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Bridge Engineering: A Global Perspective is a comprehensive review of how we create and maintain bridges - one of the most vital yet vulnerable parts of our infrastructure - and how we got where we are today.Its 800 illustrated pages in full colourprovide a unique and authoritative reference for practitioners, researchers and students alike on the state-of-the-art of bridge engineering world-wide, from local community footbridges to vast multi-modal crossings between nations.
This volume gathers 19 papers first presented at the 5th International Symposium of the ICA Commission on the History of Cartography, which took place at the University of Ghent, Belgium on 2-5 December 2014. The overall conference theme was 'Cartography in Times of War and Peace', but preference was given to papers dealing with the military cartography of the First World War (1914-1918). The papers are classified by period and regional sub-theme, i.e. Military Cartography from the 18th to the 20th century; WW I Cartography in Belgium, Central Europe, etc.
Following the tradition and style of the acclaimed Index Islamicus, the editors have created this new Bibliography of Art and Architecture in the Islamic World. The editors have surveyed and annotated a wide range of books and articles from collected volumes and journals published in all European languages (except Turkish) between 1906 and 2011. This comprehensive bibliography is an indispensable tool for everyone involved in the study of material culture in Muslim societies.
This book provides an understanding of the fundamental theories and practice behind the creation of architectural structures. It aids the development of an intuitive understanding of structural engineering, bringing together technical and design issues. The book is divided into four sections: 'Structures in nature' looks at structural principles found in natural objects. 'Theory' covers general structural theory as well as explaining the main forces in engineering. 'Structural prototypes' includes examples of modelmaking and load testing that can be carried out by students. The fourth section, 'Case studies', presents a diverse range of examples from around the world – actual buildings that apply the theories and testing described in the previous sections. This accessible, informative text is illustrated with specially drawn diagrams, models, CAD visualizations, construction details and photographs of completed buildings. This book will give students and newly qualified architects a firm grasp of this essential topic.
Geohistorical sources, among which are those of the catastral and paracatastral type, generally have greater heterogeneity and typological variety than in their current versions. Thus, research with geohistorical sources, approached from multiple disciplines (Geography, History, Art, Anthropology, Environmental Sciences, Urban Planning, Architecture, Demography...) represents a great boost for the analysis, knowledge and study of the territory, of landscapes and society from a spatiotemporal perspective. This publication with the title Geohistorical sources, new technologies, new challenges was born from the 1st lnternational Congress of Geohistorical Sources: territory and society in time w...
Las fuentes geohistóricas, entre las que se encuentran las de tipo catastral y paracatastral, poseen generalmente una heterogeneidad y variedad tipológica mayor que en sus versiones actuales. Así pues, la investigación con fuentes geohistóricas, abordada desde múltiples disciplinas (Geografía, Historia, Arte, Antropología, Ciencias ambientales, Urbanismo, Arquitectura, Demografía...) supone un gran impulso para el análisis, el conocimiento y el estudio del territorio, de los paisajes y de la sociedad desde una perspectiva espaciotemporal. Esta publicación con el título Raíces profundas. Un viaje por las fuentes geohistóricas hasta la Ilustración nace del I Congreso Internacion...
O livro Sistemas estruturais é dividido em: estruturas na natureza - descrição de algumas das formas estruturais comumente encontradas; esboços de teoria - uma teoria geral de Estruturas e Sistemas Estruturais aplicada ao ambiente construído; protótipos estruturais - métodos de desenvolvimento e ensaio de formas estruturais, com instruções práticas de produção de modelos, protótipos em tamanho natural e modelagem computacional; e estudos de caso - uma seleção de figuras-chave envolvidas na evolução da engenharia de estruturas e forma construída, desde meados do século XIX até os dias atuais. O objetivo deste livro é possibilitar que estudantes de arquitetura possam desenvolver um entendimento intuitivo de engenharia de estruturas, para que, a longo prazo, sejam capazes de conduzir diálogos produtivos com engenheiros. Espera-se ainda que sirva como uma valiosa referência tanto para a arquitetura como para a engenharia.
Esta obra transita por la contemporaneidad para mostrarnos la transformación de las fuentes geohistóricas y catastrales a nivel nacional e internacional. Dicha documentación adquiere cada vez más importancia en el ámbito científico dado su potencial y versatilidad, pues afecta directamente a la configuración de los espacios, su comprensión y evolución histórica desde dinámicas sociales, económicas y geopolíticas. Los estudios aquí reunidos abarcan una gran variedad de usos con dichas fuentes geohistóricas, centrándose en aspectos como: la despoblación, el análisis medioambiental y las transformaciones en los usos del suelo, la evolución de la propiedad agraria, la defensa de los territorios, los cambios socioeconómicos de espacios complejos, la evolución de los espacios urbanos, la conformación, estructura y catalogación de los volúmenes documentales, las nuevas funciones turísticas y su impacto en los valores catastrales. Por ello, esta obra supone un punto de inflexión y abre una nueva ventana a la innovación y el conocimiento en el campo de las fuentes geohistóricas y sus aplicaciones a nivel nacional e internacional.