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"The book analyzes post-1980 films, texts, and digital media produced in collaboration with paid domestic workers or inspired by their experiences to explore such workers' sociocultural status and struggles"--
A coletânea de ensaios O Brasil Phantastiko no Cinema possui um foco na produção contemporânea dos gêneros fantasia, horror e ficção cientifica, com 9 autores que abordam a filmografia recente analisando obras como Bacurau, Nó do Diabo, Medida Provisória, e estabelecendo seus vínculos com a cultura brasileira e com a história do nosso cinema, em que a classificação de gêneros cinematográficos similares é sempre relegada a segundo plano, de forma discriminatória como parte do folclore ou apenas como obra de crítica social. O cinema de gênero brasileiro tem configurações próprias, e uma história que é relativamente recente, e que se faz presente em Reverberações do fa...
A partir dos anos 2000, uma nova geração de realizadores transformou os rumos do cinema brasileiro do período. Começaram nas garagens, com filmes de baixíssimo orçamento, totalmente à margem dos sistemas oficiais de legitimação, mas, pouco a pouco, suas obras foram alcançando reconhecimento artístico no Brasil e no exterior, como símbolo de ousadia, criatividade e juventude. Entre eles, destacam-se coletivos como a Teia (MG), o Alumbramento (CE) e a Filmes de Plástico (MG), e cineastas como Adirley Queirós, Affonso Uchoa, Gabriel Mascaro, Marco Dutra e Juliana Rojas, Felipe Bragança e Marina Meliande, Petrus Cariry, Allan Ribeiro, entre outros. Fruto da pesquisa de doutorado d...
Com o formato de entrevistas, o livro apresenta a trajetória artística de doze cineastas que nasceram no Ceará, mas que fizeram de diferentes lugares e referências seus universos cinematográficos. Ao longo de cada conversa, o entrevistado faz um balanço da sua trajetória e discute melhor seus temas e métodos, com pontos de autocrítica e perspectivas dos mais recentes e próximos projetos.
Cinema Explícito na leitura desse título, você, leitor, terá em mãos um dos mais completos estudos em língua portuguesa sobre as representações cinematográficas do sexo, dos stag films no cinema mudo às vanguardas artísticas, das pornografias alternativas ao mainstream à estilização do sexo no cinema de autor, que politizou e escandalizou o desejo por meio de narrativas ora transgressoras e libertárias, ora confinadas em discursos normativos sobre sexo. Para tanto, são aqui revistos criticamente os conceitos de obscenidade, pornografias e erotismo em face dos seus efeitos morais (cambiáveis por censuras e tabus), estéticos e ideológicos (pelos discursos em torno da imagem ...
The growth of China and its re-emergence as a major economic power has been a key feature of globalization in the twenty-first century. China has become an increasingly significant actor in the global economy and this is likely to continue in the foreseeable future. The implications of this for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) have been a source of major debate. This book examines the arguments, drawing on a growing body of research on China's economic involvement in SSA and LAC. It begins by considering the process of economic reform in China from the late 1970s that provided the basis for China's growing integration with the global economy. It considers fo...
This book contains the proceedings of the INternational CongRess on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI cEntury – INCREaSE 2019, which was held in Faro, Portugal, from October 09 to 11, 2019. The book promotes a multidisciplinary approach to sustainable development, exploring a number of transversal challenges. Among other topics it discusses Climate Changes and Environmental Protection; Renewable Energy; Energy Efficiency in Buildings; Green Governance and Mobility; Water for Ecosystem and Society; Healthy Food; Sustainable Construction; and Sustainable Tourism, offering perspectives from civil, electronics, mechanical, and food engineering.
Data Science for Business and Decision Making covers both statistics and operations research while most competing textbooks focus on one or the other. As a result, the book more clearly defines the principles of business analytics for those who want to apply quantitative methods in their work. Its emphasis reflects the importance of regression, optimization and simulation for practitioners of business analytics. Each chapter uses a didactic format that is followed by exercises and answers. Freely-accessible datasets enable students and professionals to work with Excel, Stata Statistical Software®, and IBM SPSS Statistics Software®. - Combines statistics and operations research modeling to teach the principles of business analytics - Written for students who want to apply statistics, optimization and multivariate modeling to gain competitive advantages in business - Shows how powerful software packages, such as SPSS and Stata, can create graphical and numerical outputs
Recent claims regarding convergence and divergence between land change science and political ecology as approaches to the study of human-environment relationships and sustainability science are examined and analyzed in this innovative volume. Comprised of 11 commissioned chapters as well as introductory and concluding/synthesis chapters, it advances the two fields by proposing new conceptual and methodological approaches toward integrating land change science and political ecology. The book also identifies areas of fundamental difference and disagreement between fields. These theoretical contributions will help a generation of young researchers refine their research approaches and will advance a debate among established scholars in geography, land-use studies, and sustainability science that has been developing since the early 2000s. At an empirical level, case studies focusing on sustainable development are included from Africa, Central and South America, and Southeast Asia. The specific topics addressed include tropical deforestation, swidden agriculture, mangrove forests, gender, and household issues.