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Building Better Social Programs situates evidence-based policymaking with respect to the welfare state, describes key organizations driving the evidence-based movement, and proposes innovations designed to extend benefits to the working class. In addition to providing case studies of cost-effective programs delivering positive outcomes, this volume will include interviews with luminaries who have propelled the evidence-based policy movement.
Subkultuure võib käsitleda kui ühiskonna eesliini ja katsepolügooni, samuti võib neid näha Lääne massikultuuri ekspansioonina Eestis. Subkultuure võib vaadelda kui hirmutavat ja hälbivat vastuhakku. Aga neid võib käsitleda ka kultuuri avangardi või pärisosana. Vastilmunud raamatu puhul on tegemist sotsioloogilise lähenemisega subkultuuridele nii teoreetiliselt kui ka empiiriliselt. Kogumikus on analüüsitud üsna erinevaid nähtusi – artistide loomingulisest eneseväljendusest ja ühiskonnakriitikast kuni seadusega pahuksis olevate teismeliste vägivalla kontrollimisel põhinevate suhtlusnormideni. Kogumiku üheks eesmärgiks on olnud täita termin „subkultuurid” eesti keeles sisuga ning seepärast on kaasatud erinevad nähtused, mida subkultuuriks nimetada võib. Raamat algab teoreetiliste käsitlustega, aga koosneb lõviosas empiirilistel uurimustel põhinevatest artiklitest, mis räägivad subkultuuriliste stiilide kohanemisest Eestis, subkultuuri ja kultuuri piiridest ning struktuuride mõjust subkultuuridele.
Brings together papers from international experts on evidence-informed policy in education from a wide range of OECD countries to look at the issues facing educational policy makers, researchers, and stakeholders – teachers, media, parents – in using evidence to best effect.
"The landscape for education has been rapidly changing in the last years: demographic changes affecting the makeup of families, multiple school options available to children, wealth disparities, the global economy demanding new skills from workers, and continued breakthroughs in technology are some of the factors impacting education. Given these changes, how can schools continue to prepare students for the future? In a world where information is readily available online, how can schools continue to be relevant? The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has exacerbated the need to have these conversations. Its impact on education and the multiple possibilities that it offers are putting p...
This book reviews the evaluation research literature that has accumulated around 19 K-12 mathematics curricula and breaks new ground in framing an ambitious and rigorous approach to curriculum evaluation that has relevance beyond mathematics. The committee that produced this book consisted of mathematicians, mathematics educators, and methodologists who began with the following charge: Evaluate the quality of the evaluations of the thirteen National Science Foundation (NSF)-supported and six commercially generated mathematics curriculum materials; Determine whether the available data are sufficient for evaluating the efficacy of these materials, and if not; Develop recommendations about the design of a project that could result in the generation of more reliable and valid data for evaluating such materials. The committee collected, reviewed, and classified almost 700 studies, solicited expert testimony during two workshops, developed an evaluation framework, established dimensions/criteria for three methodologies (content analyses, comparative studies, and case studies), drew conclusions on the corpus of studies, and made recommendations for future research.