The authors of this book - scientists, entrepreneurs and journalists - address the main problems of our education systems, ranging from schools to vocational training and universities. But not only do they analyse these diverse systems but also develop strategies for successfully meeting the challenges ahead of us.

Partnership-Based Governance and Standardization of Vocational Teacher Education in Ukraine
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 330

Partnership-Based Governance and Standardization of Vocational Teacher Education in Ukraine

This publication addresses the pressing issues of vocational teacher education (VTE), focusing on institutional, organizational and governance aspects. Firstly, it summarizes the results of the four-year Erasmus+ capacity-building project "New Mechanisms of Partnership-based Governance and Standardization of Vocational Teacher Education in Ukraine" (PAGOSTE), funded by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. The project's focus has been governance in VTE in Ukraine. Secondly, it goes beyond the narrow project context and explores challenges as well as good practices in VTE systems of other countries in and outside of Europe. Therefore, contributions from England, New Zealand, Australia, Italy, Germany, Austria and Switzerland complement the Ukrainian context and provide readers with a more comprehensive understanding of VTE systems.

Fit for Industry 4.0 - Innovative Learning and Teaching for Digitalization and Automation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 154

Fit for Industry 4.0 - Innovative Learning and Teaching for Digitalization and Automation

This volume presents a further training concept on Industry 4.0 for vocational teachers, which was developed for transnational use by the "Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit" (GIZ) together with SEAMEO VOCTECH (Regional Centre for Vocational and Technical Education and Training) and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) for transnational use. In connection with the thematic focus on digitalisation and the accompanying change in the world of work, innovative teaching and learning methods for self-reliant learning and the promotion of communicative and social competences are presented. In the transfer project, the professional and didactical competences of teachers and trainers are promoted. The volume is published in English.

International Journal of Vocational Education Studies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 181

International Journal of Vocational Education Studies

Vocational education studies is a relatively young academic discipline compared to other social sciences. The degree of professionalization and institutionalization of vocational education research varies greatly in different countries, as do approaches to vocational education and training. Since the importance of vocational education and training is increasing significantly, the need for academic exchange is also growing. The International Journal of Vocational Education Studies (IJVES) promotes academic exchange on current developments in vocational education and training worldwide. The second issue of IJVES focusses on the crucial theme of »Teacher and Trainer Education«. As the landscape of vocational education and training (VET) continues to evolve, the contributors explore and advance our understanding of the roles, challenges, and opportunities that VET teachers and trainers encounter. VET institutions and in-company training settings play a vital role in preparing individuals for the workforce and fostering lifelong learning.

Dimensions of validation of prior learning in Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 182

Dimensions of validation of prior learning in Europe

Im Fokus des Sammelbandes stehen Untersuchungen zur Anerkennung von nonformalem und informellem Wissen. Durch eine Validierung sollen neue Zugänge zum Arbeitsmarkt eröffnet und die Zusammenarbeit und Mobilität innerhalb der EU gestärkt werden. Hier setzt das Erasmus+-Projekt EffectVPL ("Effectiveness of VPL Policies und Programmes for Labour Market Inclusion and Mobility - Individual and Employer Perspectives", 2017-2019) an, dessen Ergebnisse in diesem Band vorgestellt werden. Ausgangspunkt des Projekts zum lebenslangen Lernen war die mangelhafte Anerkennung von Lernerfahrungen, die außerhalb institutioneller Kontexte gewonnen wurden. Im ersten Teil des Bandes werden die theoretischen Grundlagen vorgestellt, bevor die Autor:innen im zweiten Teil empirische Ergebnisse zu Untersuchungen in Polen, Dänemark, der Türkei und Deutschland präsentieren. Abschließend wurde ein Trainingsmodul entwickelt, das die Projektergebnisse für Lehrende in Europa aufbereitet.

Measuring Professional Knowledge
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 331

Measuring Professional Knowledge

In this book, we show the replacement of academic and vocational education, which is structured according to subject systems and oriented towards scientific knowledge, by vocational action knowledge. This work process knowledge is the basis for the acquisition of the design competence of vocational specialists, which is becoming increasingly important in the world of work. A modern knowledge concept based on vocational education is developed and documented. In the first part of the book the concept of vocational knowledge is developed, in the second part empirical results from COMET projects are documented, from which the vocational knowledge imparted in different occupations can be read. There has been a confusing discussion about vocational knowledge for decades. In 1991, the KMK agreed on a new concept for vocational education and training with the guiding idea of vocational design competence. It remained open on which vocational knowledge this new guiding idea should be based. Up to now there has been no original vocational pedagogical justification for the vocational knowledge on which vocational design competence is based.

Cognitive Requirement of Accounting Tasks
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 245

Cognitive Requirement of Accounting Tasks

Competence orientation has become a defining element of vocational education in German-speaking countries. In this context, tasks are considered the "transmission belts" to implement the reformed educational standards. In her dissertation the author takes a view on the systematic analysis of task characteristics as a method to inspect the degree of tasks' cognitive requirements. The theoretical-conceptual part of the dissertation gives a psychological and didactical justification of the principles underlying the tasks' cognitive requirement. The effects are analysed in two empirical studies. The first study takes a look on the basis of accounting tasks from Chinese vocational school textbooks, using the structuring content analysis (Mayring, 2008). The second empirical study inspects accounting teachers' perceptions and judgments by interviews. Based on the results, the author develops suggestions for the use of the concept of tasks' cognitive requirement in the didactic training of (prospective) teachers at commercial schools.

Kompetenzentwicklung im Masterstudium Wirtschaftspädagogik
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 465

Kompetenzentwicklung im Masterstudium Wirtschaftspädagogik

Ziel der Analyse ist die Professionalisierung von Lehrenden an berufsbildenden Schulen im Bereich des Rechnungswesens. Die Autorin stellt die Frage, wie sich das fachdidaktische Wissen und Können von Studierenden entwickelt. In einer Längsschnittstudie im Paneldesign wurden 2016 alle Studienanfänger:innen im Masterstudium Wirtschaftspädagogik an den Universitäten Graz, Innsbruck und Wien befragt. Die nächsten Erhebungen folgten vor und nach der schulpraktischen Phase. Anhand dieser Daten analysiert Elisabeth Riebenbauer mit einem Mixed-Methods-Ansatz die individuelle Entwicklung der Studierenden im Studienverlauf: Welche Lerngelegenheiten sie wahrnehmen, wie diese zum Kompetenzerwerb beitragen, wie Fachwissen, persönliche Merkmale und Vorerfahrungen die Fähigkeit zur Unterrichtsplanung beeinflussen. Die Befunde zeigen große individuelle Unterschiede bei den Lernfortschritten und liefern wertvolle Impulse für die Weiterentwicklung universitärer Lerngelegenheiten. Mit ihrer umfangreichen, längsschnittlichen Erhebung und Analyse schließt die Autorin eine Forschungslücke im Bereich der Lehrerbildung.

Economic Competence and Financial Literacy of Young Adults
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 236

Economic Competence and Financial Literacy of Young Adults

The authors take a detailed look at the economic competence and financial literacy of young adults, especially of those who start an apprenticeship or who take up their studies at a university. Economic competence and financial literacy are of special interest within this group, because these young people are – mostly for the fi rst time in their lives – responsible for autonomously managing their own fi nancial affairs and deal with economic challenges.