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Television and Political Communication in the Late Soviet Union
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 295

Television and Political Communication in the Late Soviet Union

This study focuses on Soviet television audiences and examines their watching habits and the way they made use of television programs. Kirsten Bönker challenges the common misconception that viewers perceived Soviet television programming and entertainment culture as dull and formulaic. This study draws extensively on archival sources and oral history interviews to analyze how Soviet television involved audiences in political communication and how it addressed audiences’ emotional commitments to Soviet values and the Soviet way of life. Bönker argues that the Brezhnev era influenced political stability and brought an unprecedented rise of the living standards, creating new meanings for consumerism, the idea of the “home,” and private life among Soviet citizens. Exploring the concept of emotional bonding, this study engages broader discussions on the durability of the Soviet Union until perestroika.

Bankruptcy and Debt Collection in Liberal Capitalism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 337

Bankruptcy and Debt Collection in Liberal Capitalism

Debt as a social relation at the intersection of history and anthropology in the precarious economies of nineteenth-century liberalism

From Popular Liberalism to National Socialism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 270

From Popular Liberalism to National Socialism

’Long live liberty, equality, fraternity and dynamite’ So went the traditional slogan of the radical liberals in Greater Swabia, the south-western part of modern Germany. This book investigates the development of what the author terms ’popular liberalism’ in this region, in order to present a more nuanced understanding of political and cultural patterns in Germany up to the early 1930s. In particular, the author offers an explanation for the success of National Socialism before 1933 in certain regions of South Germany, arguing that the radical liberal sub-culture was not subsumed by the Nazi Party, but instead changed its form of representation. Together with the famous völkish frac...

Civic Continuities in an Age of Revolutionary Change, c.1750–1850
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 340

Civic Continuities in an Age of Revolutionary Change, c.1750–1850

This open access book explores the role of continuity in political processes and practices during the Age of Revolutions. It argues that the changes that took place in the years around 1800 were enabled by different types of continuities across Europe and in the Americas. With historians of modernity tending to emphasise the rise of the new, scholarship has leaned towards an assumption that existing modes of action, thought and practice simply became extinct, irrelevant or at least subordinate to new modes. In contrast, this collection examines continuities between early modern and modern political cultures and organization in Europe and the Americas. Shifting the focus from political modernization, the authors examine the continued relevance of older, often local, practices in (post)revolutionary politics. By doing so, they aim to highlight the role of local political traditions and practices in forging and enabling political change. The book argues that while political change was in fact at the centre of both the old and new polities that emerged in the Age of Revolutions, it coexisted with, and was indeed enabled by, continuities at other levels.

The Oxford Handbook of Modern German History
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 882

The Oxford Handbook of Modern German History

This is the first comprehensive, multi-author survey of German history that features cutting-edge syntheses of major topics by an international team of leading scholars. Emphasizing demographic, economic, and political history, this Handbook places German history in a denser transnational context than any other general history of Germany. It underscores the centrality of war to the unfolding of German history, and shows how it dramatically affected the development of German nationalism and the structure of German politics. It also reaches out to scholars and students beyond the field of history with detailed and cutting-edge chapters on religious history and on literary history, as well as t...

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 501


Die Geschichte des Begriffs »Politik« reicht bis in die Antike zurück. Seitdem hat sich seine Bedeutung vielfach gewandelt und ausdifferenziert. Was »Politik« bedeutete und was als »politisch« bezeichnet wurde, veränderte sich je nach der historischen Situation des Wortgebrauchs. An den Beispielen Deutschland, Frankreich, England und Russland untersuchen die Autorinnen und Autoren des Bandes diesen semantischen Wandel für die Zeit vom 17. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Dabei entwickeln sie eine neue, umfassende Begriffsgeschichte des Politischen. Ausgezeichnet von H-Soz-u-Kult "Das Historische Buch 2009", Offene Kategorie (3. Platz).

War in an Age of Revolution, 1775-1815
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 441

War in an Age of Revolution, 1775-1815

The essays in this volume examine the historical place of revolutionary warfare on both sides of the Atlantic, focusing on the degree to which they extended practices common in the eighteenth century or introduced fundamentally new forms of warfare.

Sehnsucht nach Nähe
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 248

Sehnsucht nach Nähe

Wie Personen miteinander kommunizierten, war von zentraler Bedeutung fur die deutsche Geschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Denn es pragte das Verhaltnis von Privatheit und Offentlichkeit und damit auch soziale Beziehungen und Politik. Die Sehnsucht, in einer modernen Welt die Uberschaubarkeit kommunikativer Naheverhaltnisse zu bewahren, war verbreitet und deshalb brisant, weil sie in Deutschland lange Zeit nicht von einer demokratischen Kultur aufgefangen werden konnte. Der Band behandelt ein neues und methodisch interessantes Forschungsfeld, wobei das Spektrum von Geruchten im fruhen 19. Jahrhundert uber die nationalsozialistische Umgestaltung des Nachbarschaftslebens bis zu aktuellen Tendenzen der Online-Kommunikation reicht. "... the authors have produced an important and stimulating book. They have taken the discussion of the historical underpinnings of our interpersonal communication to a new level." H-Net Reviews "... a highly stimulating, in some places brilliant, introduction to the history of communication in modern Germany that deserves a wide readership." German History

Politisierung oder Verrechtlichung?
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 269

Politisierung oder Verrechtlichung?

Befördern Verfassungsgerichte eine Verrechtlichung der Politik? Oder leisten sie einer Politisierung des Rechts Vorschub? Solche Kontroversen begleiteten auch das Bundesverfassungsgericht, seitdem es 1951 seine Tätigkeit aufgenommen hatte. Das Buch zeigt, wie das Gericht seinen Anspruch auf Deutungshoheit über das Grundgesetz in der Auseinandersetzung mit konkurrierenden Akteuren betonte.

Monarchy, Myth, and Material Culture in Germany 1750-1950
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 451

Monarchy, Myth, and Material Culture in Germany 1750-1950

A fascinating study of how ordinary German subjects collected and consumed royal relics and memorabilia.