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This book evaluates and suggests potentially critical improvements to causal set theory, one of the best-motivated approaches to the outstanding problems of fundamental physics. Spacetime structure is of central importance to physics beyond general relativity and the standard model. The causal metric hypothesis treats causal relations as the basis of this structure. The book develops the consequences of this hypothesis under the assumption of a fundamental scale, with smooth spacetime geometry viewed as emergent. This approach resembles causal set theory, but differs in important ways; for example, the relative viewpoint, emphasizing relations between pairs of events, and relationships between pairs of histories, is central. The book culminates in a dynamical law for quantum spacetime, derived via generalized path summation.
The air pollution problem inevitably accompanies our human activities. Severe air pollution situations have been reported, especially in emerging countries, and satisfying the air quality standards fully remains an underlying issue. Today, modeling research is one of the more valuable approaches to understanding the behavior of air pollutants, and is useful for regulation-, policy- and decision-making. Such modeling applications range, with regard to horizontal grid resolution, from a few km (local) to hundreds of km (regional), to thousands of km (global). To foster our current scientific knowledge on modeling potentialities and limitations, scientific research related to multi-scale air pollution modeling is collected in this book.
A radical new view of the nature of time and the cosmos—“at once entertaining, thought-provoking, fabulously ambitious and fabulously speculative” (The New York Times Book Review). What is time? This deceptively simple question is the single most important problem facing science as we probe deeper into the fundamentals of the universe. All of the mysteries physicists and cosmologists face—from the Big Bang to the future of the universe, from the puzzles of quantum physics to the unification of forces and particles—come down to the nature of time. The fact that time is real may seem obvious. You experience it passing every day when you watch clocks tick, bread toast, and children gr...
Teksty opracowane na potrzeby monografii, o łącznej liczbie 26 rozdziałów, zostały pogrupowane w 9 bloków tematycznych: państwo i sektor publiczny, bezpieczeństwo publiczne, służba zdrowia, technologia informatyczna, zamówienia publiczne, finanse publiczne, zasoby ludzkie, doskonalenie zarządzania organizacjami publicznymi oraz koncepcje i metody zarządzania publicznego.
This book promotes a historically and culturally sensitive understanding of trauma during and after World War II. Focusing especially on Eastern and Central Europe, its contributors take a fresh look at the experiences of violence and loss in 1939–45 and their long-term effects in different cultures and societies. The chapters analyze traumatic experiences among soldiers and civilians alike and expand the study of traumatic violence beyond psychiatric discourses and treatments. While acknowledging the problems of applying a present-day medical concept to the past, this book makes a case for a cultural, social and historical study of trauma. Moving the focus of historical trauma studies fro...
This volume is composed of extensive and detailed notes from the lectures given at the 40th Karpacz Winter School. This school focussed on quantum gravity phenomenology with emphasis on its relation to observational astrophysics and cosmology. These notes have been carefully edited with the aim to give advanced students and young researchers a balanced and accessible introduction to a rather heavily mathematical subject.
Prawdziwa opowieść o bezprecedensowej zbrodni w historii światowej kryminalistyki – brutalnym zabójstwie i oskórowaniu Katarzyny Z., studentki z Krakowa. Zapis dziennikarskiego śledztwa szukającego odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy o to brutalne zabójstwo został oskarżony niewinny człowiek? Kto kryje prawdziwego sprawcę zbrodni? Katarzyna Z. zaginęła 12 listopada 1998 roku. Niemal osiem tygodni później w śrubę płynącego po Wiśle statku wkręciła się ludzka skóra. Ktoś precyzyjnie zdjął ją z całego korpusu, po czym wrzucił do rzeki. Badania DNA wykazały, że szczątki należały do zaginionej kobiety. Po czterech miesiącach śledczy odebrali telefon od mężczyzny, ...
Forensic Medicine is an old medical discipline defined as “that science, which teaches the application of every branch of medical knowledge to the purpose of the law” (Alfred Swaine Taylor). Forensic Medicine deals with medical evidence not only in practice but also in research and furthermore all legal essentials in health care especially for doctors are part of teaching, training and research. Several steps in the development of Forensic Medicine can be distinguished: At first the use of medical knowledge for legal and public purposes.Secondly the compulsory medical testimony for the guidance of judges.Thirdly the professionalization as an own academic discipline. The development and e...
Są to reminescencje związane z wielkim artystą i dramaturgiem Tadeuszem Kantorem, który jak się okazuje ma rodzinne związki z Podkarpaciem, w tym ziemią mielecką, z która od ponad czterdziestu jest związany autor książki. Jednak publikacja sięga wcześniej, jeszcze do krakowskich czasów studenckich, w tym śmierci studenta UJ Stanisława Pyjasa w 1977 r., któremu autor poświęcił specjalną „elegię”, potem był spektakl „Umarła klasa” i kolejne okruchy Kantora, sięgające aż do czasów współczesnych, gdzie pojawia się Kraków, Mielec i rodzinne Wielopole, które Kantor rozsławił na całym świecie. Książka jest też niewielką cząstką, można powiedzieć okruchem w licznej Kantorografii i miłośnicy oraz sympatycy Kantora powinni włączyć ją do swoich zbiorów.
This volume presents a comprehensive overview of gender archaeology, both theory and practice, and contributes a substantial and definitive reference work by bringing together state-of-the-art research, theoretical overviews, and the latest debates in the field. Responding to the shifts in the theoretical landscape and the societal and political frameworks within which we produce our knowledge, chapters create both a solid theoretical baseline which help readers grasp the significance of gender in archaeology as well as offer perspectives on how to engender produced knowledge about the past. In line with recent focus on the shortcomings of gender and archaeological representation, chapters a...