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A Japanese photographer's meditation on the alienated spaces we build for animals Tomoko Kawai (born 1977) is a Japanese artist based in Berlin. In this series of photographs, she captures zoos and other environments in which animals and plants are staged, highlighting their contradictions and eeriness.
A staple of postwar academic writing, “nationalism” is a contentious and often unanalyzed abstraction. It is generally treated as something “imagined,” “fashioned,” and “disseminated,”as an idea located in the mind, in printed matter, on maps, in symbols such as flags and anthems, and in collective memory. Between Frontiers restores the nation to the social field from which it hasbeen abstracted by looking at how the concept shapes the existenceof people in border zones, where they live between nations. Noboru Ishikawa grounds his discussion of border zones in materials gathered during two years of archival research and fieldwork relating to the boundary that separates Malays...
A pioneer in the synthesis of science, holistic health, and contemporary spirituality, Dr. Patricia Muehsam introduces and explores a path to health and well-being that is extraordinary in its ease and profound in its results. This groundbreaking work explores what health and healing — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual — really mean and offers a revolutionary new way to think about health. You’ll discover experiences of illness and healing that defy conventional thinking, explore the ancient wisdom and the modern science of consciousness, and learn practical tools for experiencing Absolute Health — which are also tools for navigating being human.
This book addresses the developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD), a new medical concept that demonstrates that various adult diseases start in the fetal period. It discusses our current understanding of the molecular mechanisms of DOHaD, including gene body epigenetics and non-coding RNA, and comprehensively examines diseases such type 2 diabetes, a well known as standard DOHaD-associated disease, as well as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, hypertension and neurodevelopmental disorders. It argues that most adult diseases start at a very early stage, such as in the fetal and neonatal periods, and that earlier prevention and intervention would result in better outcomes for adult diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiac disorders, which are increasing in both developed and developing countries. The book appeals to obstetricians and pediatricians, as well as physicians who treat adult patients, wanting to understand the origins of diseases.
This volume is the first comprehensive study of one of the most important collections of oriental manuscripts in early modern Europe which belonged to Thomas Erpenius (d. 1624), the renowned Dutch Arabist, orientalist and the first Chair of Arabic Studies at Leiden University. It reconstructs his personal library which was the center of scholarly debates for centuries, full of rare and sometimes unique materials. Widely known as a rich source of Muslim literature and Asian languages, the collection was purchased by George Villiers, the 1st Duke of Buckingham (d. 1628) and ultimately donated by his widow, Katherine Villiers, to Cambridge University Library in June 1632. This volume provides detail on Erpenius’ life and career, his manuscript collections and their reception and preservation in Cambridge. Furthermore, the author challenges the idea of European orientalism by redefining the role of Erpenius in in shaping academic study of the Orient and ‘organic’ orientalism in the West.
定番料理を“ホムパ仕様”にアレンジしたり、テーブルを囲んで料理を手巻きする“ライブ感”を楽しんだり、ホームパーティ成功の秘訣はちょっとした仕掛けにあり。 料理家がおもてなしでヘビロテするレシピや、前菜からデザートまでせいろで作る蒸し料理のコース、ホムパのごちそうが簡単に作れる調味料が活躍するレシピなど、バラエティ豊かにホムパの盛り上げ術を提案。 ※電子書版本與紙本雜誌的內容會有一部分不同。 有時電子書會不包含紙本上所刊載的封面或是目錄上的文字、圖片、廣告、附錄。另外,本期雜誌刊載的資訊,原則上為版權頁上所標示的出版日期當時的資訊。 ※電子書籍版は、紙の雑誌とは内容が一部異なり、表紙画像や目次に掲載している記事、画像、広告、付録が含まれない場合があります。また、本誌掲載の情報は、原則として奥付に表記している発行時のものです。
話題のパンのためなら、行列だってなんのその。 次々と誕生するベーカリーのなかから自分好みのパンを探し求めて歩く、 フーディーたちがささやく“おいしい噂”を大検証。 「あのパンはわざわざ並んでも体験したい」「パンの陳列がすごいらしい」 「クリームパンとあんパンがアツいって」「次はキューバサンドが流行る?」…。 そんな、最旬のパンにまつわる早耳情報が大集合。 とどまるところを知らないパンへの情熱がますます高まる いま食べたいパンが満載の大特集! ※電子書版本與紙本雜誌的內容會...
家で繰り返し食べたくなるイタリアンは、素材の味わいを生かしたシンプルな料理。 例えば、ミニマルな材料や工程で作れるパスタや、野菜のおつまみ……。 とはいえ、ただの手抜きじゃない。手間なく作れる工夫がありながら、 おいしさのための秘訣が隠されているのが、イタリア流のシンプルクッキング。 トマトソースは煮込まず、トマトのフレッシュ感を生かすためスピード勝負で。 材料をフードプロセッサーで混ぜて完成する、イタリア郷土の味。 知っているようで知らない、技ありシンプルレシピを人気...